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Everything posted by gravityizsexy

  1. ummmmm.... "A-man-dahugg?" ........ I don't get it "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  2. ........... I'm here for the boobies.... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  3. that's dope... let's celebrate! "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  4. ...................... rock on guys... ................... rock on.... "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  5. k, well thank you everybody... definitly got my question answered. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  6. put in the order today.... along with my container. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  7. was foul play involved? wrong opening positions? bad packing? I'm not expecting you to know.... but I'd like to know is this something that could just happen or what... -Tony "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  8. Just wondering... has there ever been one. or an unreported incident anyone knows about? "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  9. wow, the perspectives.... thanks all. I didn't mention that my brother shares some intensity of my love for the sport on somewhat different levels ( for our own reasons) it's just that our schedules "didn't allow it" which I don't believe anymore because I just went out and did it. It was so liberating, jumping made me ask myself "if I don't like what I'm doing, why am I doing it and if I want to do something why aren't I doing it?!" has done wonders for school. Anyway, I want to share this feeling my family. (they're more prone to walk away with the feelings I had and relate it to they're personal lives ). But I dunno if I can get past the look on their faces when the door opens or when the wind hits them. but thanks to you guys I realize if they want to jump, they'll jump. If they don't, they won't. I'll love them either way... Thanks everyone... -Tony "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  10. It would make me happy, gonna finish up with my student status at JAX and titusville (gimmi a month ) o.k o.k..... a month and a half, then hot-wheel it down to DeLand before I leave for main and take you up on your offer. I'll even make it my treat. btw - I hope you like yuengling... Cheers! -Tony "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  11. 'Hi' everyone, sup skymama My name is Anthony... you all can call me Tony, I skydive JAX (jacksonville, FL) and I love it! -Tony "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  12. Good luck witcha man! yeah, listen to your instructors.... they get pissed when you don't... but yeah man, all the best... and be safe above all else -tony "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  13. Good Luck Shellybelly... -tony "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  14. yeah man, slydive jacksonville has a pulse. and it's funny you should say nick, he signed my first tandem, dude hates me but it's cool. he's a awsome guy, knows what he's doing, and has like 1 billion jumps under his belt. JAX is kind of small but titusville is live, lots of people just hanging out... ummmm... I'll be there. look up Herlong Airport on mapquest, they'll hook you up. it's IN JAX. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  15. Thank you all for the feedback, it's comforting to know that Im not the only one who feels this way. I also don't remember putting anything in my post about forcing my opinion on him or pressuring him to do something that he doesn't want to do. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"
  16. I would love to get my older brother to jump, ( I would obviously be with him )but it's weird cause I would be too worried for him, my friends, I had no problem convincing them, and I practically threw my girlfriend out, but my brother I dunno if I could let him. Can anyone relate? If so, feedback would be greatly appreciated. "'Someday is not a day in my week'"