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Everything posted by gravityizsexy

  1. Sorry to read about this This is unnecessary and unhealthy stress. I mean honestly 2-3min. horseshit! Don't take my advice because it could ultimatly end up with you being fired. but here it is. Because, I've witnessed this type of behavior on several occasions. 1) Do not get frantic, walk at a slow, relaxed, but attentive pace after you get out of your car. Chin up. 2) primp the attire appropiatly 3) walk to you work area keeping pace.. CHIN UP 3* IMPORTANT: DO NOT!!!! look at the clock or your watch. I repeat DO NOT look at the clock or your watch. Be mindful, you are making a entrance. NOTES: If anyone bothers you before you make it to your desk or whatever, tell them you'll be with them in a minute. ANYONE!!! unless it's someone who you think deserves your attention. 4) Get morning coffee and donut (whatever) and make your rounds, otherwise munch at your desk. That 20min shit can't be happening though.... unless you have it like that. If you have to go through this lady for advancement your better off drugging her coffee and start rumors about her prostitution habits. I dunno how it is where you work, but if an employee came to me with that report of hers, I'd laugh and buy you lunch. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  2. Sentiment like that (someone owes me) is what keeps groups from fulfilling their potential. It also promotes other groups to resent and resist groups that hold that sentiment. J There's still alot of anger behind those words for me, however I do not expect or feel the need to go after reparation. I do not hold individuals accountable for something that happened before their time. I also cannot be like, "well, those times are over.... bygones." I'm at a point in my life where math and science consumes my drive for life achievements, and silly barriers like color, race, religion, would do nothing but limit the mind. I embrace EVERYBODY I meet with warm, open, arms. Don't get me wrong, Im not looking for revenge or trying to settle a vendetta. I just want to live my life without being subjected to the ignorance of others. It's frustrating when theres no other logical explanation for me to be who I am without being the son of a famous rapper, ball-player, or ambassador. It really gets me mad. I go through this daily. I join the military to get away from it, and it follows. I goto different countries.... it follows. Racism is a fucking disease and it makes me sick. I can't even goto Africa without being out of place... But like I said before I don't see change comming anytime soon. and MTV is just making it worse. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  3. The snow and my A4 have loads of fun together, I just sit back, watch, and enjoy the ride.... Gotta luv the quattro.... btw - 360's are the new hotness, sideways is last year. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  4. Could you please explain this?...I don't follow it. I meant to subtly voice my opinion that maybe "the man" does owe... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  5. HAHAHAH Way too funny!!! People are looking at me weird.... too bad, that was freakin' hilarious "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  6. I am too exhausted to carry that one on by myself. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  7. My case is very different, I come from a well off family who gave me the best that was offered. Others are not so lucky. I highly doubt anybody would continue to subject themselves to those conditions if they knew a way out. And, I find it repulsive that lifestyle is being glorified to today's youth who live like that. Like it's a good thing. You say you see it everyday, I don't.. so I am unsure. But if in fact they do depend on the belief that "the man" owes them... they will be very dissapointed. When in fact they probably do (oops! did I just say that?). Very true something needs to be done, as a collective. Not as a left or right wing of perception. But a solution that benefits both. As it is right now, qualified people with potential to lead breakthroughs in technology or other fields will not get that opportunity because of AA but if it is taken away, qualified people with potential to lead breakthroughts in technology or other fields will not get that opportunity because of racism. Funny how we established that racism and AA are one in the same. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  8. I'll bet everyone knows who said that... By setting oneself apart, and wanting special treatment, equality can never be reached, and is in fact pushed further away. J Yes I did, "The reason I bring up reparations is because without AA being a driving force for the minor community to establish themselves, We'd be broke... Fuck that!!! Referring to my post in which I firmly protested against the benefactors of slavery." Equality!?... I'm not that optimistic. However much I want it to be, I just can't even imagine it. How far fetched is it to say that without AA minorities would not thrive? "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  9. No, no.. my edited post was there to point out that I've personally never used AA for the reasons base listed. As for your post. Your absolutely %300 correct. The help is there, the structures are put in place to help minorities get out of the ghettos and such and establish themselves. I just think that they don't know how, and nobody is teaching them. Showing them or walking them through the process of filling out grant applications, or collecting requisitional data for startup grants. The girl trend you mentioned is scary. really scary. wow!. If they know the choice is there and they choose poverty instead... fuck 'em. I think they need help opening their eyes and really start to see more to life rather than clubs, drugs, girls, money, and death. I guess that is my real quam. Education IS the key. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  10. Base and Ron, mebbe I should have said "Without AA.. WE'D (african-american community) be broke" or "If you AA take away, WE for damn sure want OUR reparations." First of all, I'm good enough at what I do (and in parachuting) not to depend on handouts, and NEVER EVER would I cry out "racism" for pity. I am not a spokesperson for the afro-american community however statistics speak for themselves. And htf did AA become free? "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  11. Im going to go out on a limb here and say it will be enough when black and white people get together and make lots of babies. But from the discrimination I witness from both sides, I don't see a solution forming anytime soon. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  12. Evidentally imposition is necessary, being that without AA alot of minorities would not have the jobs they do, essientally keeping them locked inside such places as ghetto's, prodjects, slums, etc... the very same places that breeds "unacceptable formalities" a.k.a. negative stereotypes. The stomping grounds for things such as gangster rap, baggy clothes, slang, etc... a subculture that represents everything that is shunned and spit on by upper-class societies. Which is NOT fine, because most of the inhabitants of these areas happen to be black. Still a minority that is still looked upon as uncivilized, undeserving, unintelligent, etc... Im sure everyone knows about the "golden rule". So I'll skip the definition, the upper-class sets the standard for american life. And as their mentality trickles down the food chain, minorities are left at the bottom of the totem poles when making decisions. Thus my reasons for accepting AA. Educating minorities puts them in positions to induct their children into an "american" society. I'm talking good schools, financial exploration, oppurtunity. The reason I bring up reparations is because without AA being a driving force for the minor community to establish themselves, I'd be broke... Fuck that!!! Referring to my post in which I firmly protested against the benefactors of slavery. EDITED TO SAY: btw - I never once took a position forced upon Affirmitive Action,.... that I know about anyway. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  13. True indeed, however... the keyword there is qualified, and why not justify it if the exact opposite is going on, "the qualified applicant being employed over a qualified minority because of (x) measures" (short play on words, but still the same). It's an attempt to balance. A good attempt if you ask me. If you take away AA I for damn sure want my reparations. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  14. .................... . .. ... .... Damn "the MAN"! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  15. BWAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAA!!!!!!.... sorry man... I'm not laughing... really... I'm not!.. PPPFFFFHHPPPTTTTT... HHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!! aw man, that sucks HAHAHAHAAA!!! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  16. Well, though it's not upto us, I just want it to be known that I think this is a great thing, and I wish all the best to skymama and her son in this. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  17. Affirmitive Action exists BECAUSE racism exists!!! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  18. I cannot disagree with you more. Your perception is fair I just do not see it that way. I believe social skills are developed at home WHILE they are practiced in common area. School is NOT a place to learn howto socialize, it is a place for study and education, not necessarily to prepare someone for career options, but rather educate them in the ways of the world. Hence, mandatory curriculum.... Not to say that you cannot have or make friends in school, I'm saying that if your in a privatized or select school it will in no way affect the kids social skills. If anything it would make him potentially more effiecent at socializing. Being educated at a privatized institution I wouldn't say that interaction is that much different than from a public school system if indifferent at all. What would make you think that? This kid is obviously not one of the sheeps that are being churned out of the school systems, and what from andrea says his potential surpasses that of his friends. He most certainly should not be held back for something silly like that. This is a great oppurtunity not many kids are offered. Also, if he stays current with his extracurriculars (soccer) his competitive spirit will have bulked up quite a bit by the time he's applying for a internship/scholarship if he decides to take that route as will his eye for teamwork, stratigizing, problem solving, etc... your 4.0 friend probably just didn't want the internship that badly. That doesn't make him achieve any less than he already has. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  19. I approach like: ma, whats your age and type? then proceed to tell her what the 80's is like and tell her I know what the ladies like, needs a man who's polite, listens, and takes advice, I got all three, plus I can lay the pipe come with me, come stay the night.... and then...... YAAAAAYYY!!!!
  20. That's what is so exciting to him about the Engineering Program because it is mostly hands-on. We took a tour of the classes and they had current students stationed around the rooms showing and explaining projects they were working on. They have the CAD program, their own blueprinting maching, a computer at every desk, they inturn at engineering offices as was really impressive. I'd never choose a standard classroom over that stuff! As far as writing goes, FL has a standardized test called the FCAT which is very heavy in writing. All students have to pass it to get out of high school. Actually, the kids complain about how many essays they have to write. I want this to be his decision. I never want him to be able to hold this against me if he doesn't like it! Wow!!! That sounds great!!! If he got through admissions, he deserves to be at a place like this. Good for him, and good for you!... Damn, I'm really jealous now... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  21. That is "word for word", exactly, something my dad would say, knowing full well.. that my friends wouldn't be included in his initial equation. It seems like a really good opportunity to me, even if he doesn't plan to be an architect. Sounds like a really smart kid too. Math and science are the building blocks of a genius...(as my dad would say) Not that I know or anything. and btw, colleges and universities would most definitely look at his participation in specialized programs such as the one mentioned. It could also tarnish his transcripts as well if he doesn't perform. Conclusion: Find out as much as you can from the program coordinator. If the class has more than 15 students, it's probably a district money ploy. 8 students or less, they will soak up all that is taught (If the teacher is good). It all comes down to if YOU feel comfortable sending him. You say he understands math and has vision.. that's all he needs... In my book. CAUTION: I was real mad at my father for MAKING me take classes I didn't want to. But I'm glad he did what he did. Friends come and go... I used to think they'd be around forever... I still like to think that way but ya know, I lose to reality sometimes... (we fight alot). But if your son wants to go, let him go... I mean, why not? EDITED: OOOoooOOOoo Soccer!!!... (A mean, mean, fun... sport) hrmmmm.... thats a tuffy. I'd still send him to the magnet school and see how things play out from there. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  22. Im down for the group hug.... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  23. Happy Birthday there sunny!!!... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"