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Everything posted by gravityizsexy

  1. not the first time I've thought of that, not the life for me right now though either, tempting though verrrrry tempting.... damn, watch it happen now too... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  2. yeah so check it, I just got approved for le credit carde.. and it's cool and all, but me and le "credit card" have a past..., and I was thinking... "what have I done?!?!?" but then, I thought... I more mature now, I can handle it... I know what I'm doing. then they showed me that suckers limit... I'm a dead man... thank god I already have all my gear.... seriously though, debt sucks.... and I'm alone now in this (no helpers).. so Im really going to give it a shot this time, wish me luck. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  3. Got mine in 3... HAH! . .. ... well.... 3 and a half "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  4. yo, that shit was tight!.... got stable, no problem man... thanks fo' bringin me some air.. loved it. your doin great! keep at it... -Tony "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  5. I used to goto barnes & noble... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  6. That doesn't look like Rhona Mitra... that looks like Rosanne Barr.... what will my friends think??? "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  7. Definitly gonna need a C-9... and some ballons... not hot-air ballons... a whole bunch, assorted ones, ...enough to get me to 5.5, oh-yeah... and a couple C-130's... that would be dope. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  8. Math is overrated... so are children "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  9. DeLand iz mad kewl like dat.. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  10. Who'd kick who's ass... DUUUHH!!! Cause, seriously... I've not seen Steven Segal get a scratch on him... in ANY of his movies. It's soooo funny... LOL, I kinda wanna watch one right now.. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  11. yeah, I store that kinda stuff in my private folder. But other people??? you never know... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  12. Tread very Carefully....on the Second Part Verrrrryyy... carefully "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  13. Hey you! HOLY COW!!!..... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  14. DAMN!!! htf???!!? That's freakin' fast! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  15. LOL 236mph for mee "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  16. I had no idea how this worked at first... but then I started laughing so hard people were looking at me funny check it: You have to get above 200mph though... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  17. Damn, Superman doesn't even have an album... but right now, I wouldn't be suprised if he did. *sigh*... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  18. Dude you think I'm kidding!! Proof! OH....... MY....... GOD! Am I in the twlight zone? Am I being punk'd??? "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  19. 'adderal' what?... j/k'ing g'luck.. -Tony "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  20. HAHHAaaaa... the christmas single is some of his best work. Then he had the A-B-C sing-a-long "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  21. Van Damme can kick his ass. Only if he's talked to his dope supplier and gotten his daily 8ball. He wouldn't even need that - Seigal is all fucked up on the opium he medetates with . . . he's useless - HA! I totally forgot about Van Damme, but I think SS could take him... hell yeah he could... At least van damme gets the shit kicked out of him before he gets some ungodly power from somewhere and just starts whooping ass. Steven Seigal ends the movie with the same ironed creases he had in the beginning. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  22. No no, This is much worse... if hollywood took on a human form, Steven Seigal would be that. I swear, turn to USA... just watch like 2 minutes.. you'll be on the floor.. guaranteed. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  23. I mean honestly.... who dodges 500 rounds behind a dinner table a evades a 120lb C-4 explosion on the top floor of a 50 story building? Did I also mention while protecting a woman and 2 kids....??? "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  24. I'd pump... for sure, but I don't think she'd have to ask me too. I'd feel mad inadequete if she did. Then I'd start doubting what the relationship is based on. Then I'd get so good looking that all the girlies will be like "Yo.. Tony" and I'd be all "Yo.. girlies"... and she'd be like "Yo.. Tony" and I'd be all like.. "WHAT!??!?!"... I've done some unimaginable things for a girl... mostly things that I've always wanted for myself that I though were never going to happen. I was in alpha-male state ready to jump in the deep end (not marriage but a relationship), and she just wasn't feeling who I really was and she couldn't change that either. I mean, if she asked me to pump some iron.. I probably would have, but it wouldn't have made a difference. Just make me more cocky "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  25. I watch "Will & Grace"....... and PBS... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"