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Everything posted by Michele

  1. Michele

    Uncle Leo

    Yeah, me either. But that's the latest rumor going round these boards. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  2. Michele

    Uncle Leo

    Yes, April, Pop is quirky. When Seinfeld wrapped and he was glum about never getting another role like Uncle Leo again, and mentioned how hard he worked to get that character refined, I told him that "Pops, it's just you, only bigger...you really are Uncle Leo. What work did it take?" He nearly decked me. ROFL. Bigway, he is a very funny man. He and I regularly crack each other up, and we adore hanging out with each other. He and I will call each other and ask for people who don't live there, with accents, and see if we can recognize each other. We've been doing that for years. He says I cheat now because he comes up on the display as "Dad." He'll hang up if I tell him I forgot why I called, or if I call to see how he's doing, he says "fine. That all? 'Kay, bye..." and hang up. He calls back in about 6 seconds to see if I've remembered what I needed, and if I still can't, he starts asking "was it this? That? This? That?" and if I still can't remember, he'll tell me he's the old, forgetful one and I need to not copy him. His wit is blunt and subtle by turns; his sense of sarcasm and irony is well refined. He teases and kids, can't handle tears, and always makes sure to tell me he loves me. My father is kind, funny, serious, intelligent, incredibly smart, wise, brilliant, and amazing in his tenacity. He fell and broke his hip last year. He refused surgery, was on a walker for about 10 minutes, and 8 weeks later was walking in the hills for his thrice weekly "constitutional." He's stubborn, quirky, and has a flash temper. He is generous to a fault; he'd rather give the shirt off his back than let someone go without a shirt. He's forgetful, and difficult at times, but he is overall one of the best people I know, inside and out. He's an amazing person, has stood by me thick and thin, loved me without question even when I was unlovable, and thinks I can conquer the world if I only put my mind to it. I am his greatest fan, and he is mine. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  3. KBordson: Colored pens...and a volunteer. Check. With the cat dissection, I guess I could draw the kitties...Esse would be willing to have that happen to her...Simon would bite me. As for study groups, the problem is I end up "teaching" in it. That doesn't help me refine my knowledge, although it's damned fine for reinforcing what I already know. I'll be putting together a study group again, though...hopefully, that will work better than last time. Squeak, scent - that's a fascinating idea. Not sure how I can pull it off - not allowed any objects with us at exam time. But maybe if I think about it a bit, I'll come up with a way. Thanks all. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  4. Michele

    Uncle Leo

    Just the president of his fan club. I hear, though, that his daughter is pretty unattractive and in her 50's. At least. I wonder how old his son is? As for roles lined up, I hear he's playing in Romeo and Juliet in a big theatre near where he lives; as well as various commercials and television things coming in the next year. Someone was saying something about another series, but I guess that's something they'll decide in March or so. As for Hoff, he may live in Vegas, but he can travel...and like I said, there's some rumor of Europe; at least, I know that Mr. Lesser is heading off over the pond, and that tour might include Hoff. Maybe not Hoff; maybe Chuck Norris. Not sure which. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  5. Michele

    Uncle Leo

    I'm pretty sure he's still alive and kicking. I hear he's touring Europe at the end of the month; not quite sure what that's about, though. Maybe he's meeting up the the Hoff or something down in Italy. And he *is* old - like, what - 84 next month? Just a geezer now. I never watched Seinfeld...bored me to tears. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  6. I'm in a pretty intensive class, Anatomy. I have started taping the lectures because my grade is not as strong as I'd like...it's a low, low A (right on the border). So, with the taping, I can listen to the lectures over and over, especially while driving to and from class - 90-100 minutes in the morning, and 45 minutes back (traffic...). The lectures are three hours (with questions, so actual lecture is somewhere about 2:30), so I get to listen a lot on my drive. (I'd rather sing to the radio, but whatever...). Then, the day after class, I transcribe the lectures. I can read along with the words. I decided that that might not be enough. I am now doing my errands and housework with the tapes going, in my ear, while shopping and/or cleaning. I suspect that I'll line all the lectures up and sleep with the thing in my ear come exam time...dunno how that will work, but hey, whatever it takes. I want a strong A going into the finals. I have an exam on 11/21, and 12/5, finals on 12/14 and 12/21. For me to raise my grade to a strong A, I have to get nearly 100% on both exams coming, and then again in the finals. I've got the flashcards, the tapes, the text and my notes...does anyone know of any other tricks I can use to bring up that score? I seem to be losing more points than I should on the multiple choice stuff... And just because I am curious, what do you all multi-task on? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  7. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY Peter! Way to go - from setting the goal, to training for the goal, and then to race towards the goal - AND TO MAKE THE GOAL!!! - is all very impressive. YOU ROCK!!! Now go have a beer. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  8. Go, Peter!!!!!! Go, Peter!!!!! Goooooooooo Peter!!!!! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  9. Cat Stevens? Really? Duuuuuuuuude. Like, whoa, kewl. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  10. I agree! There's little that compares with the welcome an animal gives, and the comfort one brings. I say, keep bringing your shepard to the barracks; those troops deserve every little thing good. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  11. I haven't lost my sense of humor - I've managed to laugh at myself a whole lot these last two months! ROFL... And I will enjoy the 'za tomorrow...no doubt or question. Thanks! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  12. Sometimes, that comes in really handy! I ate last night because everyone decided, and I'm gonna get some pizza tomorrow night. So I'm content, you know? LOL! Yes, the sun does make it better. It's weird how that happens, you know? And I know it's not going to get easier...microbiology and physiology is going to be rough next semester, I've got chemistry over winter intersession, and then I'm looking around for embryology and molecular genetics for the summer sessions. So no, it's not going to be easier later on. The biggest part of the difficulty is getting back into the rhythm of it; the exams, how to take them properly (I've never been a good test taker), and keeping the grades high enough so that I can compete for the seats that are open in the schools that I want to apply for next summer...yeah, it's not going to get easier. So I figure that if I can keep the focus, and stay the course, I should be about crazy in August of next year. LOLOL! At least I can always ask for decisions to be made in Bonfire. That's helpful! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  13. Matt, my schedule just isn't cooperating whatsoever...sorry. Maybe next time you're out this way, or if I ever manage to make it that way, all right? Sorry...have fun at Elsinore, and be safe! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  14. Yep, I did mean that. I always transpose them for some reason... I think I might go ahead and make them. Easy to make - quick steam - and make some of the fried rice, pour some soy sauce on them, and eat. Pizza is still a consideration, but I'll leave that for Sunday - I have another lecture to transcribe then. Sigh.. Thanks, guys. At least I'll eat tonight. LOL! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  15. Pot stickers from Trader Joe's, chicken gozoya. I think that's it, at least. I'm too tired to look in the freezer to be sure, and I always get it wrong. Might be goyoza. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  16. I just finished transcribing two lectures - one, a 3+ hour lecture in anatomy, and the other, 1.5 hour of biology. I am too tired to think. I have to eat dinner. I can't decide. I've got mashed potatoes, keilbasa, peas, carrots, cheese, and fruit in the fridge. I've got frozen mac and cheese, enchiladas, gozoya, fried rice, and Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia in the freezer. I can also order pizza. What should I have for dinner? Someone decide for me, because I am too tired to decide for myself. If no one decides, then I just won't eat. The lecture from Anatomy was on the digestive tract...so there isn't too much of an appetite anyway. Less of one on Sunday - that's when I transcribe the lecture from the cat dissection. So someone decide for me. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  17. I hadn't gone to college, but was licensed in the field I worked in. However, I have just returned to school with a definite goal in mind. It is hard, it will be even more grueling, but it gives me a degree in the field I want to spend the rest of my working career in. And it's also in great demand, and will be so for the forseeable future. So not yet...ask me again in June, 2009. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  18. ROFL at Rebecca. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  19. Dekker, it's not a stupid question... The different parties often have several candidates running at the same time (in national elections, at least). Because of that, the party has to winnow down their candidates to one or two that have the best chance of winning the national seat. So, the parties hold "primary" elections to determine who that candidate is. At this point, the two major parties don't compete against each other if it's "closed". Something like 38 of the 50 states have closed elections (some have caucuses, some have open, but most have closed). The issues that come up with the closed primary elections are that historically, the people who vote in the primaries are the die hard faithful, i.e. the most conservative republicans or the most liberal democrats. Because of this, the candidate must appeal to those who are voting - so you have hard line rhetoric being espoused. Once the primaries are over, the issue then becomes how to court the more middle of the road people...those people who make up the majority of voters...without losing the "base" support of those who vote in the primary. Something like 10% (or less...I don't recall off hand) vote in the primaries, so that means once the candidate has been selected to run, they then have to modify their position to appeal to the rest of the likely voting public. It's been likened to riding two horses at the same time; dangerous, difficult, and confusing. Once the primaries are over, then it becomes an open election, meaning you can vote for whomever - party lines notwithstanding - you believe to be the one who more closely aligns with your own personal views. In primaries, you can't vote across the board, only for those candidates the particular party you are registered with puts forth. Put it into perspective, only republicans could vote for Bush and only democrats could vote for Gore in the primaries, while in the general election, no matter which party you belong to, you could vote for either one. It's an interesting way to hold preliminary voting rounds, and one I am not sure I agree with. I think I'd rather see more open elections, as that would increase the candidate base and open it up to such people as McCain (who has alienated a lot of the base Republicans) or Lieberman (who has alienated a lot of the base Democrats). I have voted in primaries, but don't often do so now. The fact that California primaries have become a moot point notwithstanding, if we were able to vote for whomever we choose in a primary, the candidate field would be better reflective of the general consituency of the US... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  20. Which means, frankly, that he isn't going to be able to vote in the primaries. That's about all it means. In most states, primaries are "closed" or party specific. Because of that, he won't be able to vote in them because there are no independent primaries. So he's wasting a vote (or two - his wife). 'Course, most people don't vote in the primaries, anyway, so it probably doesn't really matter. In the general elections, he can vote for whomever he wants...dems, republicans, independent, green, libertarian, cross ticket, issue-only, the martians, a write in candidate...whomever he pleases. It's how the system works...and while I don't agree with it, it is the way it goes. I am a proponent of open primaries, but they're few and far between in my state. I understand his opinion - and held a similar one. I learned the hard way, as I suspect he will. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  21. I put a Wonderbra on once. I couldn't see the floor. It was scary. I wonder what would happen to a relatively well endowed man in a wonderjock? What will he not see? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  22. I have a cat who'll do that if the box isn't smack against the wall on three sides. How on three sides? It's wedged between two walls and the hot water heater...they don't like their tail touching anything, so in preventing them from three walls makes them face the opening, and so they stay in the litter box that way. I'll think about it, and see if I can't figure out another solution...but that works for my guys. [Edited to add: sorry, I misread the original post. In an enclosed box, try lining it with newspapers. Allow the papers to "creep" up the sides. This will help prevent leaks in btween the seams...and another friend of mine uses duct tape. Not sure how she cleans the box, but apparently it can be done. Sorry about that!] Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  23. Easy! Make sure my father has lots of it, make sure my Mom has lots of it, pay off my brother's mortgage and set up education/living funds for my neices and nephew. Buy a great parcel of land, build several great homes on it, and have the whole family living on it - their own "place" but still together. Right now, we're sort of all over the country...and don't necessarily want that. Invest the rest, and make sure there is enough $$ to live on (me and my brother's family), and then make sure that the kids all have "house money" for after they graduate with a degree (i.e. I'd buy them their first home, so they had a good, clean start). Then, when I die, what's left would go to 50% - 50% charity and to my brother; if he predeceased me, it would go to his wife/kids. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  24. Michele

    CATS! ARGH!!

    Although I am strongly against declawing, I'm not going to say a word about it. They're both neutered, so apparently it was just a ghostie chase at midnight. Well, that's when the ghosties come, so it's to be expected that they'll chase them then. Give it some time, it will lessen. 'Til then, get under the covers. It has saved me many, many times. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  25. My father broke his hip last year. Used the walker for about - oh, I'd say 10 minutes...long enough to learn how at the hospital, out the ER door (watched by the Dr.), and then when we got back to his house he used it to get inside. Got a phone call about two hours later, describing how he almost missed getting to the bathroom because he was using the walker, it got stuck in the doorway between the living room and the hall, and refused to use it thereafter. Dad also refused surgery (recommended). Dad is back walking 3 miles 3 times a week in the hills, with no ill effects. No limp, no lasting pain, nothing problematic at all. Sometimes, stubbornness works well (and it's apparent where I got it from). Your Gagaw sounds like my father; stubborn and independent. My love and vibes to him, and to you. And huge thanks to the guys who helped him, and came back after work to make sure he was all right. Those guys remind all of us that it's acceptable to "get involved" and that our caring makes a difference. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~