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Everything posted by Michele

  1. Michele

    This Cat Rules

    I know, Tigra. But this Bengal boy came from my best friend's son...couldn't keep him any more. So...well...I'm fostering a 7th. NO MORE! Unless they're kittens and can easily be placed out (a few pet stores in the area do rescue babies with little charge, so I can always place them there after they've been weaned...and I've done that many times). Oliver is a dear one; Simon and Oliver together are not quite so dear. Simon is quite put out by Oliver's presence...and is making it plain he is not a happy Siamese. Oliver, otoh, has been found snuggling with 2 of the others, and has made "friends" with the rest. So it's only Simon the booger boy who's got the attitude now. I suspect that will change as soon as Oliver's neutered (hopefully within the next 14 days...gotta come up with the cash somehow...). I can't place him out unneutered, anyway. He's gorgeous, and at least part Bengal, so I'm concerned someone will take him and breed him. He's not conformed, so that would be a bad thing. Anyway, no intervention needed. Cat litter and cat food needed, but no intervention. LOLOLOL! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  2. Great site - dunno if it's been posted before; I've never seen it...and it's adorable. Thanks! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  3. "Now, if only I can figure out how to upload this to FelineFriendFinder! Muaaaahhhhhh!" Absolutely wonderful shot as I said. Give her a scritch for me! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  4. Michele

    This Cat Rules

    Haven't had a chance to get shots of Oliver just yet...but perhaps in the next few days I will. He'll be here for a while, so not to worry...I'll get them soon.
  5. Michele

    This Cat Rules

    Those are cute. But they have nothing on several members of my herd. Simon will call quite loudly if he wants something, doesn't know where I am, thinks a thought, has an opinion, is investigating something, or whatever else he does. He hums, trills, yowls, yodels, calls, meows, and otherwise makes copious amounts of noise. And he's Siamese Abby will also talk, though not as much as Simon. Esse talks, too, again not quite as much as Abby. However, the bengal I'm fostering is also apparently a loudmouth. He vocalizes everything...and gives Simon a run for his money in the noise department. I will say that none of the noise they make is as...abrasive might be the word of those two wedge heads. I did love the purring on the first clip - very sweet. The second clip made my herd flock to the 'puter to see what was wrong. LOL! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  6. Trophy Husband, you rock. Thanks for saving his life. He looks like a dear, smart, sweet one to be sure. You done good!!! Cracker isn't so bad a name...I just think it's hysterical for a black dog to be named Cracker. Maybe in a few days your baby will decide on another name...ask him then and see. He might get the urge to name it "Pup" or "Racer", like my brother's kids decided to name theirs. And Scratch, Pookie is GORGEOUS!!! Love the eye contrast with her coat. And yes, I know all about fostering animals and then just not finding them a new home. All about it. It's amazing how fast the attachment happens. In a heartbeat, a blink. Just that fast. Sigh. Ciels Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  7. I went out looking at Best Buy tonight with a friend (thanks, Keith!!). I've discovered there is a whole lot out there, and that the sales staff want us deaf. Do they really have to have all the tv's on with loud sound at the same time? I found a deal, but Dad wants to read Consumer Reports tomorrow at the library. We're going to have a better idea on Wednesday, and that's likely when we'll purchase it. We can have it delivered to Oregon, where my brother lives, and I'll just have them address it to me (so they don't open the package...and the kids won't wonder about it). So no decision has been made yet...still looking for all votes of confidence and everything else i need to know...and I told Dad not to wear his hearing aids because he'd be blasted out of there. I have no choice - at least he can turn down the sound. Me? I'll just bring aspirin for the headache. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  8. Hi, Scott! Dunno. Dad can get pretty extravagant, so it's sort of my job to figure out what the cost should be for the item he's buying. He has a tendency to say "the heck with it" when it's something he thinks the other person wants, but in this arena, I think that can be really dangerous. So I don't know the budget...but not $5K +. His family room is about 18x23 and the sofa is about 14-15 feet away from where the TV would go. It's a rather large room, so the sofa can be moved a bit if needed. I was figuring on 42" for that reason - the 3:1 ratio (that's what I heard, at least, and you seem to confirm it somewhat). It wouldn't go into the living room - that already has a TV in it. This would go downstairs in the family room, which is the playroom/computer room. I do believe they have something they can set it on, or we can look got one with a stand (which is what I think we should do; they can change it should they want to later). It won't be wall mounted, I don't think. There won't need to be drastic changing of the furniture, so that's all good too. And that would be the optimal situation. I know my brother would love to have that sort of set up, so if it's possible, I'd love to do that. Of course, it depends on what make/model, and how much of a sale I can find. Thanks for the questions - I really appreciate it. And I also appreciate everyone's input. I might not understand it, but I appreciate the effort and time you have put into it. I'll say right now that I'm with Muenkel and Sunny-one - if it plugs in, I'm lost. I'm the one they make fun of at the service phone lines..."can you believe that lady? Sat on hold for 3 hours just so I could tell her where the start button is. Damn, some people!!!" Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  9. O.K., I'm utterly confused. Dad wants to get a plasma. He won't be talked into anything else. My brother wants a plasma. So it's all about plasma. So. I figure about a 42 inch would be good for their family room. No game playing (yet), but mostly movie watching. Can someone tell me the best 42" plasma tv to get for my brother for Christmas? I'm so confused... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  10. Two sites to help you calculate your carbon footprint. Gore's An Inconvenient Truth site Carbon calculator and url http://www.bp.com/extendedsectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9008204&contentId=7015209]BP's Carbon Footprint calculator[/url] On the Gore site, my footprint is smaller than average, at 5.45. Dunno what's average, but apparently I'm smaller than it at least there. On the BP site, my footprint is 5 tonnes. Which doesn't seem right, as the average US household uses something on the order of 18 tonnes per year. But then again, I'm just me, I turn off lights, and I drive a pretty efficient car (even though it's not hybrid). Anyway, I just thought this was interesting. What's your score? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  11. Michele

    I'm sick.....

    Drink the nyquil. Go to bed. Rest. And then get up, drink more nyquil, and go back to bed. Repeat until the bottle is empty. Call your mom and get her to get you more. Do this again, and then you might start to feel better. Alternatively, I can send you one of my pussies to give you hugs, but they might not travel well...and you'd have to give it back. Gawd, Chris, I know how horrible you feel. Now, imagine taking an anatomy exam feeling this way. Feel better soon, and really, rest as much as you can. It's the only way to conquer this crud. 'Course, you prolly don't have pneumonia (walking or otherwise), but it's best to just lay in bed anyway. Hugs and ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  12. My Dad is the best Dad ever. My brother and his family need a new TV, so Dad is going to buy them one for their family room for Christmas (a few weeks early). Dad said he wanted to get the plasma tv for them, because they've got three kids, and they watch a lot of movies. SO. Because I know absolutely NOTHING about plasma TVs, the best, the worst, or the indifferent, I thought I'd ask all of you for your opinions... What is the best TV? The most common size (not the largest, but the larger rather than smaller sizes)? Best brand? Best store to purchase them? How much should Dad expect to spend? Any fancy doodahs needed, like a whole speaker set, or ??? What do I need to know to make a good purchase? Any NEVERS or ALWAYS? Can I buy it on the 'net and have it shipped directly to my brother's house? Help! I want to make this a great present, so that Dad can be happy he's giving it. Any advice, direction, help, or experiences would be definitely appreciated. Thanks! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  13. I think it's all about territory and dominance...I've had spayed/neutered cats make some amazing sounds and it had nothing to do with sex...just fighting. If you've not ever heard a cat fight, there are compelling reasons it's legendary. No mistaking that noise at all. They're likely just doing the whole dominance thing. Not to worry... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  14. If you know what's best for you, you'll stay home and say "yes dear" a whole lot. Smile, nod, get her whatever she wants...and realize at the end of all this, you'll have a child, a miraculous gift, to hold and love and teach and guide and feel their arms around your neck. It's worth it... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  15. I was going to, but alas, I'm rather not up to it. My Dad and I always do our Christmas shopping together, and somehow I don't think he'd be up to it either (he'll be 84 in 2 weeks...). So not this year. And when we do, it will be a weekday morning...and it will be done in one stop (well, two if you count the fact he won't go to Toys R Us and makes me go instead...)... have fun, get everything you want, and don't hit too hard...I don't wanna read about you getting shot over a Playstation thingy. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  16. Michele


    I'm bored too. Sigh. There's only so much studying a girl can do. It's going to be a long few days... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  17. Someone once told me I reminded them to be kinder and more compassionate towards people around them. That still makes me grin. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  18. Michele

    Am I dead?

    I never blame a guy for trying.... And thanks, darlin. I hope I am better soon; 'cause if not, I'm up and attem Tuesday morning regardless. Ciels- Michele (edited to add one very important word..."never". I never blame someone for trying...sigh. Codeine and posting apparently aren't the best thing to do. Back to bed with me!) ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  19. Michele

    Am I dead?

    That's the master plan for the next 5 days. I suspect I'll have enough energy to take the trash out, but more than that? Nope. So I'll be caught up on studying, and on my knitting, and on my movie watching...and all the kitties are so happy to have me home, and the cuddles are abounding. Dunno, this being really sick does have it's advantages. And yes, that Bengal does indeed look like she's ambushing your Abby. Broke, no pictures. Too bad for you.... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  20. So don't be afraid, to let them show... 'Twardo, some people are here to help if they can, and are curious to see what transpires if they can't help. I think it's great that you've been doing your best to help Jo out. You're right - she's asking for nothing other than didja know this guy. Not money, not fame, not anything other than help that only a few can give. I'd be very interested to know, as well. Howeve, I disagree with your statement that her life was a lie. Her life wasn't. She loved true, and she didn't lie about that. Whom she loved was whom she loved. If he hid things from her, that's his issue...and does not reflect on her. Yes, of course I understand the curiousity; as an adopted child, I had to seek and find my birth family. I know that sort of driving curiousity. But it doesn't mean anything that Jo felt/feels for the man she loved was a lie - from her. perhaps from him, but not from her. Not saying you said that, just wanted to reach out to Jo and let her know what I thought - love, honest love, is never a lie. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  21. There is a time to joke, and a time not to joke. And honestly? It didn't come across as a joke at all. If it was a joke, you'd be best served by going over to the original thread and apologizing for a joke in poor taste than by posting over here about being "isolated and not wanted." Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  22. Michele

    Am I dead?

    Only if they send the young studly kind, like in my Application thread. And NO TRUCKS! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  23. Michele

    Am I dead?

    Yeah, I hear it's really dangerous for us senior citizens. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  24. And been the "victim" of, too. But this isn't the same thing...not at all. It's not about cliques, or clubs, or who's popular this week. It's about simple respect and politeness...and that is what I was addressing and why I posted his original posts. 'Cause there is a difference...and imho his post here is nothing more than more of the same, and whining, too boot. And you know how I like that! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~