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Everything posted by swedishcelt

  1. Teddy bear yes, I would say that... As far as responding to the original post, I love men with long hair... if it has a masculine and up to date style. His hair (the poster) is beautiful and seems healthy. I would personally suggest though, if he were a friend of mine to get a more up to date look. That would make him hot to women and possibly men too!
  2. That would really suck in a family or house where there was only one bathroom. One would have to be stuck on the toilet until feeling better! Ick!!
  3. We love it when you sexy talk you SFB you.
  4. I watched a funnel cloud on my way here from my car while driving. It was in a dirt road and was cool looking. I just kept driving. I called a couple friends to talk to them about it. Was funny cause my reception and XM radio would cut out when it appeared I was closer to the cloud. My kitties were freaking out too. What a racket!!
  5. My friend who was a nanny got her job and on the first day had a virus that followed a night of drinking. She sneeze farted, jet-propel diarrhea pooped, smelled it and immediately jet-propel puked... all over her very, VERY famous employers. Yep. Both. And their off-white carpet. She's still working for them and it's been about 10 years or so, but you have to admit that that is a damn bad day.
  6. You're asking us how much we make or how much gas costs here? Well, it's $3.00 a gallon/ 4 liters. That's all the info. anyone needs.
  7. Excellent Gia, I'm sure you'll do very well!
  8. I wish that would work... (it doesn't though) Is the Gammo the air plastic beebees? It's great fun to shoot the little brats in the butts and watch them look around to see where it came from... it doesn't really hurt them and after a good afternoon of it they will get sick of it and disappear for a few days. Not that I would know.
  9. Um... 1. Peter knows I'm kidding and would never say anything to purposely hurt his feelings for real, I care too much about him as a friend. 2. I wasn't invited to the first one anyways. 3. You never know cause Peter's just nice like that. and... 4. I am a year older than Peter and he knows it. So there! Ha!
  10. You know it is bad when Shimell is a regular Jumper at your DZ and he ISNT the most annoying. That is a powerful statement that just brought this thread to a whole new level. Bwaaahaaa!! Aw. Poor guy will get his feelings hurt!! LOL.
  11. The problem with a Beer board at a Georgia DZ is that some people think "Bud Light" somehow qualifies as Beer. Ew. Yuk! How awful. How could anyone think that?? Weren't they raised right??? And I was kidding about the boobies. I have them and normally I bring what I tend to drink if I have access to transportation, usually it's Jameson. Or I offer to pay, you are too generous J and we love you for that but you are within your rights to refuse a habitual moocher.
  12. Yes, I agree. If they actually asked.. then you should at least partially open the door before tossing their worthless Bum ass through it. I take it these are men? LOL. Do you turn away boobies?
  13. How do I get off of "Aunt" status? banging a shit load of young jumpers I'm going to be a nun forever aren't I?
  14. What she was really saying was, "I am worried you don't really love me because you don't say it often or spontaneously enough to make me believe it." Was she right? Don't judge her harshly for trying to hint at what she meant instead of saying it. Women find it hard to understand and communicate with men their real feelings... just as men do to women.
  15. I'm a Yuengling fan myself, like to use the Black and Tan in the batter and drink the lager with the actual meal.
  16. 20348-296-017 I like this one.
  17. Good morning! Be safe & have fun.
  18. Andy: Wherever you are... here's a spiritual smack on the back side of your head. A hard one. Feel it? Good. Now, I had pulled the tick out you guys. It's just still partly in me and buried and without digging or cutting it open I can't get it out.
  19. Okay. How deep do they go? I have one in the back of my leg and I tried to get it out but it's IN there. I called the Dr. and will see him on Mon. about it but the things been in there for a day already and it's giving me the heeby jeebies.