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Everything posted by chicagoskydiver

  1. What happens if you get that bad spot and land in Mexico? Hackey
  2. I think Ross is the father. Hackey
  3. Eye lurned frum thu Younivurcity uf Illinoy at Chicawgo. Eye sumtymes ewes cat chess thu miss steaks eye kin knot sea. Hackey
  4. They had my name mispelled also. Just contact them with the correct spelling and they'll send you a new card. It happens. Eye make spelling miss steaks awl thu tyme! Hackey
  5. chicagoskydiver

    Bra Jump

    WOW! Those are some awesome pics! I especially liked the ones of the exit. It's not too often you get to do something you love and raise money for a great cause! Hackey
  6. When you get your license, you can have uspa send you a new membership card with your license number on it, but it costs like $20. Same with every license after that, but I think the $20 I paid for the B license was a processing fee which I would have paid anyway. When you get the B license, you'll want to have it on your membership card if you want to do night jumps because it's proof that you hold the license. Hackey
  7. LOL! Pammi, you rock!!! Hackey
  8. No, I think you're the one who needs to chill newbie. "So you basically throw around terms but can't explain the meanings - would that be right??" Um, excuse me? If you don't like the answer you get or the advice given, you can ignore it, and I'm sure if you would give Donna a chance to get back to you on it, she would be glad to explain. We don't like flamers here, you can take that crap to rec.skydiving. Hackey
  9. I'm totally in agreement with Pyke here. "It aint no damn democracy!" pretty much sums it up and it's something that's unique to, as opposed to using some other skydiving quote that's not very original anyway. Hackey
  10. I'm definitely interested! I also think that only people who are registered on should be allowed to order one. That way we pretty much know that whoever is wearing one is a skydiver. I would also like to submit the following slogan - "Why do I jump from a perfectly good airplane? Because I can!" Hackey
  11. I'm planning a trip to Skydive Spaceland to visit a friend in either late January or early February! And I know what a "whataburger" is...I lived in Sugarland about 20 years ago. I also know what a Jack in the Box is. Hackey
  12. I agree that once they recieved the money, that money becomes theirs, and the fact that it was stolen is their loss. They owe you the suit, you paid for it, they recieved the check. If they don't make good on it, I would like to know who this person is so I can be sure to never do business with that person. Hackey
  13. I see it advertised on ebay all the time. Just go to ebay and search under skydiving and chances are someone is selling it. Hackey
  14. Hey Marc, I was there on Saturday also. If you're ever by again, look me up! It's a pretty small DZ, manifest knows who everyone is. By the way, were you ever a medic in the army? I was for three years (ambulance driver). Hackey
  15. I agree with cyberskydive that Chicagoland Skydiving in Hinkley, IL is a really cool place. I've only been there once, but the one time I was there I felt like it was my home DZ. Everyone there treated me like one of their own. My home DZ is Skydive Illinois. Hey cyberskydive I wish you could have been here on a weekend instead! It's totally different than during the week. If you ever stop by again on a weekend, look for me. Just ask for Hackey. I think just about any dz you go to is going to be cool, because skydivers are cool! Like everything else, some are going to be better than others, but every skydiver feels their home dz is special. Like the saying goes...there's no place like home. Hackey
  16. This all seems like pretty good advice except one thing you should keep in mind. When you're practicing your tracking, make sure your doing it in a direction perpendicular with jump run and keep a good eye on what's below you. That way there's no chance of tracking into someone else's airspace which can happen very easily if you're doing a long track. Oh, by the way, do I get royalties for that tag? LOL Hackey
  17. I had LASIK in January of this year and I have had no problems with it skydiving whatsoever. It's true that your vision will fluctuate a little for at least a couple months but it will get better over time. The important thing is to keep using those eye drops and follow your doctor's advice. Hackey
  18. Here's my take on it. It is wide open, but it's completely surrounded by landing hazards that aren't present at the dz...stands and spectators mainly. No room to have an off landing here, and we've all had one at one time or another. Plus, I would think that the likelihood of turbulence would be much greater inside a stadium, which gives you a smaller landing area if you want to stay away from it. Also, I think another concern is that the crowd watching a demo at a stadium typically expects pin point accuracy, so I would guess being a good accuracy jumper is important for good PR. I may be totally off base, but those are my thoughts on the matter. Hackey
  19. OK, here's the standard disclaimer. This post is meant to be funny. I do not want to offend anyone from the south. With that in mind.... HICKBONICS The Association of Southern Schools has decided to pursue some of the seemingly endless taxpayer dollars pipelined through Washington by designating Southern slang, or Hickbonics, as a language to be taught in all Southern schools. A speaker of this language would be a Hickophone. The following are excerpts from the Hickbonics/Englishdictionary: HEIDI - (noun) -Greeting. HIRE YEW - Complete sentence. Remainder of greeting. Usage: Heidi, Hire yew? BARD - (verb) - Past tense of the infinitive to borrow Usage: Mah brother bard mah pickup truck. JAWJUH - (noun) - The State north of Florida. Capitol is Lanner. (Atlanta) Usage: Mah brother from Jawjuh bard mah pickup truck. BAMMER - (noun) - The State west of Jawjuh. Capitol is Berminhayum. Usage: A tornader jes went through Bammer an left $20,000,000 in improvements. MUNTS - (noun) - A calendar division. Usage: Mah brother from Jawjuh bard my pickup truck, and I aint herd from him in munts. THANK - (verb) - Ability to cognitively process. Usage: Ah thank ahll have a bare. BARE - (noun) - An alcoholic beverage made of barley, hops, and yeast. Usage: Ah thank ahll have a bare. IGNERT - (adjective) - Not smart. See Arkansas native. Usage: Them bammer boys sure are ignert RANCH - (noun) - A tool used for tightnin bolts. Usage: I thank I left mah ranch in the back of that pickup truck mah brother from Jawjuh bard a few munts ago. ALL - (noun) - A petroleum-based lubricant. Usage: I sure hope mah brother from Jawjuh puts all in mah pickup truck. FAR - (noun) - A conflagration. Usage: If mah brother from Jawjuh dont change the all in mah pickup truck, that things gonna catch far. TAR - (noun) - A rubber wheel. Usage: Gee, I hope that brother of mine from Jawjuh dont git a flat tar in my pickup truck. TIRE - (noun) - A tall monument. Usage: Lord willin and the crick don't rise, I sure do hope to see that there Eiffel Tire in Paris sometime. RETARD - (verb) - To stop working. Usage: Mah grampaw retard at age 65. FAT - (noun), (verb) - a battle or combat; to engage in battle or combat. Usage: You younguns keep fatn, n ahm gonna whup yuh. RATS - (noun) - Entitled power or privilege. Usage: We Southerners are willin to fat for are rats. FARN - (adjective) - Not domestic. Usage: I cuddint unnerstand a wurd he sed...must be from some farn country. DID - (adjective) - Not alive. Usage: Hes did, Jim. EAR - (noun) - A colourless, odourless gas: Oxygen. Usage: He caint breathe...give im some ear. ASS - (noun) - frozen water. Usage: Mah te's gettin warm. Put a couple ofasscubes init. Te - (noun) - a beverage usually derived from leaves steeped in hot water. Usage: Ah shore like assed te. BOB WAR - (noun) - A sharp, twisted cable. Usage: Boy, stay away from that bob war fence. JEW HERE - (noun) and (verb) contraction. Usage: Jew here that my brother from Jawjuh got a job with that bob war fence cumpny? HAZE - a contraction. Usage: Is Bubba smart? Nah...haze ignert. He aint thanked but a minnit n is laf. SEED - (verb) - past tense of to see. Usage: Ah seed it with mah own ahes. GUBMINT - (noun) - A bureaucratic institution. Usage: Them gubmint boys shore is ignert. HAIL - (noun) -1. Place you go if you don't lead a good life. 2. An expression of disgust. Usage: Aw hail! Hackey
  20. LMAO!!! Thanks for the laugh! Hackey
  21. Congrats Slappie! Keep kickin' ass! You have the best JM, I know because Kris was my JM for most of my student jumps! Keep it up! Hackey
  22. Date Location Category Age # Jumps AAD?/RSL? 8/18/01 Hollister, CA LAND 30 ~80 Yes / Yes Description: After opening far from the DZ, this jumper attempted to make it back to the primary landing area, but was unable to do so. He had to find a place to land in a bad area with steep hills and obstacles. He turned low over a hilltop, avoided a house and downwind/downhill landing, but hit a steep hillside at full speed. He was found quite soon, without a pulse and was given CPR. He passed away shortly after due to massive head trauma. The person he jumped with turned around at 1200' and made it to an open area to land. Lessons: Once under canopy, it's essential to select a good landing area if the primary target isn't reachable. It is far better to land out and safe, than to try to make the DZ and be forced into a tough landing situation. One report indicates he was known to "stick to plan A" in climbing situations, even when signs may have been pointing otherwise. It is important to have the right amount of flexibility in your plans, particularly when sticking to them increases your chance of injury for a small reward. Lack of experience is also a clear contributor to this event; off-DZ landings are much more stressful as a new jumper. This is the report from Barry Brummit's Skydiving Faltalities page. This really underscores the need to divert to an alternate if you think there is any chance you won't make it back. Nobody will ever fault you for choosing a good safe alternate landing area. It happens to all of us, and a good canopy pilot will know when it's time to go to an alternate area. The sooner you make this decision, the greater the possibilities! It looks like this jumper made this decision too late and he was left with no good options. You may get a little teasing for landing out, but that's all it is! Please, remember the second golden rule of safe not close!!! Blue Skies!! Hackey
  23. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone else may think that a canopy is really ugly, but if it's over my head saving my life, it's beautiful. Hackey
  24. I saw a show like the one you're talking about on TLC (the learning channel). It was based in part on research conducted by a Dr. Eric Noble - if I remember his name right. It was really interesting. Some research actually suggests that there are genetic influences at work when it comes to thrill seeking and novelty seeking. I think in general, the research shows that most so called "thrill seekers" share the following characteristics: 1. A high degree of thrill seeking and novelty seeking (duh). 2. They tend to be disorganized or disorderly. 3. They tend to be very sociable, gregarious individuals. 4. They're above average in abstract ability and intelligence. 5. They're very persistent. When they make up their mind to do something, come heaven, hell or high water they do it. 6. They are often very unexcited about life. The only time they really come alive is during the thrill seeking activity. 7. They're natural born "rule breakers". If you tell a thrill seeker that they can't do this or can't do that, they just view it as a challenge or as another rule to be broken. That's about all I remember. How accruate do you think this is? Hackey
  25. I just recently did my live water training at Skydive Illinois in Morris, near SDC, at a local hotel swimming pool. I'm not sure when they will offer it again, but you can call them at 800-freefall to find out. I'm sure SDC offers it frequently also, maybe you could email Roger at [email protected] to find out. Hackey