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Everything posted by hexadecimal

  1. I've got a 3... it's a great car. The most major problem I've had in 60,000 miles has been a motor for the power windows going out.
  2. It's normal for the pain to go away... if it was a brown recluse, you still need to get immediate medical attention anyway.
  3. General: Filth. Germs. Religious extremists. Nuclear weapons. Hillbillies. Skydiving related: Double malfunctions. Someone freefalling through my parachute. Someone under canopy running into me while I'm under canopy. Hard openings.
  4. Awesome short film... though obviously not for everyone Chris does some awesome work... and when he pairs up with Aphex you're always sure to get something incredible.
  5. I was a little nervous about my first hop&pop, but ended up loving it enough that I went up for another one the next morning
  6. I used to get pissed about my insurance rates going up because of idiot kids and their parents buying them Hayabusas and other 1000+cc sports bikes which they ride in t-shirts, shorts, and flip flops... but now I just see it as evolution getting rid of the dumb ones.
  7. One of my friends was bitten twice, and his girlfriend was bitten once... both of them had to make regular trips to the hospital (daily) to have the wounds packed with gauze and cleaned... pretty painful/nasty stuff. The second bite hospitalized my friend for over 2 weeks because they were afraid the venom had made it's way into his blood stream. Get it checked out... better safe than sorry.
  8. 0:5:3 Didn't get to jump Saturday... woke up late and felt like shit so I decided to stay home. Got 5 jumps in today. First solo First time screwing up my landing pattern and landing in the bean field @ SDC... (twice ). Luckily both were only about 5 feet into the beans and I stood them both up anyway. First time jumping in >100 degree heat ... nasty. Was supposed to jump with Sunshine but didn't make it on Saturday and she fled the heat before I got there today... hopefully next weekend. Finally met Jeth today, too
  9. Thank you! You took on the responsibility of taking care of the animal the second you decided to take it home from the pet store, breeder, wherever... and it's not appropriate to kill an animal just because it's convenient for you.
  10. You mean the zombies who migrate north from their Florida winter homes for the summer to create traffic problems and try to piss me off by getting in the way pretty much wherever I go?
  11. Personally, I'd rather see humans hunt each other for sport.
  12. Some people have a different sense of humor than others... and that definitely doesn't mean they don't have taste.
  13. I did AFP and not AFF, but had no repeats in 17 levels
  14. Good thing it didn't happen in freefall or under canopy... Glad to hear you're ok.
  15. 0:5:many Awesome weekend... and I'm done with the AFP (besides my free graduation jump)! Can't wait for next weekend... First jump with my neptune First jump with my new helmet First tracking dive First hop & pop First pack job (sort of) Other less significant firsts...
  16. Congrats man... good choice. I love my CBR.
  17. Just have to make my free graduation jump next weekend Thanks to Sunshine, the packing section of my requirements was signed off today. All I have to do now is get 5 more jumps logged for my A
  18. hexadecimal

    No Beer

    Wow... a bit condescending, aren't we? I hope I'm not the only one who sees the irony in this statement: "Prob not, Of coarse some of you would but any of you with brains help me out thanx."
  19. Looking for a real girl on the internet is like looking for real gold in Tijuana
  20. My parents hate every one of my hobbies... but they gradually learn to accept the fact that I'm not going to stop because of that and even seem to be excited to see new videos, pictures, etc... of me participating in my hobbies. They'll get over it.
  21. I realize the people in London are going through a hard thing right now... but sites like this just seem like a waste of space to me. Do they really think that terrorists are going to log on and look at the pictures thinking "OH NO, THEY SURE TOLD US!!!"? At least the donation thing is useful...
  22. I'd say that even if you were superman, you'd most likely get your arms ripped off the second the rocket fuel ignited and gave the thing some forward motion.