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Everything posted by LongWayToFall

  1. I saw it the other day, I have to say I enjoyed the first one allot more. But then I have seen the first one 10 times maybe, so it would be hard to beat. The new one has some pretty outrageous scenes, thats for sure.
  2. One time a strap from the bed of my truck that I use to secure dirt bikes, dangled down and got wrapped by the driveshaft and then snapped. Sounded like a bomb going off! No harm though
  3. What about if a great Dane walks by and has an even bigger pair? are we going to have to start covering those up? Common. If it was a huge cock or something ok, but just some balls? If it passes, I wonder if they will define a certain size and shape to the law? if its just a pair of tennis balls they can't do anything, right? I want to make a pair that are the size of basketballs and made of titanium, and have an air ride suspension on my lowride truck so I can air down so they drag and shoot sparks!!!
  4. Is that why you started hating America and making films about it?
  5. Man thats nothing. I have been to mexico several times on trips to build houses in super poor areas. I'm talking most of the people there just buy old garage doors on a flatbed truck that drives around to build their houses kind of poor. You would be amazed how many have a satellite dish
  6. One of my dad's friends works at tesla, and being local, I had the opportunity to take a tour of the factory. It is a first class operation. The office/design area is just as large as the assembly area. If you have that kind of money to drop on a toy, go for it, but at this point its mostly about the WOW factor, like a ferrari or something. Just for the name. Personally, I would wait awhile until they are rolling them out in slightly higher numbers because that should help the price to drop. Although, the chassis are made by Lotus, and that means if the Euro/dollar ratio keeps sucking, it might be awhile until the price gets better. But yeah, cool car, cool company. If you ever had a problem with one, I am sure they would take care of you
  7. I was going to vote for your kid, then I saw Hunter S! any parent that names their kid after Hunter S Thompson is a bad ass. Just kidding, you got my vote
  8. thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Nothing you said means that we have to have more adds. New software? great. easier log in? excellent. I just don't see why there has to be a useless feature added to the screen, only to cover up for the real intention of putting up more addspace. Don't get me wrong, I very much appreciate the contributions of the site owner, I am sure his job sucks and he only does it because he feels he is helping the community spread information and make our sport a safer one. And I totally understand that it takes money to keep a site like this one going, meaning adds. But nothing requires you to use space that was otherwise making it easier for people to navigate and read threads. Besides, you don't have to get pissed at me because you pay money for the site and still have to look at the junk on the left like everyone else.
  10. Does it really matter the percentage of the screen that is used up? What blows is that it is being used up at all. Why can't the adds on the top be enough? If the traffic to dz.com doubles, so does the bandwidth, and so does the cost. But so does the exposure of the adds!!!!!! What has necessitated this change, I am very interested to know.
  11. This new layout stinks, and I'm not going to pay for membership to remove the adds. I wonder if enough people stop coming to the site, that it would go back to the old style?
  12. I am posting the function here so I don't have to follow the link. -Re:
  13. How much for registration, and tickets? I'm getting excited
  14. What is the decent rate in a helicopter with no power? Is there ever a situation where upon exit you might go vertically into the blades? I would think that if altitude suffices, the pilot should do an autorotation at exit time to slow it down a bit.
  15. I feel your concern. I have been looking at my altimeter after jumps, and it shows a deployment about 400-500ft less than my pilot chute throw. For instance, on one jump I threw around 3200ft, container open maybe 3100, fully inflated at 2700ft. The deployment was registered at 2800ft.
  16. Seriously. If you finish your training and bring 2 cases of good quality beer, it will be noticed, and appreciated. If you bring Keystone, prepare to get flamed
  17. +1 Fuck. My tax return bought my main, and when I get my next paycheck all of it will go to my aad. I haven't jumped in a month to save for gear. Last weekend I bailed on a road trip to Vegas with some hot chicks so I would still be able to pay for my equipment on time. I stopped drinking good alcohol and have moved to Old English 800 and plastic jug vodka. Added bonus, none of my friends will drink it, so there is more for me. Downside, I don't get invited to as many parties if I am bringing jug vodka or a bunch of 40ozs. When I sell my car, I am taking some off of the top to complete my skydiving gear, I still need a helmet and jumpsuit. Does anyone know any pawn shops in the San Francisco area? I think I can scrounge up a few jumps.....
  18. That is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you! Its too bad this isn't easily done by checking a box or something. I'm sure I will be checking back on this thread more than 1 time to remember what that command is!
  19. When did I come off as pissy? And since when is information on here deemed as legitimate without confirming that info with a trusted source? Maybe I should have posted something with a more easily distinguished tone of complete lack of credibility. Such as "what you should do is buy a lightly colored rig, and instead of paying the fee for tie dye, just slit your wrists and bleed all over the place, should give it a nice effect." Blood shouldn't effect the TSO right?
  20. No I see that part, and it is handy, but what I want is that after the search the results listed are the thread title only, not all of the posts from within the thread. Because the results have allot of posts from the same thread
  21. I had a brilliant idea yesterday regarding your situation. Buy a red rig, and go to town with a sharpie. Booya