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Everything posted by Michele

  1. Michele

    CATS! ARGH!!

    Both neutered? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  2. As someone who is on antidepressants, and one who believes in their value when used correctly, I would not be happy if they were prescribed for my child, and might not allow them to take it. Diagnoses are hard to come by; unless one is honest with a psychologist, one will not get the correct diagnosis. Further, things like bi-polar are very tough to diagnose in a short time. While treatable, the diagnosis for bi polar is often not given until well into the treatment with a psychologist, and only then should one see a psychiatrist for the medical Rx. Anything that changes the chemical balance in the brain is dangerous. If someone isn't responding well to the medication, is that child old enough to say "hey, this is making me worse" or "I am having side effects like X or Y. Is that normal?" Without that feedback, you have no idea what's really going on; some meds can make bi-polar worse; increase mood lability and suicidal tendancies, for example. Unless the parent is uber aware of the symptoms, the time lag, the side effects, and the potential draw backs, a child can go spinning off without warning; they're not yet able to assess - and challenge - the medication's effects should that be needed. I think it would be a last resort - after a long time in talk therapy, and a good diagnosis from a psychiatrist (not an MD/Pediatric Dr), with all other possible causes ruled out (hormones running rampant [can create depression like episodes], problems in school [can cause withdrawl from daily life], eating disorders [often due to a need for control and/or self comfort] PTSD, and so forth). If absolutely EVERYTHING else has been ruled out and therapy has been undertaken, perhaps - and only perhaps - would an Rx be appropriate for a child's brain. And only after the parent has been completely educated (by the psychiatrist and psychologist) to the side effects, the time paralax, the potential conflicts should a child take it. I'm pretty strongly against it, even though I count on my medication to survive. I have had my diagnosis time tested and medication on/off tested. I've finally found a combination that allows me to be somewhat 'normal' (whatever that is...), and allows me an even keel to sail life's ocean with and weather it's storms relatively safely. I no longer see a psychiatrist, and my MD Rx's the meds, but that's because it's been quite a few years that I've been on this combination, and know it works for me. Please take every caution available before giving antidepressants to a child; there are serious drawbacks and negative results and they can kill the child without you even being aware it's coming. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  3. Michele

    CATS! ARGH!!

    Smart man. I wonder where you learned that? Dumpster, how old are they? The night time ghost chase will stop, eventually...once they're older. It's a rare event that any of my 6 attack me once I'm asleep; sure, they'll play attack the TOE! while I'm reading, but either I don't wake when they tromp on my face or they don't tromp my face. Good luck, a little neosporin on the cuts, and you'll be fine. They'll "calm down" in time. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  4. Michele


    No issues, Squeak...I'm not out to skin your nose. I'm simply making some obervations.
  5. Michele


    What strikes me as absolutely fascinating, Squeak, is that you're over at Sonic Beef watching/posting because Micro is there...and bringing comments that he made there over here. Couple that with your denial of caring...and one has a striking conflict. See, it hasn't gone unnoticed that you've been dogging him. And it isn't healthy, this apparent fixation on another guy in cyberspace. There are people I am close with, who I like and who like me, who disappear from this site for whatever the reason. I don't follow them around, though... Anyway, as I said, you're the least of his flashpoints. I'd suggest you find someone else to dog, however...switching targets every once in a while is a good thing. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  6. Michele


    Yeah...it's weird. Although when I asked Squeak if he was stalking Micro, he said no, so...I'll have to take him at his word. I do have most of the pm's sent me over the years, although they are not catgalogued nor prioritized. Just there for re-reading when I'm feeling blue. Somehow, though, I see that as less problematic (or potentially so) than someone who checks up on another poster regularly... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  7. Michele


    It's been a long time since I was in primary school, but I clearly remember being taught all sorts of history, including Norse mythology, the Greek and Roman history, the entire European history (several years there), and American history up to the Vietnam War. There were some great teachers I had - Mrs. Simonian, Mr. Grant, and Mr. Marshall... Your premise is incorrect on it's face. Sorry 'bout that. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  8. Michele

    Gail's Babies

    Thunderbow, I agree - there'd be nothing less amazing than to be able to touch one of these exotics. The official zoo photographer (who has been teaching me sooooo much about shooting) can go behind the perimeter fencing to the wire mesh, and always - ALWAYS - the animals come up and he scratches them through the fence. I keep asking him to let me do that, and he keeps telling me "not yet..." which means never, I think, unless I get to be the official zoo photog, and that's not going to happen anytime soon. LOLOL! And he's been into the nursery with Gail's babies, and got to handle them when they were wee little guys. Tad's lucky...and I'm jealous. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  9. That was the best drunk test I've seen. Man, that boy can dance!! Too funny. Thanks for the link - brought a laugh out loud on a rough day. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  10. Goooooooooooo Peter!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck, you've trained hard for this, and you can do it!!! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  11. Michele


    Meh, you're the least of his flashpoints, Squeak. Edited to add: why did you notice that? Are you "stalking" him? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  12. Michele

    Gail's Babies

    Here are a few shots of Gail...again, no PS manipulation, and not the best of the bunch (I need to work on the eye reflections). But I wanted to share the proud Mama with you all... Enjoy! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  13. Michele

    Gail's Babies

    Amber, that's a great place. I've heard only good things about it, and I know they were able to house several of the big cats from a horrible situation out here (private owner, abused and maltreated cats...horrific story). They are definitely one of the good guys reserves, you know? We have one out here called Shambala, and another that is a breeding program in the high desert. Both have what you describe - adoptions, visitations, and rescue operations. Shambala is run by Tippy Hedron (I think that's how you spell it), Melanie Griffith's mother and the actress who had the lead in Hitchcock's "The Birds". Wonderful place - and they have sleepover nights, too. Not that I can afford them, but what a treat that would be. And thanks for the compliments on the shots. Surprised at how well they turned out; the shooting conditions were less than ideal. But hey, they did come out, and I had a ball. I'll be heading back there soon for more shots. Two answers: The lens I used was my old film 75-300, which, on my digital, creates a zoom factor of 1.6x the 75-300. Allows me to get really tight into the enclosure. The problem is it's a very slow lens; 4-5.6. The camera body is a Canon 20D. The conditions were cloudy/overcast with breaks in the layer, so it could go from cloudy to sunny in a matter of moments. The lack of light meant I needed flash, and I didn't have my flash with me, so had to use the onboard one. Good little unit, but not good enough as I caught a whole hellofa lot of reflection in their eyes. So a bit of PS is in order for some of the best shots...the ones above have not been manipulated in PS other than levels, and brightness/contrast. As for a shot of the happy Mama, I will get one up in a little bit. She's a dear one is Gail...and justifiably proud of herself. Gimme a bit of time, and I'll get one up before I get off to class tonight. Thanks for looking and enjoying! I love the challenge photography at the zoo poses...it's all uncontrolled circumstances, and changing from moment to moment. Action, light, subject - all changes. Keeps me on my feet as it were. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  14. Isn't he a pretty neat guy? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  15. Congratulations, Tink! Well done; that's a long haul, but one day at a time is all it takes. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  16. Michele

    Gail's Babies

    Dunno...since she was hand raised, she might view people in a different light than other exotics...I've heard she has a great relationship with her keeper, and that she allows the keeper and other handlers to interact with her babies without too much issue. So I really don't know. I do know that Lionel, the male lion, loves kids. Every time one comes up to the enclosure, he wakes, pokes his head up, and stares at them. He really looks like he's trying to figure out what the heck they are; I can stand there for hours and he'll ignore me...but let a wee one come by, and up he pops...he might be wondering if they're dinner, snack, or...?? But as for Gail, not sure. She has no hesitation coming right to the wire enclosure and sitting there watching me/us watch her. I have some shots of her; if I find the time later today, I'll post them. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  17. Michele

    Gail's Babies

    Aren't they, though? And even more special when you consider the lack of snow leopards in the wild; any increase in their number is fantastic. I had a hard time leaving their enclosure - I could've stayed there all day. They, however, decided they needed to sleep...you can see the sleepy cub in the last photo - just after the shot was taken, it put it's head down and just fell asleep... They are so cute - and Gail is such a good Mom... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  18. Michele

    Gail's Babies

    Gail is a wonderful Mom. Her twins are doing incredibly well, and she's just the most attentive mom there is. Gail is a snow leopard who was handraised at the LA Zoo. Snow leopards are critically endangered, and when Gail's mom rejected her, the keepers stepped in and hand raised her. The LA Zoo has an active and successful breeding program, and she was artificially inseminated, and gave birth to two very healthy, big cubs on May 26 of this year. There was some hesitation and concern because Gail had been handraised she might not take to mothering well at all. But she has, and the babies are absolutely amazingly perfect; happy, healthy, gallavanting around, jumping out of trees onto each other. They are fast, and curious...and Gail watches them closely. Even though they won't get hurt getting into the running stream they have in their pen (it's very shallow), whenever one of the babies approached the stream, Gail came over and just watched to make sure they were o.k. She's great. I managed to tear myself away from the pen after about 90 minutes or so of shooting...I have lots of great shots to get through, but I pulled 5 to post up here. take a look, lemme know what you think, and don't they just make you wanna grab them up and take them home??? I was trying to figure out how I could get one out and into my car... Good grief, I have yet another reason to go to the Zoo. As if I needed more... Enjoy! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  19. I had a great Saturday... Here is the original post... I'm still flying high. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  20. It totally loops me. I am getting up very early, and trying to stay awake so I can sleep later and not get up so early. I set my clocks back, but still, it takes a while to get used to it. I hate this first week... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  21. I am going to be in class, so I'll bring two bags of chocolate for the class...but for tricker treaters, the house will be dark. Oh well. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  22. I will give them an extra hug from you, Cora...it's tough doing what you do. Keep at it, keep saving their lives, and keep loving them like you do. You do make a difference. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  23. From what I understand, he's already in a relationship with someone. And I might be mistaken, but he's already losing his hair. And he hasn't submitted an application, either, so...well...that is about that. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  24. Very true, Juan. My oversight. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  25. I loved my Jetta. Then it died a terrible, electrical death at about 140K miles. So I got my go-cart. Now, I am the envy of all I see! Well, not really, but it does indeed turn heads, and I absolutely love it. It's such a speedy, comfortable little car...and it's a Honda. S2000....yeppers, I made a good choice. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~