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Everything posted by Michele

  1. Happy New Year's to all! I hope this New Year brings everyone what they've worked for, dreamed of, and hoped for. And that this year is the best ever for everyone. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  2. Hear, hear! Thanks for this resolution; you will be a phenomenal instructor, and you will make a difference. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  3. Happy Birthday, Jaycee! Mom and Dad, love her with all you have. Know that you've been trusted with a delicate soul, and one who will look to you for guidance, love, security, and faith in her when she has none. Know that what you do for her now will stay a lifetime, and you will be blessed for the rest of yours with your little child's smile and laughter. Many congratulations, and give Mom a whisky...she does deserve it. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  4. Happy birthday to you! Many, many more, all filled with love and laughter - that's my birthday wish for you. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  5. I am pretty good to those who deliver my pizza. I always know what I want, always am joking and nice with the person on the phone, and always have the cash or check with cash tip ready. Because of that, last night, when I ordered pizza at 10 pm, I couldn't find the coupon that reduced the price by about $5. The pizza was a medium, but they had run out of medium pizza dough size. They upgraded me to a large, gave me the deal anyway, and had the pizza to my house in under 30 minutes. The pizza guy was handed the pizza money, and told to keep the change - which was the 5 or so I saved with the non-appearing coupon. They take good care of me, even though I don't order often. I appreciate it very much, because when I order a pizza, it's usually because I'm too tired to cook or get dressed and run up for a burger at the fast food place. In other words, it's my last choice. But they're good to me, and so I return the favor. And I keep my yapping cats inside. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  6. It's all good - we were stating what we feel. If someone can't handle that, well...hey, I can handle heat. So can you. Life will, as usual, continue. And I didn't mean to imply that you were the one(s) who were salivating to watch the video of his death...if you thought that, I apologize. Have a Happy and Blessed New Year! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  7. IIRC from the news reports, his attorneys filed paperwork stating to kill him was a violation of his civil rights, inasmuch as he would, subsequent to death, be unable to answer the civil charges filed against him in a US court (in DC, again IIRC). That's why a US judge, and that's what the claim was. It went nowhere, but you've got to give the attorneys points for...c"reativity" borne of desperation. As for those who are anxious to watch the video of someone's death, frankly, I find that apalling and disgusting. 'Course, you're welcome to your own opinion and own life...but I find it pretty sick. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  8. I agree. I feel a strange sort of relief at knowing a serious bad guy is now no longer on the planet; and I have no joy, happiness, or celebratory thoughts about it at all...just this odd relief. And I'm somewhat conflicted with this whole thing, just as I am about the death penalty as a whole, although I do support it. It's not about gleeful celebration. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  9. Wherever did I say to not tell the Dr. about orgasmic childbirth?? I think she should have all the fun possible, although with an epidural, she'd not feel it. She'd get the afterglow though, so it'd be worth it.
  10. Dude, where's the red hot fork? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  11. I'd love to...but he wouldn't put it on his Camry. LOL, that would be funny, though, wouldn't it? As for caring about grades now versus before, I cared about them before, but life and circumstances got in the way of me getting the grades I knew I could. So I left. But I'm back now, enjoying (hah, not really...) the challenge, and learning lots of stuff I never knew before (suspected, but didn't know). I'm pretty damned proud of the A in anatomy, and the offer to help in the lab over summer from my bio professor. Those two things, if nothing else, have bolstered my confidence that I can, in fact, do this...and do it right. And...Dad's pretty proud. And that makes me glad. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  12. Good luck, and don't pass out - Dr. Karen is right - the nursing staff will not only castrate you, they'll point and laugh, too. Really, though. It is the most amazing experience, and one to be treasured and remembered as you see your child through their life; cherish this soul on loan from God, and love it mightily...and it will be the most amazing thing you've ever done, and ever felt. Congratulations, and Happy Birthday to the wee one...and hugs to Mom. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  13. So he got released about 2 hours ago...I took him to the market so he could make a "good meal" not served by "the monster nurse" (she was pretty bad...). Spoke with all his Drs., who said while we found nothing this time, if it happens again, to come in while it's happening and they'll hook him up to some machine or other and see if they can't get a handle on it. OTOH, Dad finally realized his "weak" spells are not just like normal tiredness, which he decided it was. He got about 3 hours' sleep, and was exhausted on the way home...and agreed this was not how he feels when he gets "weak." Thanks for the prayers...while we don't know yet what, if anything is wrong, the biggies have been ruled out - his brain is still working and so is his heart and lungs. Thank God, you know? Just thank God. And thank all of you; I do appreciate it, and I'll try to answer the pms in the next few hours. Not sure I can stay awake that long, but hey, I'll try.
  14. Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the vibes, prayers, and special posts... Updating. Just off the phone with him, and Dad is giving everyone hell, but apparently they're loving it. LOL. He saw his first Dr. at 6 am, and is now waiting for the cardiologist to come clear him and get him outta "jail." He wants to know why there are so many Drs., and how come they have to take more blood. He said "they took some yesterday, why can't they use that? I won't have any left after being here!". So apparently he's full of piss and vinegar, and really wanting to come home. I figure I'll head over in about an hour, and sit with him until he's released or until they make me leave tonight. He promises "no high drama", and said he's feeling fine...but he needs to be fully checked out, and won't get to come home until that happens. So...the waiting continues. I'll keep this updated as I know. Thanks again for all the love...I really appreciate it. More, perhaps, than you'd realize. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  15. LaDonna, thank you for making this post. I appreciate it. And for those who've sent over prayers and vibes and yes, even crossed fingers, I really appreciate that. I was feeling so alone, sitting on the curb of the hospital while he was taken for yet another test...in the dark, cold, and under the lamp, in the little light I could find. I was - and still am - rather frightened. Updating before I go to bed - he has had some "weak" spells, where he gets very weak and pretty much unable to function, or carry on a train of thought for long (that's NOT my father. You all think I talk alot???). The spells pass...but I made him call his Dr. His Dr. made him go into the ER. They admitted him about 2:00 am, and he's there at least through tomorrow. He had a CT scan, and, as he put it, he has a damned fine brain, nothing wrong there...and his ECG looks good, again as he put it "still beating like that stupid bunny on TV." Nothing is obviously wrong, so they decided to "monitor" him, or as he says, "monitoring means waking me up every 10 minutes to see if I'm still alive." He swears he is getting out tomorrow, or else he's threatened to leave, attached to machines or not. "Then you can come to my house and stare at them and not understand them at home instead of here." He's being grumpy, and cantankerous, and just an old coot. And I love him for that. Shows his spirit is still here, and whatever's wrong, it's not so bad that he's lost his sense of humor. It was pretty scary there for a while - and still is, in fact - but I'm so tired that I've got to get some sleep...because I'll bet a dollar that he's gonna be a pain in the ass to the Drs tomorrow, and I gotta get there to run interference or prevent him from walking out in his jammies and attached to the cardiac monitor. We're not home free, but it's a lot better outlook than before he discovered his brain was still there and fully functioning. Now just to get the heart checked out and clear...if they put him on the treadmill, they're in for one hell of a holler from him...he hates those things. Says if he's gonna walk, he'd best get somewhere instead of staying in the same damned place. Thanks, guys. We're not out of the woods, but the clearing's here, and I'm resting. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  16. For those of you who have been incredibly supportive of me going back to school at this old age, and helping me via pm's with "tutoring" and cheerleading, I wanted to let you know the results of this last semester. Introductory Algebra, 5 units: A Biology, 4 units: A and an offer to assist in teaching lab over summer...
  17. Glad to hear the kitties are getting on just fine...hadn't heard for a bit, and was wondering about that the other day. And yes, some animals display homosexual behavior... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  18. Both MSNBC and FOX are confirming that some charges are being dropped. I think, if I've understood clearly, the kidnapping charges are still pending, but the rape charges are being dropped. All I can say is "thank God!" The students will have the rest of their lives affected by this, but at least they are not being tried for rape. I hope the DA grows a bigger set and drops all charges. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  19. Michele

    Just can't.

    Actually, I did second guess a few questions. Which was good, because I caught some errors (stupid errors, at that) on other questions. It's not really second guessing when you're checking your answers and realize you've made arteries into veins inadvertently, is it? LOL. I have had a nice, stiff Bailey's With Caramel (delightful, lemme tell ya!!!), and took a nap. Upon reconsidering, I will stick with my earlier score - I figure I got a 93%, perhaps a little higher or lower. But that's all good - I needed an 89% to get the A. I hope I managed... Again, thanks for the back-up. Now, it's time to get the house ready for a short vacation, get packed, and leave to Oregon for the next week...and won't that be nice!!!! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  20. Michele

    Just can't.

    I dunno, but I feel like I did the best I could do. That doesn't mean an A, but it means that I performed to the level I'm happy with. I did the numbers, and I needed to score at least an 88% on the final. I think I got that. Actually, I think I got about 92%, but it depends on how hard he decides to grade the short answer essays and diagrams. Still and all, I think I managed to pull it off numbers-wise. Personally, I feel good about my performance...and that's what matters in the long run, know what I mean? Now...I'm off for a nap. I got about 3 hours' sleep, 'cause I laid there looking at the clock...and I am dropping right about now. It's OVER! Until chemistry in Jan., but still - this is OVER!! Thanks again for all your encouragement...I really, really appreciate it. This going back to school stuff is harder than it looks. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  21. Michele

    Just can't.

    I'm not. Just refreshing some of the diagrams...I still get the Haversian stuff backwards, and the rete testes are giving me fits...but hey, maybe they won't be on the exam. A girl can hope... I was going to get my Starbucks treat - as I generally do before an exam - and have a protein bar...so that should do it for me. In about 1/2 an hour, I'll fill the tank, and hop over the hill into West Los Angeles...and plow my way through a grueling exam. I will let you know how I feel it went, I promise. And I'll be honest...I am really looking forward to this semester being over. Chemistry will start soon (1/3), but until then, I can just relax. And that will be delightful. Thanks. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  22. Michele

    Just can't.

    You guys are great - even Keith with his beer. LOL! Thanks for the cheerleading, and Jaytee, your post was so cute. Thanks - I needed a grin first thing this morning. Dunno if I can get through it three times (although that's my preference and my routine) as it's time limited, but I'll do my best: 10 illustrated short essays and 100 multiple choice in 2 hours...I can get most of the illustrations done and done well in under 5 minutes, but some take a bit longer...and that leaves an hour for 100 multiple choice...so the time pressure is going to be tight. I'll let you all know how I do; I dunno if I'll be right, although I haven't yet been wrong. If I can get an A in this class, that will mean straight A's for 16 units first time back at school in 20+ years. Pretty big deal to me, you know? I've got my bookbag packed, and I'm outta here at 6:30. Review before class in the courtyard at 8 am, and then...in to the exam at 9:15. Funny - yesterday, I got about half dozen calls from classmates asking me for clarification on a topic. All the stuff they asked me I knew...and upon consideration, that does give me encouragement. Thanks again, all...I do very much appreciate it. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  23. Godspeed, and thanks, Tom. For those friends and family, this news hits hard especially at this time of year. Remember, then, his laugh, and his smile, and lift a Busch beer in his honor. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~