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Everything posted by swedishcelt

  1. S.A.P.S. Skydivers Against Pink Shit Even the Pink Mafia? Can't do it, no- sorry. I am part of the Skydiver's against squirrels clique. Membership, probably just me.
  2. I just got rid of the crap during my last move and now I clean and neaten one room each night during the week.
  3. I think it's time to bring this old favorite out. There is really just nothing else to say on this topic.
  4. I like the frozen birdie story one, "Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy and not everyone who pulls you out of it is your friend..." http://homepage.tinet.ie/~nobyrne/happy.html Does thet go for Squirrels too? No. I still have a deep prejudice against the squirrels.
  5. I like the frozen birdie story one, "Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy and not everyone who pulls you out of it is your friend..." http://homepage.tinet.ie/~nobyrne/happy.html
  6. Yeah, but I didn't get a chance to kick your behind at air hockey.
  7. You're here? I would have cooked you dinner! What's up with the stealth visit Mr.!!
  8. Miles to burn? St. Martins... Um... those toes are kind of looking sexy now all of sudden. You know, little Swedishcelts are great vacation partners.
  9. We're very happy for you. We are.
  10. Did you guys DD me last night? Aww. That's so sweet. I'm honored!
  11. We don't want no stinkin' cliches!!!
  12. Feel better! I've been worried about you!
  13. well... after that many units it that short of time...i think she should go out and par-take in the action that may result in pregnancey (protection/prevention measures in place of coarse) and enjoy a few days off....ummm, if you know what i mean. I'm just happy I got all my work done.
  14. I'm done!! Woo hoo! I did it! 30 credits in 12 months while still working full time. I get a shiny new piece of paper.
  15. Oh please, that's nothing compared to the demands of some. You just have no idea until you've worked with some... Barry Manilow demands that the pressure be turned up on all the water in a place so when he flushes he doesn't have to ever smell his own poo. Some stars demand that the theatre rooms be washed down with seltzer water no matter how well it's been clean. Another requires anything made or from an animal be banned from theatre no matter what it is... or who is eating it or wearing it... there is just no accounting for the waste and madness of a famous person. Talk about green or the stress on the environment we each create, check out how much trash people like Madonna leave? 100,000's of tons compared to our 7-10 tons.
  16. swedishcelt

    I'm tired

    I had fun! I went to NYC and played with friends.
  17. I never learned to ride a bike. Ever.
  18. Did you send moobies or just a favorite pic of boobies.
  19. My um... English degree is dualed with a Secondary Education so it is a Bachelor of Science. Science snob.
  20. How many people DD you guys? And do you send everyone picture of your dog?
  21. Hey! Email or call Cathlene!! She was a high school Math teacher and basketball coach! She probably knows people!!
  22. Squeak actually is a very good educator and a hugely invaluable resource.