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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. There are basically two styles of container to choose from. (not counting Racer, which is actually a third concept). The fully enclosed reserve pilot chute and the semi exposed pilot chute. The Javelin is of the second type, and that "freaking giant circle thing" is the cap on the reserve pilot chute. It is actually under the reserve flaps and not the main flaps. Wings, Glides, Vortex are other examples. The first type is the fully enclosed type. Mirage, Vector, Talon, and many others are examples. It's a little like buying a car. The style and marketing often are more important than the engineering. Mostly because we can understand style so much better than we understand technical details. The other thing that matters is service and support. Of all the choices out there the Sunpath Javelin and the UPT Vector have the best support. It's your money. Buy something that you will be happy to own and wear. Mirages look and are built awesome. They are not a bad choice, just not my first choice for the reason I stated. I'm a rigger and I deal with servicing these things, so I get exposed to problems as they occur. Your average Mirage owner is usually very happy with them. There are arguments for and against both, but both have proven themselves to be safe effective designs over many years. That said, you probably should not buy a container with a design that "bugs" you. I prefer to give general guidance rather than firm recommendations in situations like this. It encourages learning. But with that said, the advice betzilla just gave a few minutes ago is pretty darn solid. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  2. And any from before 1997 are not then. When will the company be sold yet again and have new owners who once again disavow any responsibility for the product? That's crap. You can get parts and service and info for older Javelins, Vectors, Talons, Racers etc. For some reason the owner of Mirage thought that once he acquired the tso that was all he needed from the company. Just cut the old customers loose. We don't need them, we can get new ones. Why would anyone take a chance on a buying a product from someone who would do that? Mirages are very nice rigs. Even the older non supported ones. But I would never buy one or recommend one to anyone. Service matters. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  3. Hate crimes happen most often where haters rub up close to the people they hate. Which is of course mostly in cities. Some societies have tried apartheid type policies as a way to harness the hatred and turn it into suppression of the hated. America seems to be trying to deal with it straight on at this point. Or at least, most of America is. Others choose to shelter in place and avoid dealing with the people they hate. The bastions of liberal progressiveness point the way to the future of your society. Your cloistered haven points toward the past. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  4. Wow! Nice catch. I don't see Mirage advertising that. I couldn't even find that until I googled and found it way down hidden in a long list of FAQs in tiny print. That is NOT IN THE MANUALS as far as I can tell. I couldn't find it in the sections on packing the Trap, or Limited Life Components, or Inspections. Nor is it part of their News at their web site -- Creating a life limit for a component of the harness is big news! (So, if it isn't in a manual, or an official bulletin, what weight does it have legally? I'm tired of the B.S. about following manufacturers' instructions when they hide stuff here and there, so that the only technically legal way to pack a reserve is to look at every page of their entire web site every repack.) Sending a whole container back to the manufacturer is a big pain, especially for those away from the United States. Mirage's wording doesn't even technically allow for packing without the Trap, so if you have mal #3 (non-total) at a boogie you are screwed, even if you find your freebag and keep your handles. (Or send it in during the off-season after 2 uses..) The "3 uses then inspection" wouldn't be a bother for most people, but I have a swooper as a rigging customer who would have had to send such a rig in twice in the last 10 years. Thanks for spotting that Peter. This is a good example of the laxness in maintaining adequate manuals found in smaller gear companies in general. As far as I'm concerned, if it is not in the manual or an SB it is not real. As much as I like Mirage containers I would not buy or recommend one because of the lack of support they offer. I know people who have needed information for older Mirages and have been told that "that was made before we bought the company and we can't help you". They don't support their products all that well. It's difficult for small companies in this industry. They also recently stated they don't have the resources to maintain and update their website properly. They make a very nice product, but they could easily close up shop at any time. Buyer beware. I advise people to stick with the larger makers these days. Generally the ones that also do a lot of military business and therefore have more staying power. That said, I still like both the Mirage and the trap System. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  5. It is relatively new. It is made of nylon, not metal. They think it is rugged enough, but just to be sure they would like to inspect it if you ever get up to three cutaways. That could be three jumps from now or 30 years from now, who knows? I would not hesitate to choose a Mirage if that was the container I wanted over this small matter. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  6. I voted yes. But I do not feel he is completely evil. If there is any such thing. I really believe that he has tendencies toward do selfish things, and that leads him to do evil acts. Evil is as evil does. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  7. Depends if you care about fashion. Mechanics overalls work just fine and are available in many sizes for cheap. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  8. I've seen many people do that. It takes a long time in the beginning to acquire gear for skydiving. Jumpsuit, altimeter, helmet, they are all good items to start with. If you stay in skydiving you will end up with different suits for different uses. The first one you buy will always have a use. Unless you grow as you age like many of us do. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  9. Trump will not be on the ballot in 2020 Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  10. http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/09/18/wiretapped-cnn-admits-trump-campaign-breitbart-news-right-mainstream-media-wrong/ Sometimes that happen to law breakers. I can't what for the indictments to start. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  11. Apparently they are looking into the legal aspects. http://www.thehockeynews.com/news/article/vegas-golden-knights-name-being-reviewed-by-the-u-s-army This story is from late last year. I guess they decided it would be allowed. Pity. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  12. Spelling matters once again! Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  13. I did not realize that the new NHL franchise in Vegas is called the Golden Knights. This is just wrong. Completely wrong. Both the name, and the fact that a team is going to be located there. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  14. Nah, it's a Saturday. The markets will be closed. Maybe it will be something good in Israel. Like Bibi being killed by one of his body guards. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  15. Luckily, it won't be the last day. It will mark only the beginning of the end. An event will happen somewhere in the world. Maybe we will hear about it , and maybe not. But either way, the end times will arrive that day. So, no matter what you think happens, I am not wrong. That what it means to be a true Prophet! Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  16. I'm going to spend the day at the DZ. I'm hoping it will not be my last day there....... Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  17. gowlerk

    Close call...

    Read all about it! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_collision_avoidance_system It's based on transponders. So no, it will not detect a parachute. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  18. http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/17/us/neil-degrasse-tyson-on-climate-change-cnntv/index.html The far more relevant quote from the article, and the point of what the man is saying is this: Because there is no real scientific debate. There is only a political debate, and even then there is largely only any debate at all in America. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  19. Sometimes I repair worn bridle parts for a customer. More often I show them all parts that are also worn and will need repair soon. That I pull out a brand new bride and pilot chute system from stock tell them how much it'll cost and sell it to them. Problem solved. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  20. I find it quite different. Liberal anger is more often expressed as disappointment tinged with both despair and hope. And it can be quite condescending. Which drives conservatives crazy. Right wing anger is more often insulting and full of fear and even more outrage. I don't really recognize "evangelical" anger. There is too broad of a spectrum of views among evangelicals. I do not consider you to be evangelical in the sense of the word I understand. Or to be more clear, I do not see evangelical as the best term to describe your view of world outside of your refuge. I do not see evangelical as a negative term. I do see your world view as very negative. Jimmy Carter is someone I see as an example of the best of evangelicals. There have been many things you have said here that are offensive to me. Your religious views are not among them. I find the way that you make outrageous statements, and then tack a reference to God or The Savior on to the end of them as if it justifies them to be among the most hypocritical practices I have ever been exposed to. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  21. Once in a while if I'm lucky enough, I beat him to it. I often see reports of celebrity deaths before they are reported here. I leave it to those who care to post! Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  22. Yes Ron. You have always done a pretty good job of illustrating that Christianity imposes no moral code on you at all. All that matters is what Jesus can do for you. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  23. Funding the system is a constant battle here. Canadians are only slightly more willing to pay taxes than Americans. And we complain about both health care wait times and taxation levels. Like you, we want to have our cake and eat it too. The provinces pay the bills, and the feds supply a good chunk of the funding. But there is a bottom line to think about. America spends about twice per capita what Canada spends. However it is funded, by taxes or by employer contributions, it really makes no difference in the end. America is allowing their insurance companies and health care providers to operate in a non competitive way and to to just plain rip them off. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  24. It sounds to me like they do not make gear in a size appropriate for you. But they do not want to lose a sale. If I were you I would walk away. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  25. I've got a raven II squeezed into a J4. I wouldn't even think of trying to put one into a J3 Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.