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Everything posted by Michele

  1. BTW. I don't take lightly to being called a liar, or even having it be intimated that I might be dishonest, especially in regards to what I say about myself. I consider this a personal attack. Since you are a greenie, I am powerless in this position to do anything more than voice my sincere displeasure and ask that you not do it again. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  2. Michele

    For Michele...

    Oh my goodness, the cuteness factor is gigantic....thanks for that link...I've bookmarked it (yes, I did!!!) and will click through that when I need a kitty fix. Some very cute shots in there. And just for reference, Simon loves the sink, and Esse loves the tub. I have turned on the tub when Esse was in it and I wanted in it and she wouldn't get out...but she did then! LOLOL!!! Thanks so much. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  3. Yes, Bill, right here on this forum I asked if sending naughty pms and emails to people I know are of age is illegal. I asked if it were comparable, inasmuch as the allegation of Foley sending emails to someone OF AGE was illegal. I was - and still am - wondering if it's illegal. And I wondered if he wasn't of age, if he was at the age of consent...why shouldn't I be curious as to the facts of the situation before I decide something? Isn't that the right thing to do? Or should I simply tar and feather someone because of an allegation? I haven't found definitive information on it, so I ***still*** don't know. Since when is it appropriate to determine the guilt or innocence of someone when the facts central to the issue have not yet been confirmed, one way or the other? Are you seriously advocating that I do that? Are you really suggesting that someone who is asking for facts is guilty of defending someone? I sincerely hope not, but since you continue to repeat it, I think perhaps you might be. Please clarify that you don't advocate someone determine someone's guilt before facts are known...simply because they sit on the other side of the aisle than you do. I have not ever wondered if Foley was a creep. I never wondered if John Mark Karr was a creep, either (just wondered if he killed JonBenet Ramsey). I am pretty heartily convinced that both of them are. However, I wonder if Foley sent emails to someone who was OF AGE. I have the opinion (different from fact) that Foley is a creep. But being a creep isn't a crime...at least, not yet. Just for your information, I hung a jury because, while he was a gang banger and a thug and indeed a creep, he was not factually guilty of the crime he was charged with. The evidence was not there...and some of your comments on this thread remind me of the people on the jury with me who were insisting that if I didn't convict him for this crime (even if he didn't do it), I'd be responsible for any crime he'd commit in the future. That they could tell he'd done it, irrespective of any evidence to the contrary, regardless of lack of factual information forthcoming from the prosecution, because he was "a creep". I like to have facts...and just why is that too much to ask? Why is that a problem? If you want to tie this into a Clinton thing, Clinton lied under oath. He was tried for that. There was more than an allegation of a crime there. However, Foley has not yet given a sworn statement, and can't be accused yet of perjury (as far as I know). Additionally, I haven't heard of criminal charges being leveled against Foley, either, despite the time and all of the investigations. They might be, but they haven't been yet. I could've sworn you and I both held the opinion that it would be wise to wait to see what (if any) charges are brought by a DA in re Foley...and yet, here you are, mischaracterizing my position again, and taking my comments both out of context and deliberately miscontruing them to allude to a different meaning. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop that. And yes, I have sent salacious pm's and emails to people - right here on DZ.com. And all were of age. Those reports are indeed true. Is that so hard to believe? LOLOL! Or are you just sad that I didn't send them to you? (Psssst.......you're maried...and off limits. Sorry, no naughty story for you....). *(and yes, I am just teasing you here, Billv.) Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  4. I'm more of a hands-on type learner...what I need to really learn anatomy is someone laying there, letting me identify parts of his body. And yes, LisaMarie, it does help one count. I appreciate every guy's contribution to this thread. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  5. ANd it makes me aware of biology, too. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  6. I'm wondering what he wears where he's riding whatever it is he rides. LOLOL!!! As buried in classwork as I am, I am so very happy this thread gets bumped up occasionally (or more than that....ahem....). It reminds me that there really are things other than biology, anatomy, political science, and algebra... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  7. (not directed at anyone in particular...)... All well and good. Just don't come asking me how to break your cat's biting habit, or why she seems so scared all the time, or how come he never wants to cuddle with you...and please don't tell me about all the scratches they leave on you... 'Cause payback's a bitch, and kitties can pay back better than most. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  8. I've been dreaming of it for about a month...absolutely not something I want to do. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  9. 4:40-6:20 review for Anatomy Exam 6:30 gas the S2000 and off to school 8 am-9:15 group study review for Anatomy Exam 9:30-10:45 Anatomy Lab exam (bones, only bones, and all about bones) 11:00-1:00 dissect cat (I'm already wigging out about that...) 1-2:00 home 2-6 sleep 6-10 Math homework/catch up on laundry and dishes 10-? Sleep Sigh. Someone should'a stopped me when I had the bright idea to go back to school at my age... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  10. I hate mornings. Especially when I have to drag my sleepy self out of bed at 4:30 to get to studying before an exam (ahem...like today). I set it to an annoying station, which occasionally plays music but mostly just yells and has attitude in the early hours (later it's good for music...), and that gets me wide awake very quickly (a single woman living alone with voices in her bedroom in the dark...yeah, wakes me quickly...). Simon, my siamese kitty, tends to want me to stay in bed because it's warm there...so during the colder months he actually races me to the alarm and has managed to turn it off on occasion (he also answers my cell phone on occasion...). So if it's imperative that I get up early, I have to get it on the first alarm... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  11. Sunny, your co worker is wrong. I've had several cats live well into their 20s (23 was the oldest), and most go up to about 18-19 (in my house). Spaying isn't that drastic of surgery anymore. It's far less painful than living with an illness like hers. Most cats, when they're spayed, are home that evening, and tolerate the anethetic just fine. She will be sedated, shaved, and a small incision will be made in her abdomen. Her uterus will be lifted out, and any "cleaning" that needs to be done will be done. As the uterus is not too terribly buried in her abdomen, it's a relatively shallow incision/cut. She will be stitched back together, given pain medication, and watched carefully, and then you'll get your Peanut back in your arms. She will be groggy, and likely sore for a few days, but about 1/2 the cats I've had spayed are ready to be released back to their colonies the first day, and the rest by the next morning (I participate in a rescue spay/neuter group). And some of those cats are "old" too...and the cats I've been owned by who've been spayed have been absolutely fine the next morning, back ready for breakfast and shenanigans. I've had 5 month old kitties back playing by that evening. It's not that bad for them at all. Give it a shot - there is nothing traumatic about spaying and neutering. And I wish you the very best of luck with Peanut, and may you two enjoy each other's company for another 10 years (or more). AND MIKE, YOU ARE AMAZING, AND A WONDERFUL, GENEROUS, GENTLE MAN. YOU ROCK. Just so you know. Ciels- Michele Edited to add: She won't hate you. She'll feel so much better that she won't even remember this. She'll be fine...and so will you.
  12. Has anyone done the ITV education stuff? I am considering taking a prerequisite via ITV in an 8 week class (end of October through the end of the semester), because if I don't take it now, I'll have to take it next semester, and I've already got next semester's classes lined up and it's pretty intense. So I'd rather do it now, and get it over with. It's an easy course - Psychology (Life Span), and while it's truncated, it's also ITV, so I won't have to get into a classroom. So does anyone have any feedback on the value of ITV, and/or the whole concept of distance learning? There are some classes I will never take via distance learning (i.e. maths, chemistry, physiology...I need hands on there), but some classes seem attractive to me (i.e. english, psych, sociology [lower class]). It's also less expensive. So I was curious to hear any comments regarding it's efficacy, it's accessibility, and the benefits/drawbacks you might've encountered, either from the student or instructor. Thanks in advance! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  13. AH geese, Sunny one...I'm so very sorry. I know what it's like to have an ill kitty, and how hard it is to deal with the decisions. Talk to the vet, and see if there isn't something you can work out with them; ask around, too, to other vets, and maybe contact some of the local rescue groups...they often have vets who will work with them on recommendation. Hugs. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  14. Echoing Lawrocket's Man of All Seasons, and adding Birth of A Nation. Something incredibly disturbing about that film...especially when viewed from the position of nearly 100 years later's perspective. And can't forget "To Kill A Mockingbird", both the film and the movie. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  15. Bill, pm sent. Royd, apparently I can't discuss my feelings on mysogyny, so don't expect a reply from me further on the subject. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  16. My Dad is in sport fan heaven. He has been rooting for the Tigers since he was about 14 (1930's...); never thought they'd go all the way, he just loves the underdog. So you can imagine how excited he is. And right after the World Series, he's running off to Europe for 10 days for his 84th birthday. So yeah, Pops is pretty damned excited about things right now. And that's a good, good thing. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  17. ROFL....how many times has that happened in my house??? Here's a trick. When you can afford it, since she's a climber, you might want to invest in a tall cat tree. I have a three story one in my bedroom that Charlotte loves; and it keeps her from climbing everything except the entertainment center in my place. So give her an Abby-spot; and the tree is one of the best solutions I know of. Other than that....well, crashing in the middle of the night's nothing. Wait until one of them decide to flush the potty at 2 am...that's an odd, frightening situation. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  18. If that is your view, honestly come by, then I can't argue it. It is, after all, simply opinion. However, I would suggest you missed the point of the whole feminism movement (as might have some of the more..."ardent" feminists...). And I am sorry that you believe the way you do; as one of the 50% of women on this planet, mysogyny is sad every time I encounter it, be it in real life, in the working world, or on line. But as they say, everyone has a right to their opinions, wrong as they may be. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  19. Oh dear God. Apparently she has been nominated, and is claiming to be a runner up. Except they don't release the names of runners-up, do they? Or the finalists? Anyone have any info on this stuff? Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  20. I love this time of year, until just about December 1. Then I get the Christmas blues, which tend to last until about January 30. And then, I love the rain we get (2 days a year...). I love the nip in the air, the slightly cooler days and chilly nights. I love getting the second blanket out, and feeling my furry friends cuddle next to me at night for warmth and lovin. I love the color changes (alas, they don't really change here...but there is this one street which is gorgeous...full of maples), I love the wind, I love the sight of clouds and sun peeking 'round them. I wish I lived in a place that had more than one and a half seasons, but until I do, I will do what I can to enjoy it. Yes, Micro, the seasons of the year represent the ever present existential issues we as humans might contend with if we are introspective. But here's the truth - yes, life is passing. But you don't need to watch a tree change color to realize that; just look at your childrens' face. Time is fleeting; it is our job to fill it with those memories which will warm us up when it gets cold and scary. It's our job to reach out with both hands, grab life and ride it...and sometimes, it's our job to sit back and watch it go, realizing the preciousness and perfectness that life is...even when it isn't. And it's our job, I think, to recognize that while we are here, it's up to us to make a difference...and not just hope that we do, but really, make a difference. Even if it's to one person, that difference is vital... So good for you for looking inward. And good for you for making a difference. And hugs!!! I understand your mood completely. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  21. I haven't been because I can't afford it yet, but I plan on getting to Alaska and to Ireland...as well as most of the rest of the US that I haven't been able to get to (New England [except NY...done that already]), the Northwestern States, and the midwest (from North to South). If I ever manage to make a decent living, I am going traveling. No doubt, no question, no problem! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  22. Michele


    LOL, I am wondering where Mr. Fuckerlicious was this morning, and if he's managed to survive himself and Patron... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  23. Thanks, Kbordson...I need it all, but your post made it clear you were linking it for the diagram...which is really good. I really appreciate all the help. The paper is about 1/2 done, and now I need to hustle out to math class...I'll complete it tonight or in the early morning before Anatomy, and then get to work on the Anatomy essay. Sigh. This school stuff is hard. Thank God I like to write at least...and can type about 95 wpm... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  24. Watching You - Melissa Ethridge Hungry Like the Wolf - Duran Duran (pretty scary to read the lyrics...) Run For Your Life - The Beatles (yikes!!!) Dance, Girl, Dance - Cinerama Following - The Bangles (not quite as stalkerish as the others, but it'll do...) I'm Walking Behind You - Frank Sinatra (my Dad loves Sinatra, what can I say?) I've Got It In for You - Fleetwood Mac Come To My Window - Melissa Ethridge Sussudio - Phil Collins Suzanne - Randy Newman Hello, I love you - The Doors You're All I Need - Motley Crue (ugh....) Just a few contributions to this thread. BTW, does anyone know the real backstory to Sara McLaughlin's Possession? I'd heard it was written because of a stalker she had, who'd write her these long, long letters...and then he killed himself. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~
  25. These are great, you guys. Thanks soooooo much. Now, if only I can get my printer to work properly. LOL! Someone pm'd me a link, as well, but with the question: "why are you waiting until the last minute?" I thought I'd explain that here so all who are willing to help me understand why I'm only researching today what's due tomorrow. I have no time. The assignment was given last Thursday evening in bio class. I am in a classroom about 32 hours a week. I am studying about 35-40 hours a week. I also work. Math takes about 15 of those study hours, and about 10 of those classroom hours. Math is my weakest subject, and consequently I work it hardest. I try to have clean panties, but have found that a run to Macys can sometimes be quicker than running a load of laundry. LOL! In the last week, I've had 4 exams, and next week I'll have my anatomy lab exam and the week after that I'll have my anatomy lecture exam (with essay). Once those are done with, I will start mid terms in the other classes. And at the moment, I am (surprisingly) pulling a 4.0. Which is not bad, considering I haven't been in a classroom in 22 years, and am not taking easy subjects (math, bio, anatomy, and poli sci). I expect the GPA to go down a bit after the anatomy exams, but not by much... So that's why I am only getting to it today...but I am getting to it, and it will be done, and done well (except for the drawing part...I can't draw to save my life). Thus the request for help. So thank you, kind souls, who understand why I'm asking...and are willing to help. Me appreciates it very, very much.