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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. That particular size is in high demand and short supply. I'm guessing that with a passed pull test, which should not be a problem, someone would snap it up for at least $450. Of course, if it can't pass the pull test, it is only a car cover. There are almost none available used. Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  2. Thanks there Beatnik. I see that Consew is available brand new here. http://www.allbrands.com/products/abp01390.html#Features All I need now is unlimited budget, and space! Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  3. Be careful here, either you or her do not understand the term "walking foot" This is not a walking foot machine, it only has bottom or "drop feed". It may have very aggressive feed dogs that damaged material. But that would not be a problem, because if it was you would simply change them out. I don't actually know of any walking foot ZZ machines. They may exist, but I've not seen one. Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  4. I'm getting sick and tired of the whole Argus response going on. ( or lack of ) I would love to see this company succeed, but it is clear that the ownership of it does not have a clue how to make it happen. When a problem is identified with your product, the correct answer is NEVER to start pointing fingers at other people and saying "what about them?" The answer can only be to identify and correct the problem, or the perception of a problem in a straight forward open manner. In this industry threatening to sue the companies that your rely on, in an open and public way is about the biggest mistake that can be made. SKYDIVERS HATE LAWSUITS. Even if somehow they manage to get manufacturers to rescind the ban, this company is finished. After a debacle like this, no one is going to ever buy or recommend this product again. As far as I can see Aviacom is finished, because they have allowed their credibility to be destroyed. And anonymous posters bad mouthing their competitors in this or any other forum have EVEN LESS credibility. BOOTHBUSTERS ARE COWARDS Ken Gowler Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  5. When you buy a new canopy, it will come with links. When you buy a new container, it will not come with links. That should be clear enough. Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  6. I haven't, but I did find this info for it. http://www.tpub.com/content/aviation/14218/css/14218_214.htm Looks pretty promising to me. I would like one, for a decent price. Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  7. The Tempo is worth about $500 and the rest is worth almost nothing on the American or Canadian market. That is my own opinion, nothing more or less. I offer it freely and it's worth every penny it is costing you. Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  8. I just happen to have a freshly washed Micron hanging up to dry here. There is some access to the stitching involved, but not enough room to get a ZZ foot close to do a nice job without a lot of disassembly. No wonder it's not mandatory! There is enough room to do a patchy repair in the corner where the damage starts, but that's not what the advisory calls for. The proper repair is way above my pay grade. And yes on the right hand side there are a couple of pulled stitches, not enough to worry about yet, but I may tell my customer to send it in to UPT at the season end. Ken Gowler Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  9. Unless you have some reason to prefer the D5100 you should consider the D3100 if you decide on Nikon. You can put the $300 you will save into your lens fund. Lenses never go out of date, but the camera body will in about 2 years. The 3100 is a little smaller and lighter, and 14 mp is plenty. Both of these have a rubber side door that covers the proprietary plug that doubles as the GPS plug in. The same door covers the USB port and the whole setup is not very elegant because the door is flimsy and not removable. As well the plug is large and awkward. I found an adapter that will make it accept a standard 2.5mm stereo plug like an early Canon. I got this on Ebay for cheap. Beware of some of the older entry level Nikons, good cameras, but they do not take any kind of plug in shutter release. They use an IR remote instead. Ken Gowler Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  10. This is what I worry about. The aviation authorities currently ignore AADs. By when an aircraft becomes damaged or worse in flight because of a misfire, that is sure to change. Any student of Murphy and his well known laws will realize that this is going to happen sooner or later. AADs are not manufactured or tested to any standard other than what the manufacturer decides is sufficient. They are bound to fail in unpredictable ways eventually, just as all other electronic devices do. I hope your aad does not kill me. Ken Gowler Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  11. I'm looking for some clarity here. As far as I know there have been 3 incidents. One in San Marcos, one in Portugal, and one in Poland. And none of them seem to clearly indicate any more than a possibility of a cutter failure, except for one that the manufacturer is claiming to be caused by a foreign object. Are there more? This does not fit my definition of several. Of course "several" is a very vague term. I'm also wondering if you are speaking as a moderator for the group, or expressing your personal opinion. If you are expressing your opinion, then I completely respect that. If on the other hand you are speaking as a moderator, I must say that I'm not finding that this post sounds unbiased. Rather that it sounds like a defense of the current action being taken against the use of the Argus product. Of course this is just my opinion, but I'm not posting with the term "moderator" behind my name. Being a mod must be a mostly thankless task, so right now I'd like to stop and say thank you for doing it. I think that this whole subject has been starting to get overly emotional, considering that it is really a technical matter. But from where I sit, the action taken against Argus and their users is beginning to look less and less justified. Just to be clear, I do not have a horse in this race. I don't own or sell any AADs, but this whole banning business is starting to look like an over reaction. I don't think it was done for anti-competitive reasons at all. But that also is just my opinion. Ken Gowler Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  12. I saw a container lock happen this way in Eloy this year. The fully seated curved pin was making a frown, not a smile, in a Talon. The ST&A (Dave) was the first person to get to the site of the safe reserve landing. He said that he had never seen this before, the pin looked just fine, and that he would not give it a second thought on a pin check. But he pulled hard on the bridle and the pin would not budge. I still bury my pin, but for what it's worth it's always making a smile. But I believe that a pin lock is still possible. Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  13. I needed one last year. I ended up buying a printed copy from Paragear. It covers Swift, Swift Plus, Cirrus, and Orion. It's a decent copy and it's dated Revised May 1991. It is 45 pages. The only online source I could find is skydiveky.com. They will sell you a pdf download for $10. The Item # at paragear is RB90 and it's $4. Worth the price, but you need to wait. But that's ok, cause there is a bunch of stuff you've meaning to order from them soon anyway! Ken I take that back, it is available free online at the link Terry Urban posted, same thing that Para-gear sells Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  14. Sorry, I did not quote the correct part of your post. I am disagreeing with the concept that a rig can be considered faulty because a given AAD may not function properly on it. The tail does not wag the dog. The problem here is not long loop/loose loop/silicon or no silicon. The problem here is a cutter that sometimes fails to cut. Everything else is interesting discussion material, but beside the point. There is no talk of grounding AADs with proven cutters, only the ones that have been shown to occasionally fail to cut the loop cleanly. Without this clearly unforeseen flaw, there would be no discussion here. Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  15. I could not disagree with this idea more. An AAD is an accessory. It does not require a TSO, and it is not necessary. Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  16. Ok, then. Obviously it's time to go back to the future. All that has once been will be once again. We need a pyrotechnic pin puller. One that could not interfere with the normal operation of the ripcord in any way. Although I'm sure it has already been explored and rejected. All I know for sure is that an AAD with a potential failure mode like a trapped reserve is not acceptable. Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  17. The rig came to me with a factory installed Cypres setup. I put the owner's Argus back into it (after a battery change of course) The manual has Cypres approval in it, but not Vigil, or Argus, or M2. I needed 51/4 inches of closing loop, but it did have a Super Raver 249 to squeeze into it. Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  18. Thanks Rob, now I just need to know if I can put the Argus back in it. Obviously permission to install it has not been withdrawn. Not surprising since no one ever authorized it. What about putting newer AADs in orphaned rigs? Talk about a grey area! Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  19. As you can see by looking at the response here, The Answer Is: "entirely personal preference" Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  20. In Canada we use a confidential system for filing AIM (Accident, Incident, Malfunction) reports. It is enforced by the fact that if you do not file one in a timely fashion you can not access the CSPA insurance or defense fund. We ensure confidentiality by a policy of receiving the report, stripping the needed data from it, and then destroying it. That is the only way to ensure that it can't ever be accessed by a lawyer or any other officer of any court. Once years ago when I was on the CSPA BoD I was called to testify at an Inquest into a local fatality. They wanted to know why CSPA would destroy the report filed by the principals of the DZ. They were VERY unhappy when I explained to them that the policy was in place to give people confidence that it could never be subpenaed. I would say that the Judge's complexion darkened several shades when he realized the logic of the policy. This teaches two lessons. First, it is possible to protect reports but still gather good statistics. And second, if you want people to give you information you need to protect them and make it worth their while. You can always preach that it is for the good of the sport that you want info, but in reality why should I stick my neck out if you can't protect me? Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  21. So no excuse for not standing up that tandem... Ha! As you know tandems don't fall down. They just sometimes choose to be tail draggers! Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  22. Thank you very much. I searched and could not find that page for some reason. Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  23. I can tell you that 241 class machines are high speed machines designed for manufacturing of clothing, especially shirts ect. They are fine machines, but not well suited to heavy materials used in rigging. 111 class machines are compound feed and are better for heavy work. Many of them are walking foot machines, but not the sub class w100. It is a combination of needle feed and drop feed. This means it advances the material on the bottom by feed dog like your 20u, and from the top by having the needle move back and forth while entering and exiting the work. This helps to sew more layers without them slipping. It would be a good complement to your 20u, but it does not have reverse. You may consider looking for a walking foot (alternating presser foot) machine as it would feed material even better, but they are in higher demand and usually sell for higher prices. Here is a link to a manual for a 111w100: http://parts.singerco.com/IPinstManuals/111W100.pdf I hope this helps Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  24. I'm looking for one. I'm not looking to pay $25 for a .pdf file. Can anyone help? Thanks Ken Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  25. Neatness is often overrated I largely agree with that. As long as the lines are straight and stowed properly the main reason for neatness is to control the volume in that tiny bag! gowlerk Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.