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Everything posted by gravityizsexy

  1. TJ is an excellent coach, one of the very best this side of Cali ... This is not a sport for the weak... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  2. I agree completely, %100. and if you can't get blocks with Adam, Striker will make you awesome really quick too.. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  3. A huge success, don't forget to tip your panda's... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  4. This Guy came highly recommended. I hear he can be quite expensive... so bring monies as well. Preferably in large denominations,... be sure to douse the monies in kerosene, then once you get here place monies in the Money Hole Reguardless of the rumors you may hear, do NOT let hezbollah trick you into putting the cash in the mailbox. Food better be good damnit! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  5. I agree, very inappropriate... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  6. Please use soap and wash behind your ears.... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  7. All of you!!! right now!!!!!...... then come over. brings booze and drugs... employ a babysitter and bring the kids...... Elvis is coming with marriage certificates.... naked pyramids ALL NIGHT!!! 2-magicians, and a hemaphrodite opera singer.. I shall call this party is called "N/A" P.S. - It would be helpful if anyone knows someone who can transcribe in sanscrit for the dozens of revolutionary epiphanies to be had. P.S.S. - Rabbi's Micah and Gideon will be performing baptismal ceremonies in the swoop pond for the childrens. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  8. The more the merrier... :p "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  9. HAHAHAHAA... Voo Doo Economics, I must have sleep through that one. I just want to know who gets the first slice of this bill, Im trying to get mine before the brokers come cutting off heads for the scraps... needs a foolproof plan for the consumers who actually receive actual currency flush that cash straight on down to commercial product. Only problem is, the get a overpriced-undervalued product and end up broke AGAIN!.. while CEO financiers reap the profits off inflated riches. Who will once again hold up that cash in swiss banks, or real estate, and let it depriciate like they're doing now. Can we just fucking legalize weed please.... Inflate a new Industry... give EVERYBODY A JOB!!! shiiieeettt... talk about working from home ;9. Good luck you guys, Im off to Saudi Arabia... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  10. Happy Birthday Bubbles! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  11. I don't know you but it's not hard to tell who is still running around with PA removed by slotperfect, namely... you. What you said proves this whole messages point, Orlando is just ~FINE~ for most people... If you knew anything about both of the sports (which you obviously don't) you would already know that Orlando WAS highly respected and regarded as the best, because of the exceptional staff who produced nothing but champions and bringing the best exposure to skydiving since movies about it, and now it's just fine, not to mention a skydiver would be "fine" if they stuck their head out car moving 25+mph. Business wise, the tunnel sells itself. Any joker could make a crowd of whuffo's go "WWWwwooooOOoWWWW!!!!"... ppssshhh carving. Do the math on that... I'll do it for you, Orlando is whack... your whack... and your denial makes you just as ridiculous as your post... And if you want to run around talking about personal issues, PA removed by slotperfect "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  12. Dalton Samuelson... will put any to shame when it comes to size of balls.... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  13. I've had plenty of time to go over what happened, even more time to get over it. I remember everything the exact same way you do. Out of respect for you and you alone, I'll fill you in (from the horses mouth). Since this should have stayed between you and me in the first place. PM'D... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  14. there isn't an instructor out there who isn't capable of missing spots, all the more reason for steps upward, and as for my 'friends' I'll put myself out-of-pocket for so long before I put on the brakes... How am I going to screw someone else when my name was the only one on the power bill. But if thats the story down there, it honestly doesn't surprise me. Guess I won't be defending them anymore. Let me explain something to you, I'm an actuarial pricing consultant... It's my job to crunch numbers on an infinite level, I learned how to do this from the best corporation in the world. quantum theory is my life!, I have a TS.SCI clearance you don't get making foolish decisions (like not paying rent or having DEBT) or performing below average. Do you honestly think I'm going to return to an environment with closed, translative communication? Everyone knows I would have done all I could for that tunnel, especially when Marc came in with his new ideas. Then he lost trust in his staff, (rightfully so I might add) after that illogical and irrational decisions were made fucking up my plans for the future of the tunnel. Business was at a stand-still, progress was halted... and then we went backwards. It got to the point where project margin lines were consistently failing waiting for chips to fall in place, management was abysmal, moderate at best... Not saying they don't try hard, but damn..raise the bar a little. I should have realized it the first time when a manager called me to show up at 3:00 for work... showed up after I was done skydiving with you! at 3:00 and was fired on the spot, and I still got the job back because I produce... but hey man, maybe you could be the one to bring the tunnel back to a ranking state... good luck with that bowen. If anyone there thats left can do it, it's you. I sure as hell wasn't going to step up to the plate with shane boxing me out... I had a door to fly out of, upside down. skipping town? I think we can all agree it was my time to go... I wasn't too comfortable having my job in check every time I wake up, I'm too old for that shit. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  15. Beer Pong anybody......??? "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  16. No, you don't know... The changes were made for him, Him being such a great guy and all you think he would fund some kind of insurance policy against negligence (waiver covers a little more than half of blame, and thats just in civil litigation... I'm not even going to mention what comes after that), perhaps insure his staff with a AD&D policy among other practical amenities or take appropriate and obvious steps to minimize the probability of mishap, like fix the tunnel. For as many times as that thing brakes Donald Trump would be back in bankruptcy if he was paying $20k for a overheated fan controller. Probably not, but I don't see Marc Laurie in Forbes top 500. He's a businessman in the early stages of experiencing business, he tried to buy coal and turn it into a diamond. His one and in my opinion only mistake was that he didn't realize he bought the diamond He didn't research the consumer base, He applied traditional business theorem to a non-traditional market. To strengthen and fortify SkyVenture Orlando's sovereignty would have been the correct move but there is absolutely no sense in investing money turning a diamond into a diamond. It's foolishness..... a lot of really great, and I mean !great! people got caught in the mix. P.S. - Ari is hands down one of the best fliers in the south, the guy is sick.... you can learn quite a bit from him. P.S.S. - Have they pieced together the rest of their air-straightener?? "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  17. yah yah, cool.... but that's like hey.. do you wanna party in the valley or do you's guys want to go swing in the hills... I suggest two-stepping in long beach... but, yah know. Do what makes you feel right. The tunnels are all fine and established, just very different from each other, specifically Hollywood... it's a win-win. They way hollywood is setup, they are like the bottle-service of the industry except their not profiting from a 2,400% service tax. universal law of busniess; can't pay, can't play.. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  18. hrmmm... doubt it, let's see. (we could fumble with the prices but this is the relative cost vs. time ratio) $19 = 45sec airtime (freefly)(formation) $19 = 65sec airtime (belly) 45 / 60 = 3 / 4 | $0.42 / sec = x = $19/(n) 3600sec / 1hr = y ( x ) ( y ) = $1,520 (looks like a deal to me) 65 / 60 = 1 + 1/12 | $0.29 / sec = x = $19/(n) 3600sec / 1hr = y ( x ) ( y ) = $1,052.31 (still cheaper) the math doesn't lie! ;p but dude-man, you start thinking like that you stop learning... truth be told, it's an expensive sport... simplicity: tunnel smacks the booty (TEARS THAT BOOTY UP!!!) for training purposes but sky teaches you the precious life lessons you won't find on the ground. Your instructors will steer you in the right directions. S'up to you how much of yourself your willing to invest. I personally think for what's it's worth you should be paying double, but we are all living in a "bush" economy... so don't get yourself down, the prices are considerately modest speaking of which do tunnels get "clean and green" tax relief, benefit, or grant? If not can somebody get on it so we can lower the prices for Acoisa. TIP your instructors too :) they work very very hard, 120+mph in the sky is just as dangerous as 120+mph on the ground. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  19. Love it more than CSI "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  20. If you want to build a successful tunnel your best bet is to set aside 10+ million hands down, excluding prime location cost, sites are being bought like 4+ yrs ago... or partner up and share the costs. If you really are gonna do it, you'll find the right people. right in front of you bro. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  21. Haven't been but heard it's off the hook, so far off the hook it's off three other hooks. Tell (an)Drew-dog I(Anthony) says whats up! and hope it's all and everything we thought it would be. The game just reached another level. Keep it goin! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  22. Bank baby!!, seriously though, they need to finish! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  23. WHAOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no shit, iz like 5min from manhatten!! Im dreaming "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  24. As we bring in the new year, I would like to extend my hand to all with the deepest sincerity to whom I have had the pleasure to make successful jumps with, even those that weren't so successful and especially to those to whom I have yet to share the sky with and to those whom have passed in the wake so that I may continue to fly. We have all been through alot in this last year and I know that some of us are still having trouble walking with our chins up. Through the places we've visited, relationships we've indulged, lessons we've learned, and the losses we've inherited, the creator of the maginifience that we as a group know has saw fit for us to purposfully march on. So march on we must. As we march into the year of 2008, let us carry with us everything between the laughter and tears that '07 and the following years have given us to acheieve the wonder in ourselves and who we are today a collective force known a the USPA. To the process that spawns raw and untapped creation when that green light flickers to the boundless expansion of idea when the sun sets. God knows that I've tried my hardest for the best possible outcome for me and others in this sport. Since day 1 I've seen nothing but blue, even when it was cloudy my head was always "up in the clouds" as some best put it. I never really new how far I was going to go skydiving, as for what was to ensue I was hardly prepared. I was fairly warned, multiple times.. with the warnings heeded I still marched on with every taste getting sweeter and sweeter. As with life (because everyone knows it goes hand-in-hand ith skydiving) I've done things and made choices that I am not proud of, however unchecked, I remain remorseful not only for myself but for others I dragged along with me. As I grow older Im realizing certain things that encompass my reality. IT'S THE FUCKING REAL DEAL!!! as is yours and everybody elses. Don't worry, Im not going to lecture. I am a rated instructor now with a much keener eye for detail than I previously had. Still the same eyes, but different perception. I'm starting to see patterns, and Im see'ing true and falses. In short, I am seeing life change right in front of my eyes and am slowly comming to grips with the fact that it's me who is changing it. Not just me however, it's you too. It's influential change by acts that aren't so random. Let's take hold of this moment in the promise of a better future, but for starters a better year. Let's MAKE it happen, we are already at the forefront of possibility. Share your abilities with each other, give and take from each other, not just give and not just take. Be humane people, if your going to gear-check somebody let him or her know what it is that your checking whetheer your seasoned or supervised. Don't EVER tell a newbie to "just jump it" no matter how it got into the bag. If you deep down know something is wrong... it sure enough is, so fix it because nobody else is going to. It's the little things that will bring us to the next level not the big jump numbers. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Remember all the memories and the fun times we've had, there are so many people I want to see and just kiss but Im not sure for many that it will happnen. So many have touched my heart and are in my prayers daily. It is through meeting friends and people like you that I know that god truly does exist. I just want to thank each and every one in the skydiving community for their bravery to explore outside the box bringing innovation to a world that is in desperate need of it. HEADS HIGH! CHINS UP! This year is going to be GREAT!!!! I PROMISE!!!! Betsey Barnhouse! You rock mwah socks! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  25. What would be really noice is if they opened tunnels in/on chelsea pier in NY and the twins at the BIGGEST MALL IN THE WORLD!!! Xanadu complex in NJ. construction continues and projected operating date is in FALL of '08, however environmentalist and economists aren't too optomisitc about the sites sustainability due to the already dense, and congested overpopulation. but wouldn't it be neat?! does anyone else have some light to shed on the prodjects of NJ, and NY? P.S. - Betsey Barnhouse rocks mwah socks! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"