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Everything posted by gravityizsexy

  1. Nauseating. To people outside the US: Sure, we still have a lot of racists like this around, but they are getting fewer all the time. Don't come at me with that crap... If loving myself makes you want to vomit, by all means... let it all out. I feel sorry for you if you are unable to pride yourself on who you are, and thats your problem I know who I am, and I know one of the things I'm not.. is a racist. There is no need to "keep telling myself this" or others.., as it should be self-evident at this point. Your not giving me anything to believe otherwise... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  2. your loss... can't say I didn't try. It would have been nice to get down to the root of this with you. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  3. I have been told countless times that I will run into people like you, who will REFUSE to listen... and the only way around it is to shake my head and move on. I can't accept that today, I'm not giving up on you If you want me to answer your questions in reference to my questions that I thought were rather self-explanitory I will do that for you. But it doesn't even seem to me like your trying. Your just countering my questions with more questions, then applying subversive rhetoric. A defense mechanism at it's finest. You do not have to defend yourself from me, Im not attacking you. Im making my opinions known while taking yours and others into account. It seems to me that you think that there is no difference between white and black. Or you recognize the distinction but think that morally it should have no place in a selection process. while I am saying that there is a clear undeniable distinction between white and black, and naturally in a selection process one has already made their selection at first SIGHT. am I going off track here?... if not, then we can continue. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  4. Like I said.... Deal with it! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  5. First off, If you want your post to be taken seriously and to continue being treated with respect, I suggest you modify your speech to a more proper tone. Second, how is somebody who is NOT black going to represent blacks? Third, THINK!!! DAMNIT!!! THINK FOR YOURSELF!!! Why Are Minorties Participating more in the current social structures of America? The middle-class, the upper-middle class, the upper class. How do you think society reached that point? Fourth, Your fucking right I identify myself by my race. I'm not blind. I'm black.. and I am not ashamed of it. As a matter of fact I flaunt it everywhere I go, heck... I even go out of my way to make sure people know it. And here's another little fun fact. Affirmitive Action is live and established, and as long as I maintain my owed right to vote it's NOT going to change... until the popular votes see fit. DEAL WITH THAT!!! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  6. AA is transferring the governing power of the masses, a concept which you are failing to understand. It was formed by white supremicist and it is highly probable that there are still some left in their heir-born positions. And that is not something to laugh about... why should we (The black community) be governed without representation? And the minoral achievers you talk about would not have had the oppurtunity to achieve if it wasn't for civil liberty activist fighting to create laws and programs such as AA giving minorities "a leg up". Your telling me they would have achieved anyhow if they didn't have rights to vote, education, money, freedoms, so on and so forth. The way I see it, we are being given a leg when we did not have one in the first place. Without AA, America would revert back into the days of segregation, thus supporting racism. and you've made it clear that you are against racial discrimination. So my question to you is.... what can we, what can you.. do about this? "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  7. That's a good start. Ending racism begins with the individual. I am through here. I have said all I can say, and defending myself from your abuse is no longer worth my time. Good Day... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  8. Yes, Yes I do want people judged by their hard work. But if that were to happen TODAY, we'd just be going backwards in time and the minorities would become even smaller and smaller. And that day is still yet to come. AA does nothing but attest to this. It is only when equality is annunciated that AA will no longer be necessary. If african-americans becomes the majority in america and AA still exists... THEN!!!!!! will you have something to protest about. I didn't mean for racial discrimination... I thought it was for Affirmitive Action.. I DO NOT support ...... OK, I can see I am in a catch 22 here. I am for equality, and see'ing as how racial discrimination seems to be the only way to reach equality, I guess .............. DAMNIT!!! I PERSONALLY DO NOT DISCRIMINATE. Nor have I ever, but I am willing to support anything that would achieve equality. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  9. So now we're at the point were YOU tell ME how I feel or what I think..., thanks for that, because apparently I can't think for myself. And where do you get this "shadow organizations comprised of white supremicist" you brought up the first instance of that. I said nothing even remotely relative. Futhermore, I'm not here advocating Affirmitive Action, I am simply agree'ing with the topic that Racism and Sexism are alive and well, and if it's not one side.. it's the other. It's the transfer of powers that will ultimately resolve the issue. And that's all AA is doing. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  10. If people were merited by their "hard work" we wouldn't be having this discussion... Oh, I'm sorry... I must be crazy not to see the HUGE freakin' difference between whites and blacks. Evidentally... Your right.... we all were born with plots of land. I support it for obvious reasons... most of which I have stated throughout the thread. Unfortunatley, they cannot be identified which is why I intentionally made for the statement to be as vague as possible Pieces like Affirmitive Action, pieces like Women's rights, pieces like Fraternities, Pieces like the NRA, pieces that change AMERICAN LAW!... or do you not vote??? My point Vinny, is that there only seems to ONE solution to equality, and the steps to that era have already been put in place, hence AA. And yes, I agree... as I have so many times before here, it's blatent discrimination. Unless you or anyone else has any other ideas to solve this problem, then this is the way it will be. But, if your implying that somehow that I am a racist, then you don't know how wrong you are. Not that I feel that I am obligated to indulge you, but I'll tell you anyway, my girlfriend of 4 years is caucasian.. We are VERY much in love, and I would not deny her any part of myself, my family, my culture, or what I have to offer her because she has a different skin color nor would she. My best friend is caucasian, and I look after him just the same as anybody else I care about as he does for me. So don't get confused.... I am in no way racist, the system however is... rightfully so in my opinion. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  11. We've already determined the question was wrong. Pay attention! Dang you postwhores post so fast I can't always keep up. Someone have cliff notes? Or a picture? Too easy!!... k, I'll stop... I promise "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  12. Collective thread particpants begin booing and continue to pelt Slappie with gummy bears and popcorn... "HEY!!! Where's the show, dude??" BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm not in the show, I just set the stage. ... I'm just a stage hand. BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! they we're out of gummy bears.. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  13. Collective thread particpants begin booing and continue to pelt Slappie with gummy bears and popcorn... "HEY!!! Where's the show, dude??" BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOOOOOOO!!!! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  14. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  15. Sits in the corner and waits. YO! Slappie!!! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  16. It would be demeaning if it weren't true. The economical balance of nature has the power scale tipped in your favor. And, again.. with math, you will realize that when balancing that scale for equality things will change. Whites will be forced into ghettos, minorities will be forced into high-society and all the specifics in between. And, that all ties in with you not being able to secure a job because of racial quotas. I don't know what to say to you... it sucks, I know. It's blatent racism which is what we're fighting against. But it will lead down the road to equality which is what we are fighting for. And, historically or systematically I should say, If the white supremcists in high up places we're do decide to wipe out the black-american race, they could do so. with ease I might add. But being that black-americans are a HUGE consumer base in which the american economy relies on, it would be economical suicide and then the US would be taken over by rogue or soverign nations or even worse.... THE FRENCH!!!! So you see... The pieces are in place, and we have no choice except to co-exist. The only question that remains is when will racial bickering stop so that we may move onto the bickering of social classifications. This is all theory of course... but do you see where I'm getting? EDITED: I'm just joking... I love the french... sometimes. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  17. I thought I made it clear that it is impossible to hold somebody accountable for actions they DID NOT commit! I thought I made that perfectly clear. Your asking me for everything else except resolution! Why do native american descendants get free education in AMERICA??? Who owes them? Of course they are owed! Unless you want to be like "we took their land, fair and square". Is that how you feel about blacks in america? That we allowed ourselves to work for peanuts and poverty and be taken away from our homeland., and the fact that we're survived makes everything OK? It's torture to sit through a civil liberties class and watch the educational videos displayed. You know the ones, the hoses, the dogs, the police batons.. the struggle. So if you want to challenge me on reasons as to why I'm not entitled to my pain, your better off not responding. So don't get mad that the black population walks around freely with a chip on their shoulder. I would hope nobody walks around directing anger twards anybody simply because they are white. But IT DOES happen, just as white people walk around directing anger twards somebody just because they are black. This is my reason for continuing to post in this thread. If your still stuck on AA causing inequality, then I believe it to be more necessary than you know. (For the survival of African-Americans). EDITED: NOTE: This post wasn't meant for just you... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  18. sucks don't it..... NO MAN!!! I already said I'm strongly against slavery what course of action do you think would settle things? and yes, of course, I meant it to go both ways... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  19. GOD is... time was created... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  20. 1449 *shake booty* "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  21. HAHAHAhahAHahahAHAA........ you kill me GFD.. you really do.. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  22. Im going to go out on a limb here and say it will be enough when black and white people get together and make lots of babies. But from the discrimination I witness from both sides, I don't see a solution forming anytime soon. I suspect you're right. You know, we came so far. As a society we reexamined our values and made good strides. Then we kinda stalled ...maybe even backslid a bit. Affirative Action came about with the unlikely alliance of tree huggers and fearful, monied whites on the right. The former cause ...well, it's what they do. The latter, cause they saw economic disaster. The latter saw AA as appeasement cause they feared (not unrealistically) racial uprising. AA (which had been around in bits and pieces since Brown v Board of Education) was born in the 60's. Lynden Johnson was the first to use the term 'Affirmative Action' and it was a major component of his 'Great society" (interestingly, the other piece was his 'War on Crime' for a kind of 'pay em to chill, shoot em if they don't sort of approach to race relations). AA programs were probably the single most effective tool for addressing the greatest oppressor - economics (and the less tangible hopes and dreams). So good things were done, but the question is, how much longer to you expect society to bite this bullet? Remember, we're talking 40 years of favored employment status for an ever expanding list of 'minorities' (everybody wanted on that bandwagon). What we have now is white males, two generations removed from the societal and individual injustices of their grandparents (great-grandparents if they live in the south :). Serioursly, how many more generations do you expect to keep paying this price. Whatever our criteria for fairness, I think you have to admit it must end at some point (with lots of babies, perhaps). So give me your best guess in number of years. How much longer? fairness? Ask the Jewish what it would take for them to forgive the NSP. I believe slavery is wrong and cruel, I would not wish it upon anybody, but mathematically slavery must again be annunciated to acheive this "fairness".. As for a prediction to the appropriate time to decomission Affirmitive Action... I don't know, when people start using the word nigger in its intended form. EDITED: Not to cop out on the question... but I would hope to see things change within my lifetime... but ballpark figure, Im going to go ahead and say 80-120 years "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  23. Hloy CoW! Tahts Fckiun AswmoE!!! So Cool! So Cool! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  24. Way to go!!! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"