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Everything posted by pBASEtobe

  1. First BASE jump BD '99, 23 yrs. old. First BASE jump as a paraplegic (second BASE jump ever) BD '02, 26 yrs. old.
  2. Hmmm... am I the only one that has had an object strike in freefall and lived to tell about it? I'm sure there's someone else out there, I just haven't heard the story. There's no option for this in the poll.
  3. Dude, it won't be junk free for long if you post it in the clear on the forums. A good way to post things like that if you want to avoid spam is to put "AT" instead of "@", or even "nospam" instead of "@". I always cringe when I see someone post their e-mail address like that in a forum.
  4. Faber would SO disagree with you on this one!
  5. Ok, good. I was wondering about that! It's was early and I didn't get much sleep...yeah, yeah that's my excuse. Ok, so I'm just slow.
  6. Why not just a sail slider then? That would seem to be much less complicated.
  7. Look, we're BASE jumpers, so scale it down a bit!
  8. BWAHAhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
  9. pBASEtobe

    I want...

    I make such the killer caramel pie! Mmmm....caramel!
  10. Yes, unless you're driving too slow in the fast lane then I'm going to be up your ass for sure!!!
  11. I just e-mailed Cheri telling her I think that the BabyBASE picture is the greatest!
  12. Nic, Thanks for keeping us all up-to-date on Hecker. It's nice to be able to hear from someone about how he's doing so often. Let him know that if he wants a master to show him some wheelchair tricks, I'd be more than willing.
  13. pBASEtobe

    Team Bautasten

    Now this sounds interesting! Will we get to see any of it?
  14. pBASEtobe

    Team Bautasten

    Holy shit! That is a great fuckin' trailer!
  15. I'm curious as to what the document is about. Are you saying it just talks about how to take wheelchair dependent people on tandems or is it about how to actually deploy a parachute from a wheelchair or what? I think I know of the document you're referring to but I'm not sure the "Manual: Wheelchair Deployment" is the same thing.
  16. Those x-rays were taken a day after surgery and I still had an external drain in. I just happened to be laying on it when they took the x-rays. The springs are inside the drain.
  17. I saw that. I figured I'd ask here quickly before trying to get a hold of anyone at The Relative Workshop.
  18. I think it was here I saw this link to a Relative Workshop page. At the bottom of the page under "Available for Order" there's "Wheelchair Deployment". What the hell is that? Anyone have any ideas?
  19. IT COULD!?! Oh my gosh! I should be care .... oh wait a minute, never mind. I'm good to go.
  20. What if we've got titanium from BASE jumping, where's that option? I've got lots of it. Here's just two pics.
  21. I don't think he's made a skydive either. But he's looking for more information before he gets further involved, which is definitely a good thing. Yeah, but his post here makes me wonder what exactly he's planning. If he does truly have no skydives and no BASE jumps, why does he need that much info at this time?