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Everything posted by Michele

  1. Michele

    Multipe Cats

    She's gorgeous. Scared, right now, but gorgeous. Let me know if you encounter issues; I'll be happy to help. Couple of thoughts: All my herd has their own food dishes, share two water bowls (Pie likes the potty...), and have one litter box. Yes, I always clean it...but I have a mixture that I use which is a combo of three things. All the cats use it, and are very good about it. It can be done, but you have to stay on top of it. I have a very small place, so no room for a second box (literally...no room...). If there are dominance issues (I don't think there will be; they're both really young still), let me know. There are tricks and tips to use if they come up. But most importantly, congratulations on a new addition. Maya will adore her, even if not yet...and well done in selecting. She looks good, healthy, and relatively comfortable in the shot. Realize also that this wee girl has had a lot of changes in the last few weeks, so she might exhibit some behavior that seems odd. If it worries you, don't hesitate to ask about it. YAYAY! Another kitty finds a furever home. How cool is that!!
  2. Somtimes, I get the shot and don't get sick. Sometimes, I don't get the shot, and stll don't get sick. Sometimes, I get the shot and get sick. Sometimes, I don't get the shot, and get sick. I never understood why, either... I always try to get the shot. Speaking of which, I have to find a place so Dad can get one before he runs over the pond to Europe...maybe I'll just get one with him at the same time. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  3. Congratulations, 'Chelle! He's a gorgeous little guy - great features, great face, great "presence"! And good job getting everything handled well and fast - it's scary, I'm sure, but it's all working out well. Congratulations - and many, many happy dance wishes for you all in the future! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  4. Eggggaxxxxly! Good to see you around town...politics notwithstanding! And I'm glad you stayed in the country...
  5. Michele


    LOL, yes she does. She's filled out, the panicked-terrified-pissed look is no longer there, and she's hanging in the window which overlooks her former hunting grounds...she looks ever so much better! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  6. Michele


    Here she is, in an up-to-date shot. She's hanging in the kitchen window here. Enjoy! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  7. Michele


    BTW, I just looked over on the sofa...Ms. Pengy is sprawled out there, comfy and happy as can be. What a dear one...and so satifying to know I have helped her. So satisfying. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  8. Michele


    Hi, Stumpy! Pengy's Story is here; there's another thread about her, but I can't find it right now. That will give you her history as far as I know it. Her name is Penguin because her injuries/abuse have left her with significant physical disabilities. She has a hard time walking and balancing, and waddles/wobbles badly. However, she is actually much better than she used to be - she's stronger, and more capable of climbing now than she had been - and that's likely because of the regular food, easy exercise, and some lovin from the other cats. I re-read that thread, btw...and it made me realize just how far she's come. How amazing that kitty is, and how dear and wonderful she is. I love that she is willing to use her voice now...such a big change. For those who took the journey with me, thank you. For giving me encouragement, support, and help, thank you. More than my thank yous, though, Ms. "I'm Pengy and I Rock!!" thanks you. It's so unreal that she's been here two and a half years already...so unreal. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  9. Michele


    Thanks, Jack and Rebecca! I like to think she's happier, more content, more secure, and has more quality of life than ever before. All I know is I do my best for her, and the rest of the herd, and they all seem to be pretty happy. I know they make me happy, and so I just try to return the favor. I forgot to mention that when someone comes over to the house, Pengy will hide for about 3 minutes...and then she comes and peeks in, and will hang out in the doorway, kind of like saying "who's here? Who are you? You're in MY house, ya know..." It's very, very heartwarming. ExAFO, thanks for asking about my girl. It's nice to know that people remember her, think of her, and are wondering how she is doing. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  10. I don't run. I have a really fast car. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  11. Hi, Jamile! Nope, that's not where I'm getting my information from - or shall I say, more honestly and accurately, not the sole source. I tend to see something, it piques my interest, and then I proceed to read about it quite a bit. Then I form an opinion, or hold a position. And that opinion and/or position is subject to change, as new information comes to the fore. I rarely rely on one source for anything. Perhaps they are in a minority; with 2.5 billion muslims in the world, even a small minority - say 10% - is 250 million people. That's a lot of extremists, you know? A lot. Even 5% is 175 million, and that's a lot of people - just about half of the population of the US. A lot of people. And some estimates I've read put it as high as 15-20% of muslims are extremists, although I don't know if they're accurate (thus the smaller percentage I am using above). Not necessarily. While heavily edited, the film Obsession is not too far off; I've seen some scary, amazing tapes out there, detailing the same sort of thing. Those clips/tapes were not used (one, which I can't recall the name of, is a 15 minute video of a training camp...not the one where what'shisname is wearing tennis shoes, but another one...). I've seen video of children who dress like suicide bombers; people interviewing children about jews and christians, calling them "kuffir". I haven't even watched the complete Obsession film...but I see tapes and indications - and have read websites - which confirm that this "propaganda" is being spewed in the Arab worlds. That concerns me... Additionally, consider the rioting over the Prophet's cartoon issue...the amazing vitriol and hatred for those who "dared" draw a cartoon of a person. The violence over a cartoon is startling, misplaced, and whipped into being by ummahs who do nothing more than drive the whole issue to a frenzy. It is that sort of manipulation that brings me to the question in my poll...that sort of intrinsically disproportunate reaction to a cartoon, the inbred hatred of jews, and the fierce opposition to anything western which creates the very real potential for a clash. I'd include Iran in that, and perhaps the SAE. Some of the African states are being decimated, slowly but surely, and "converted on the point of a sword" to militant islam, city by city. I'm not sure that in the next 5 years we won't see something that is "country" based, similar to how AQ operated from Afghanistan in the late 90's-2002 or so. I'm not trying to lump all Muslims together, Skyrad. Rather, I am trying to see the whole picture, the grand scheme of things. Sometimes, it might appear that I am lumping everyone together, but again, I go back to the above; 10% or so are extremists, and that 10% is fractioned into different groups. However, most groups will admit to admiring AQ, OBL, and model their organizations off AQ. They plan and plot like AQ. Is it a matter of time before they realize the only chance they might have to successfully attack would be to band together? Recognized; once one side is determinate, what will happen with the direction? Will it go away, or will it become redirected? Not sure, frankly... Agreed. However, perhaps I see this a bit differently than you. I see AQ as synonymous with islamic terrorists, and see them setting an example and raising a goal for others to go after. Consider the recent Israel/Lebanon conflict; there is very little doubt that Lebanon was backed by Syria...which is an example of the redirection I was mentioning above. Mutual support. Mutual aid. It's an odd situation, to be sure, and definitely unconventional, inasmuch as other "threats" we've faced in the West. However, to think it can't happen is the height of arrogance; it has happened. It will continue to happen. The only question is where, and how...not if anymore. Not sure I agree with you. Clinton chased AQ for years via the police method. The premise to effective policing is reasonable cause; because of that, Clinton did not take proactive action because policing is a reactive process - only once a crime has been committed can they act. So Clinton, in holding that position, missed opportunities to handle the problem because there wasn't enough "reasonable cause". That, imho, is the inherent difficulty in the policing/law enforcement angle. At the time of this posting, 50% of the people who voted think it's at least somewhat likely that there will be an Islamic war. That's a lot of people. It's interesting, to say the least, that so many folks believe that. My vote was somewhat likely, not very likely. There are friends I have who are certain that within 5 years there will be an armed conflict which will touch our lives on a daily basis. I'm not sure...but I think it's a bit more likely than not. One friend of mine thinks that a dirty bomb will be the instigation...another friend believes it will be some sort of repeat of 9/11 (perhaps not with planes, but that sort of ambush attack). I can't see a significant conflict *not* happening without some significant changes, not in the US, but in the Muslim community itself. And I don't think that's going to happen. It's interesting, to say the least. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  12. Michele


    Penguin, my dear sweet abused baby. She's making great progess. It's slow, taking a long time, but it's consistently forward. She has completely acclimated to the household. She has no trouble booting the other cats out of the window when she wants it, eats with the others, uses the box with the others, and wanders around the house just like the others. When the mail came in, she used to be terrified and hide. Now, as long as it's not hitting her (I have a door slot), she'll sit there and be curious about the smells on it. She pokes her head through the curtains and watches the world go by, and it's so wonderful to see. She no longer hides, not even a little bit of the time. On occasion when I move too fast or she is startled, she'll duck behind a chair or under a table, but she's out within moments. She is no longer terrified of everything and anything. She is still apprehensive, but no longer has the terrified look in her eyes whenever I come near. She's lost that, and it's great to see. She's adopted Esse as her best friend, and will sit and groom Esse for hours. She follows Esse around, even up onto the bed at night. She still hasn't let me cuddle her, but I've occasionally been able to touch her. Mostly with my foot while she's on the bed, but rarely with my finger on her nose. She's not fond of it, but she'll allow it; although, as long as she doesn't realize it's my foot (like when she's sound asleep on the bed), she presses back into my foot and cuddles with it. She has been on top of the table, within arm's reach, and she'll stay there as I pass by; she stays in the window in the kitchen while I'm moving around, as long as it doesn't seem like I'm reaching for her. She comes into the bedroom at bedtime, with or without the other cats, and will sit on the trunk under the window until I settle in...and then, perhaps, she'll hop up on the bed. I woke up one night with her sniffing my eye, and I flinched...scared her, but she got over it. She is definitely demonstrating an interest in me, and again, I am no longer devil spawn from darkest hell.
  13. I don't choose my kitties, they've all chosen me. And I've never cared about their gender. I have 5 female, 1 male indoors; one female, one male outdoors. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  14. Michele

    Uncle Leo

    Why, yes, you can. When are you coming back out this way? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  15. Michele

    Uncle Leo

    You flatterer, you. And accurate, I might add. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  16. Michele

    Uncle Leo

    JimmyT, that was a funny pm exchange - 'Who's Yo Daddy?' just had me giggling. I think, if I had to name my favorite episode Dad was in, it would be The Bookstore, where he gets in trouble for taking a book to the bathroom (or something like that). Dad was adlibbing, just going off, and the audience was rolling. Normally, when I watch a taping and it's funny, it's only funny the first time. They did several different shots on that one, and I was rolling each time. He should've won the Emmy for that episode, really should've. What's amazing is when we're out at dinner or shopping or just hanging around at the mall or whatever, and people will come up to him and ask for autographs. He is always thrilled to give one, always appreciates his fans and welcomes their attention. As he says, "they're the reason I'm in business. When I can make them laugh, it feels good. When they remember me years later, it feels great." Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  17. Michele


    He's gonna win!!! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  18. Absolutely. I remember once, when Simon was a wee kitten (perhaps 2 months old? Thereabouts...) I took a bath. He was trying his best to jump onto the lip of the tub, crying plaintively. He could just about get his head over the edge, but there was nothing for him to grab onto, so he'd slide off. I took pity on him after he did this for a few minutes, and lifted him up onto the lip. He then proceeded to crawl onto my chest, and once he realized there was water in the tub, he crawled onto my head. I took him off my head, and put him back on the lip. He crawled back onto my head, and yelled at the water. We did this a few times, and then I just got a towel, put it on the edge of the tub where it met the wall in back (you know, where that space is), and he settled onto that rather than my head. He stayed there the whole bath, and only left when I got out. He still comes and investigates what I'm doing, although he doesn't crawl on my head anymore. He bats at the bubbles if I'm taking a bubble bath, though... The rest of the herd seems interested in what I do in there...they all come in, taking turns because it's a small room, and just checks out the weird thing I'm doing. Three of them like to lick the warm water off my legs when I get out of the shower, too. That tickles, and loufa's me at the same time. Cats are cool. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  19. What's amazing is the amount of information he gets over in that lecture; I have always been a good note-taker; apparently, though, I've missed some of the details. I re-read my class notes while listening, and realized I'd missed quite a bit. There are diagrams to draw, so it seems I'm working on those at the expense of details. And his catch phrase for the class is "the A is in the details." Using the tape fleshes out the notes; further, by listening and typing out the lecture verbatim, it gets me to write the whole thing. Including details. Then I create flashcards for when my ear gets sore, too. So maybe I'll manage to get some of the details this time. It's not as if I'm failing. He's putting pressure on me - and I'm putting it on myself - to step it up well into the A catagory. Both of us believe I can do it, and both believe that I am not operating to capacity. It's not an easy class, I've been away from school for many, many years; and I'm relearning how to learn. Mnemonics work for me; I, too, do singsong things, and make up sentences to fit what I want to remember. An example of that is when I just couldn't retain fissure; for whatever reason, that would always fall out of my head. So I came up with "Amy Fisher is a slut who has a slit; a slit is a fissure." When that came up on the exam, my whole study group giggled...there are several phrases like that I use. The other difficulty is I am having a really hard time dissecting the cat. Just a hard, hard time. It's hard to study the inner workings of a kitty while one is sitting on your lap purring. And at first, my lab group had a cat that looked very similar to one of my herd; I couldn't deal with it. And of course, the next exam, 11/21, is on the cats and muscles. Tough, tough few weeks ahead of me. Thanks for all the tips so far, you all. Keep 'em coming. I'm trying to determine how I learn best, and employ that. I missed some points on the last exam because I didn't quite grasp what he wanted; I knew the material, but left off some details (two definitions, and two examples) which cost me some points. And that can't happen again... I appreciate all the help - some great ideas on this thread...and like I said, keep them coming! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  20. Michele

    Uncle Leo

    Oh yeah!! You're getting older!!
  21. Michele

    Free Hugs

    What a great thing!! Did you notice everyone's face who got a hug? They all smiled, some laughed, but they all smiled. Dunno...this might make an interesting project for one of my humanities classes...gonna have to think about that a bit; I know a couple of people who'd be willing to film it, can do easily 5 different locations...would be a blast!!! And it just might be a whole lotta fun to do, too. Great video. Thanks for posting it! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  22. It's also on YouTube...I've been watching it over the last few days. Not done watching it, but it definitely is interesting. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  23. Before you answer, think about this for a moment. The question is: How likely is it, do you think, that the US/Western "world" will be in a war along the scale of the Korean War or WWII in our lifetime? Where the war would affect (i.e. rations, draft, et cetera) our "daily" lives? Where it would touch every life in a very direct, personal way? And what, in your opinion, would precipitate such a war? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  24. Michele

    Uncle Leo

    Remember the part where I said his humor is blunt and subtle by turns? Yeah, well, I'm his daughter. I wasn't serious. The Hoff would be blessed and damned lucky to hang with my Dad. Dad doesn't know - or care - who Hoff is... As to stitch thinking I have no sense of humor, I'll just accept that my humor is too subtle for some people, and let it go at that. He loved doing Seinfeld. He loves what he does, and he's a damned fine actor. He loved the familial feel on Seinfeld's set, and he does look back at it fondly. He'd come home from the set saying "these people are brilliant. I screwed this/that up, they're going to kill Uncle Leo, I can't do three camera work." So I'd go over and make him some comfort food, and he'd relax. Then they'd call him again for the next show, and he'd call me and say "they're not brilliant. They just booked me for another show." This was a regular occurance for 9 years... Even when his fan base expanded, he didn't believe he was going to continue onto the next season. Even when it got so that he couldn't even go to the Wailing Wall in Israel without being recognized, he thought that when he screwed a line up, he'd not get rehired. He was ever so sure that he hadn't gotten the character nailed. He was always refining Leo, and it was a joy to watch him work. He can't walk down a street in NYC without stopping a million times to talk to fans...it's a ball to watch. I'll walk behind him just to watch people's reactions. Makes me laugh all the time. I am indeed blessed to have him as a father. No doubt or question. Blessed beyond measure. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~