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Everything posted by Michele

  1. I don't think it does, Thunderbow. Just to be on the safe side, I've left a message with the gas company's emergency line, and they'll be calling back tomorrow (since it's not really an emergency). Everything is fine now, I just want to get things looked over. And yes, Vectorboy, gas inhalation was the more likely end...seeing as Simon the wondercat was already affected, and apparently I was, too...good thing I didn't go to sleep but checked it out, you know? Otherwise, I'd be dead... Karen, you're right - I'm on a lucky streak right now. That will end tomorrow, with the chemistry test, but it's been a delightful ride while it's lasted. LOL! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  2. I know! That's what was so spooky... I am glad I didn't blow up either. That would really not make my day, you know? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  3. I do smoke, and was smoking (until I went to bed and realized the gas was on). I'm not sure why I didn't blow up, but I'm thankful. I don't think it's my heater, because the oven was on (I have one of those stove tops that don't light unless it's all the way over; the knob was pretty far on [I could hear the hiss loudly when I went into the kitchen], but there was no flame...thus my suspicion that it was the stove...). However, I think perhaps I will have someone come out and check the heater. Better to be safe than sorry... Thanks for the recommendation! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  4. No shit, there I was....'bout midnight last night, cold as hell. Heater cranked, sitting in my robe. Studying for chem, windows closed against the cold. Headachy, sorta slow thinking...I figure I'm done for the day; time to go to bed. I walk through the house, get into bed, and feel really ill. Just nauseous, and headachy. I roll over, and then realize one of my cats is behaving like he's drunk - trying to get onto the bed, not making it (and he always makes it). My nose is stuffy, too, and I am hoping I'm not coming down with anything. Hrm, I think...I pick him up and put him in bed with me, roll over the other way, and as my nose clears, I realize the house stinks of gas. Literally stinks. Threw open the bedroom windows, went into the front room, turned off the heater. Opened the front door, and go into the kitchen. Open the window, and hear the hiss of gas coming from the stove. My stove top had gotten turned on somehow, and with the house closed, it was filling up. I hadn't noticed it for whatever reason, but it apparently had been on for a while. I had been smoking while studying, and this had obviously been going on for a while. So I sat there, in the cold, while the house aired out...and decided to not turn the heater back on until just now, in case I hadn't aired out the house. Slept with the windows cracked, too. Last night's temp was 33 degrees....but I didn't blow up or anything. Man. I've been trying to figure out how it happened...I suspect that I knocked it on when I came in with my bookbag - big clunky thing must've hit it. Which means it had been on since about 8 pm before I noticed it after midnight. No wonder I felt like shit, you know? Good grief. Anyway, just thought I'd share that. I'm glad I didn't blow up - that would've sucked! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  5. Prayers, hugs, vibes, and reassurances - you'll be fine, and back in the air in little time. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  6. That was definitely funny....I've felt like that, too... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  7. All right, I just did 20 Lewis Structures in about 20 minutes. Much faster than yesterday...and I'm wondering if I messed up. LOL...I practiced them alot yesterday, and according to my notes, I have them all correct...so I'm wondering if something didn't click overnight. Would be the first time that happened, you know? Now, on to conversions and fusion/heat, polyatomic atoms and the stuff I've just got to memorize... Thanks for all the encouragement guys...I really appreciate it. I get so stressed about this sort of stuff...I'm just not a good test taker at all. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  8. I've managed to get a decent handle on Lewis structures...not very fast at them, but generally correct. Now on to memorization of the things he wants us to memorize - polyatomic atoms. Sigh... Whatever gave me the idea I could do this class on a 5 week time schedule?? Good grief, my head must've been firmly planted up my...... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  9. Wow...maybe I'll just sit back and let Clay answer...that might be the most entertaining. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  10. Thanks, Squeak and Ico n. I am starting to get that. Between the memorization of ions, and the electron dot/Lewis structures, I'm getting tangled in my brain. I've got my lab partner study group - they're saving my ass; usually it's the other way 'round... - in about an hour, and then we're all getting dinner. After that, it's back to the chapter tests in the study guide, and going over the problems again and again (naming compounds and structures is ever so much fun....NOT!), doing conversions until I cry (word problems suck!), and then perhaps some sleep... Maybe by Tuesday I'll understand enough to pass... I do appreciate the help, you all. Thanks...sorry I'm such a stupidhead. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  11. Very nice - Congratulations! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  12. Nope, that seems pretty clear cut to me. However...now the tricky part. When dealing with formulas that have different numbers in their sigfigs, how do you know which ones go in the freaking stupid answer? And how come in 3450, the zero isn't significant? It changes the value significantly (har har...kay, now I'm just being stupid and tired). But that's got me kerflummoxed. Icon, you're cool for helping me. And yes, sigfigs are significant figures, but you'd figured that out significantly earlier. Man, I need to sleep.... I will be studying tomorrow, I am certain. I have a study group at 6 with my lab partners (all brilliant; I'm the dead weight on this team...), so hopefully I will understand more of it tomorrow evening. Ico n, I really appreciate this, more than you'd realize. I need to get a good grade here, and I feel like I'm stumbling already - and it's only 2 weeks in. Sigh... Thanks for all the encouragement - here and in pms. This site is cool...homework help, camaraderie, and just good old fashioned friendships. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  13. As long as I remember to make the central/skeleton atom full, then I'll be all right. I don't always remember that, though. You could give me an easy, simple explanation of sigfigs, though...the ones I've been finding have got to be the most bizarre rules and explanations I've heard - far worse than what I remember my professor telling us. Either that, or I fell asleep and managed to miss something. Sigh. Bleck. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  14. Doesn't always work for me...I can get so stressed I override it...and the other RX I have. Josh, PM sent... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  15. Squeak, my house is never spotless. However, if I keep procrastinating, it just might get close! ROFL. Oh, dear...you'd lose. Mr. Gifford. Squirelly eyed, waggly haired, thick cokebottle glasses wearing, tall skinny geek. Made fun of me in class during mole discovery. This was high school...I hated chemistry because of him. Failed it. Can't shake the whole "you're not as smart as you think, Michele" and "don't let her touch the chemicals; she'll blow up the place" comments...which, at 16, are pretty harsh comments to overcome. No, you don't hate chemistry nearly as much as I do. my stomach turned when I read cations... Sigh. But you're right - this is foundational stuff, and I need to get it solid. I'm still procrastinating, but that's gotta stop. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  16. Deedy, in the first shot I was thinking "ohmygod, that helmet is huge on him! Looks like Darth Vader's little guy." LOL! He looks like he's having fun, and so do you. Nicely done, the whole thing. I admire you a great deal. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  17. I know of the family you reference...and yes, the younger brother killed at least 4 women in the Seirra NV/Yosemite park. Sad story all the way 'round. Do I think he should be dangling on a rope? Nope - according to our laws, he's due a trial and a fair sentencing...and if the judge and jury say "hang his happy ass" you'll find me all right with that. For now, he's behind bars, unlikely to get out and roam the streets...therefore, I think it's good for now. Would I lynch him? Nope...would I be surprised if others did? Nope again. I watched the press conference today, and it was very interesting. It's not too often a story ends as well as this one did - twice. Usually the reports are of dead children. And I am thrilled this one wasn't that. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  18. I have a chemistry test on Tuesday. I should be studying, trying to figure out how to draw electon dot thingies, and memorizing compounds and ions. And I'm procrastinating. Don't mean to, but there's always something else I can do. Chemistry is soooooooo bothersome...I don't understand it very well, and I don't like it too much...combine those, and you get procrastination. I'll probably decide to study before I decide to clean house...but it'll be a close call. Sigh...I just can't get started. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  19. Would that mean, perhaps, that Nancy Pelosi would take over the Presidency??? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  20. Michele


    The 8.2 (according to the USGS) has indeed spawned tsunami warnings...Alaska, Hawai'i, and California on this side of the ocean, and Hokkaido, Japan and that area. There was a small tsunami spotted in Japan, but not terribly big (I imagine the 4 inch wave was what was spotted.). I doubt it will be anything to worry about in Japan, let alone the US. 'Course, I've been wrong before... It is weird, though, to have a tsunami warning issued for California... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  21. What's amazing is that not only did they find Ben, but they found Shawn who'd been missing for many years. Shawn's parents have an amazing story about faith and how they turned this around; they started an organization that helps find missing people. And now their son is back. And a motherfucker is behind bars...where he should be. Yes indeed, a feel good story all the way 'round. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  22. I like to think I am the same...however, there are people here who think I'm in my 50's (I'm not), a racist (I'm not), and various other things which I'm not. It's all good - if people want to labor under a misconception even after they've been corrected, it's no skin off my nose. Which is NOT hooked nor warted; rather, it's relatively small and blunt. Sigh. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  23. I lost quite a bit in the '94 quake, Bill...I was renting, so didn't bear the cost of replacing a home, but... Your assumption that I was speaking to only the black people in NO is pretty assumptive...I know there were white people there, too...and yet they didn't do a damned thing either. It's the ideology that I'm addressing; the "I'll wait for help, because I didn't/don't want to/see no reason to prepare..." that I'm talking about. And you well know it. Why are you not challenging those who used the race card earlier in the post? That's interesting...and rather telling...but oh well. You know damned well I'm not a racist; to insinuate such, when it is NOT what I wrote, is, imho, a PA. I expect you to do better...aren't you always admonishing to play the ball and not the player? Deliberately mischaracterizing my statement to make me out to have race issues - when I'm not even the one who brought it into the conversation - indicates you have a personal problem with me...So Bill, play the ball, not the player. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  24. you mean like hurricanes? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  25. Wow, Bill...I'm not playing the race card. If you'd look, you'll see race entered into the conversation a long time ago. And 'twas not introduced by me. And if you'd look, and read the posts, you might realize I was not playing any race card...and I resent your attempt to paint me as a racist. I am far from that...and I know you know that. Your word twisting and mischaracterization is, while typical, abhorent and appalling. So please, read before you post, and understand the reason I posted this - stating plainly that there isn't anything racial...nor financial...about being able to be prepared and to heed warnings when given of impending national disasters, as well as unpredictable ones (such as EQs). (and thanks to the poster who pmd me about this...). Furthermore, I am experiencing no subjugation, and thus will not start a thread about it. Please re-read, and if you are having comprehension issues, I'll try to explain further my intentions. But I know you know what I mean, and I also know your posting style well enough to call twisting when I see it. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~