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Everything posted by hexadecimal

  1. hexadecimal


    Ahh yea... still remember the one I signed over the summer. "Skydiving is dangerous, MMKAY?" mmkay/no __________ "Skydiving can kill you, MMKAY?" mmkay/no _______ "Death is possible with skydiving, MMKAY?" mmkay/no etc...
  2. I have 5 gmail invites if anyone wants them... PM me your e-mail address if interested.
  3. I've never had it... yet. I'm sure I'll eventually get a letter from them asking me to pay for their mistakes, just like we do with their road construction mistakes, etc... This state sucks in general
  4. I'd still be into racing (karts, motorcycles, cars), wakeboarding, snowboarding, waverunners, snowmobiling, and pretty much anything else I could find that would give me a rush. Not that it matters since I'm not a skydiver yet anyway... but I will be this spring/summer if all goes well
  5. Here's a link to some pictures of my car... http://www.elisetalk.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=105 It's a Lotus Elise. Before anyone goes off thinking I'm trying to show off, keep in mind that the car doesn't cost as much as it would appear to. It's a bare bones race car for the most part, and one that I've wanted my entire life and waited on a waiting list for 3 years to get. I'm such a speed junkie
  6. Garage is part of the house... though now that you mention it, I would park it in the living room if I could get it through the door
  7. The Cube (not the sequel, that sucked...) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind The City of Lost Children Any of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force season DVDs
  8. My dog and 2 birds get stockings. I also buy my grandmother's dog a gift.
  9. I used to put crushed vivarin in the filter with my morning coffee and brew it with water joe just to catch a buzz. Glad I stopped with that and downgraded to 6 shots of espresso each morning
  10. I'll just consider my Mac G5 a living, breathing thing for this. I'd save my car
  11. Ahh... that just reminded me. Raw oysters w/ lots of horse radish
  12. Looks like they got the idea from this: http://www.r50rd.co.uk/research/internal/v2i/engin/ Cool either way
  13. Sucks that it had to be like this on black Wednesday of all nights. I can't imagine what it's going to be like driving amongst the drunks later on. People have enough trouble driving on dry roads in the dark when they're sober
  14. Just started snowing like crazy here in Chicago. No more skydiving, driving my new car, motorcycle, etc... this year Oh well... at least I have the AFP to look forward to in spring
  15. Whoops... forgot about the other thread. Carry on...
  16. Steal a motorcycle and go to the building with the rig on top. Pull the motorcycle into the door that you normally walk in. Hop off the motorcycle, grab the rig, hop back on, drive off a ramp on the building and bail off the bike in the air - proceed to open chute. You can also land the motorcycle on the ground without a chute if you jump and don't bail.
  17. BASE jumping and murder - all in the same game. Does it get any better?
  18. I have lots of invites as well on my 3 gmail accounts if anyone wants them
  19. The most unique costume I've ever seen was a home made "Vampon" that my uncle went to a party as. It was basically a gigantic tampon with teeth and blood coming off of them
  20. Looks like she can't decide which excuse to use... First it was the band's fault, now she's blaming it on acid reflux What a moron.
  21. At home: Power Mac G4 (dual 1GHz, 1.5GB RAM) OS X/OS 9 dual boot, Logic 6, various other tools Power Mac G5 (dual 1.8GHz, 2GB RAM) OS X, Logic 6, various other tools At work: Various IBM workstations/servers Various Sun workstations/servers Various HP servers many more...
  22. The weird website thread got me going... This one is NOT SAFE FOR WORK, or anyone lacking a very sick sense of humor Milkman More to follow.