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Everything posted by hexadecimal

  1. Woo-hoo!! Me and Mike ROCK!! Don't worry, Doug, if you keep practicing one day you can be as cool as us. (Of course, mine was a total one-time fluke. ) Way to go, Mike! Wasn't that fun!
  2. Why is it that every time I hear that phrase I get that disgusting picture of Paris biting into a hamburger in my head and can't get rid of it?
  3. Not sure what part of that you didn't understand? Did I say something stupid and not realize it? If so, please point it out.
  4. It's part of the AFP. I was only in a sit for about 5-6 seconds before going back to belly flying.
  5. If I got my mom to even step into a jump plane to begin with, I'm 99.9% sure she'd have a heart attack the second she saw the door open and the person(s) before her exit.
  6. ...at least when I'm making a poor attempt at sit flying
  7. This is what 10% looks like in the midwest...
  8. I was informed that the color I had thought was more of a military green was in reality, "icky"... so I'll probably re-evaluate my rig design and change it
  9. My friends are imaginary... so they're usually willing to work out our differences.
  10. I was picturing it as more of an olive-camo green... but I guess it could also be seen as baby crap brown...
  11. Wow... so I guess my friends aren't joking when they tell me I have strange taste
  12. I'm really screwed then... because my track car is neon green
  13. I like it... but I'm just trying to figure out if I should be prepared to catch shit from others for wearing it Also... should have been more descriptive with my poll since even I don't know what to think of the answers at this point... Yes means it's good, no means it sucks.
  14. SDC has 2 ponds... the pond I'm assuming he was in was the deeper pond which as far as I know wasn't put there for swooping. Depressing news... I remember seeing some kids playing volleyball as I was leaving on Saturday, must have been them?
  15. I did see you once (I think...), but I was on my way into the AFP room to do a gear check on a 15 minute call and you were walking into the women's washroom, so I decided not to follow
  16. I won't... I have a huge debt to pay, and it will be nice to finally meet some people and jump with them after I graduate . I hope everyone likes Heineken and Guinness
  17. Nope... I'm the Mike who's about 1/2 his size
  18. 0:4:3 First sitfly First backloops First frontloops
  19. Damn... why didn't I think of that??? As soon as I get my license and get comfortable enough jumping at my own DZ... I'll do some travelling
  20. I voted just get it done... though I probably shouldn't have considering the fact that I've put off getting my wisdom teeth pulled for over a year now and have been ignoring some pretty significant pain to avoid missing out on a weekend at the DZ this summer
  21. I'm obviously pretty new to this sport and find myself scratching my head to picture different jump planes when someone names anything besides maybe a Cessna or a Twin Otter... are there any picture guides for those of us less informed?