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  1. We've been getting some calls about the flooding situation in Fort Dodge... Not to worry, everything is fine there. The airport is not flooded. We went up there last Saturday and got everything set up. We're ready to roll! The weather looks awesome for the boogie! High 70's to low 80's during the day and low 60's to mid 70's at night. See you all there!
  2. No prices on specialty aircraft yet... Registration will only be open until 8pm on Friday, so just make sure you register the next morning if you come in too late.
  3. The hot tub will be back this year! No swimsuits required.... Also, we will be selling memorial t-shirts for Joey Lathrop. Be sure to get one early, as we only have a limited quantity and they won't last long. All proceeds will go towards the future of Joey's children.
  4. I think most banks sell them. I don't use them, because my bank lets me use my debit card.
  5. You can buy those prepaid visa cards anywhere and use them.
  6. Thursday, August 30 through Monday, September 3 Gates open at noon on Wednesday, August 29th, so be sure to come early for our hog roast and sweet corn feed! $50 registration gets you all this and more • Private showers • Camping • Electric hookups for a small fee (while they last- first come first served) • Midwest Freefly Legend Jimmy Coiner Aircraft • 2 Super Twin Otters • Super Skyvan • King Air • Pitts Special Biplane • Robinson Helicopter, seats 6 • Prices for the specialty aircraft to be announced Organizers • Tom Schroeder and Larry Clapp will be organizing two plane (up to 44 ways) sequential formation loads Thursday thru Saturday • Freefly organizer tbd • Additional organizers will be available for 8 to 12 way skydives Entertainment • Friday: DJ • Saturday: Kris Lager Band • Sunday: County 79 Food • Free Beer 24/7 • Hog roast and Iowa Sweet corn feed Wednesday night • Iowa Pork Chop Dinner Saturday night • World Famous Roadkill Chili Sunday night • Food vendors will be onsite throughout the entire boogie Parties/Contests • Every night! • Best Dressed contest/Polyester Party Saturday • Swoop N Chug contest • Chicken Pooper Jump ticket prices to be announced
  7. 56465151 I don't have $$ to lend or I would. I have $3.41 I think
  8. JennX I will be happy to take your money once you get back!
  9. Very true, I forgot about that! Jim Perkins did win the she-man best dressed at dollar daze last year, maybe he is working his way up to defeating Jimmy at dollar daze this year? Could Jim Perkins be Jimmy Coiner's arch nemesis?
  10. Posting details soon... Have to get some details finalized.
  11. I don't think anyone is going to go up against Jimmy Coiner again this year...
  12. See you all tomorrow, I have to finsihs making the jello shots now but I'm kinda drunk after playing poker... Finished 3rd in the late tourney... See you all tomorrow!