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Everything posted by LongWayToFall

  1. Damn. This thread is useless without pictures!!!! Man, you gotta be pretty high to take the time to dig up a grave for a smoking device. What about an apple and a straw? Or an avocado, an icepick, and snorkel?
  2. What he is saying is that above 500ft, you can do whatever you wish. once below that, you have to keep it 90 degrees or less. The reason he said a time limit is to keep you from saying "I did 3 90 degree turns." I think Bill understands just fine what he specified.
  3. How did I know California was taxing my diesel fuel $.74. Oh wait, its the insane prices I see all the time, THATS how I know. Underground biodiesel sales out pace selling crack by 2015.................
  4. When I heard 156mpg, it was on another web site, but I would assume the manufacturer's would be fairly accurate. The pricing was based on the euro, I guess it will cost allot to get them shipped over as well. Hope they have enough trunk space for 2 rigs, what a way to cruise to a far off dz! I can only imagine when electric cars are using large Li-pos, there will be some insanely fast cars. The Tesla car is using small D battery size cells, a bunch of them, to get the needed discharge rate. These new batteries should blow them out of the water. Glad to here they are getting affordable! Hope they have longer life though, the RC ones are only good for about 100 charge/discharges. They also have a bad habit of swelling up and exploding
  5. Has anyone asked the seller where they got it?
  6. Something of interest to this thread: http://evolution.loremo.com/ 156 mpg and coming to the US soon. Not to mention a price of less than $15k-$20k.
  7. 90mpg but how much juice are you going to be taking from your house? The conversion is so you can charge on a house outlet, right? Electrics right now are no good, the huge batteries are very expensive, and capacity is not largely increased over older technology. What has increase though, with lithium Ion and lithium polymer, is the discharge rate. This just means you can do the same as a big battery with a small one, but you still run out of juice around the same time. I fly remote controlled planes with Li-po batteries and they are mad expensive, small ones are $100+ and normal sized are $300-400. One for a car is going to be maybe 100 times larger. Something to consider is natural gas, I have heard about buying compressors for your house that run all day long and store it in tanks, that you put into your car and run. Don't know enough about it though to talk about cost and efficiencies, but I heard its cheaper than gasoline.
  8. When I recycle copper, they take your drivers license and record the info. Although, they don't specify very clearly what it is that you are recycling, if police showed up and pointed to something and said, who brought this in? They wouldn't have a friggin clue.
  9. If you want a car that gets better mileage than the prius, pretty much the same size, and a fraction of the cost (initial AND long term due to no batteries) look at a honda civic hatchback with the 1.3L engine. On the freeway at reasonable speeds it is getting 50mpg. My next truck will be a VW "caddy" pickup truck with a 1.6L diesel, it also gets 50mpg. Many older, smaller cars with small engines get insane mileage, look it up! http://www.mpgomatic.com/2007/10/09/1982-a-banner-year-for-high-mpg-cars/ Bill- I agree, biodiesel is very nearly the same as regular diesel. It cannot be used on a wide scale basis yet though, because not enough testing has been done on different parameters. Nobody is completely in agreement on what is acceptable for certain levels of acid and other chemicals. One type of oil will produce different biodiesel than another, and we need to keep using it to figure out what the long term impacts are on engines. Biodiesel is an excellent solvent, and for older diesels (before 95ish I think?) you will have problems because they are not using Viton seals. Almost all vehicles have viton replacement kits available though, so its not a big deal. What it boils down to really, is that to produce HIGH quality biodiesel, you have to build a very good reactor, and be exacting in your production and testing methods. Most people simply do not have several hours to get a batch going and flip a few switches every day. Not to mention moving lots of 55gal drums around, from your car to the reactor and back (your oil, methanol, biodiesel when finished, waste products). What we really need is small non-profit clubs that produce the stuff in large quantities, meeting ASTM standards, and selling it only to recover the costs. It could also be a company offering free waste oil disposal to local businesses, right now they usually have to pay.
  10. Tenant? You know, power outages DO happen..... hint hint Its not that I can't sleep, but that I am wondering the pages of dz.com and somehow, incredibly, I have been unable to notice the clock that is in the lower right corner, only inches away from my attention center of the last few hours. Maybe it was the boobies thread... Ima go get horizontal now though
  11. What you mean to say is that energy required equals aerodynamic drag + frictional losses, and if you are going up a hill you must add that in as well, because you are doing work. Fuel consumption only loosely corresponds with energy required. The problem is that all engines are built to run perfectly at a precise rpm. This (in a normal free air breathing engine) happens at peak torque rpm, when cylinder pressure is at its highest. Much of this rpm is decided by the camshaft, also other engine details such as valve area, piston bore to stroke ratio, intake and exhaust runner length, port diameter, etc. If you operate the engine at an rpm below the peak torque, then what happens is that as the piston is starting on its way up on the compression stroke, it actually forces air backwards out the intake port, before the intake valve closes. This is wasted energy, and is being helped by technologies such as variable cam timing and variable lift or cam profiles, such as V-tech by honda. So, when driving on the freeway, try to keep it near the peak torque. Another issue is that on an engine that is twice as big as another, (your 6 cylinder vs 8 comparison) if spinning at the same rpm, with the same amount of intake mixture to produce the same power (almost) the smaller engine will do better. This is because the bigger engine has more vacuum, and such, less mixture reaches an individual cylinder. This extra vacuum means that the cylinder doesn't even start producing pressure until it is significantly farther up in the bore compared to the smaller motor, and when the explosion does happen, it produces less power. Big cylinder and small bang means lousy efficiency. Also, a motor that has more moving parts (including heavy duty tranny and differencial to handle the power) will have more fictional losses. This is why the best mileage you will ever see comes from small 4 (or less) cylinders being spun at peak torque, to produce just the power they need to go the speed you want. Not trying to stop anyone from dropping in a fire breathing v-8 into a tiny car, that is bad ass! See what you can get away with in terms of compression ratio, and put it there, this will help out hp and efficiency. On the hydrogen thing, I can't say I know much about it, but what I do know is that converting energy into hydrogen has a poor exchange rate, you loose something like %50 in the process. Being that the majority of our power plants are coal, its not going to help consumption of fuels. You would be better off just using gasoline directly, instead of taking the %50 loss. A nuclear/solar/wind plant and a hydrogen production facility sounds like a winner though. Man, if all cars are hydrogen, there are going to be some crazy car crashes/explosions going on!!!!!!
  12. I just learned how to pack recently, and there is a video in the gear section somewhere called PD packing that helped allot, a search should turn it up. Since you have your own gear, just clear out the living room and do the pack one step at a time. Look at the video, pause, go do it yourself 10 times, continue. Good luck
  13. First off, veggy oil reduces engine life significantly, probably by 50% or more. Second, a 2005 dodge ram has a very high tech pump, the VP44. This pump does not like to see anything except diesel #2, because of very very tight tolerances. If you were determined to run veg, and wanted a full size truck, the earlier dodge ram with the inline P-pump (available in the 12v motor up until 1998.5) would be able to handle it much better. However, to replace this motor is expensive (10k+), it would be better to find a truck with cheap engines available to it, such as the Chevy 6.2 or 6.5, or maybe Ford 7.3 NA. These all have manual pumps that will hold up as long as anything. So, in short, veg is not the answer. Possibly for some, but nothing wide scale. Also, privately owned diesels make up a small portion of fuel consumption. what we need is an alternative for gasoline engines, and not ethanol, and not hydrogen.
  14. It arrived on my doorstep about 2 days before the quoted ship date, so it was finished about a week early. I can't recall when I sent in my order, but it was 3 months ago maybe? I dunno. It will be worth the wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Dude you have time to get another 30 jumps. Camp out at the dz!
  16. Btw, I see you are running pod filters. I hope you jetted as well?
  17. How dare you say such a fine machine is an antique. That engine (overbored to 1156cc) has been used in the Bandit 1200 up until 1 or 2 years ago. It is an excellent motor, just make sure you stay up with the valve adjustments and oil changes. The air/oil cooled bikes really heatcycle, it will break down the oil quick. Luckily, the valves are adjusted easily because they are screw and nut style adjusters, no shims for you! The aftermarket on that bike is huge, probably bigger than any other bike ever. So as soon as you are ready for haulin major ass at the dragstrip, look into it
  18. I'm pretty sure the jet is just for rides. No, I think you need a B license to jump the balloon, as well as night jumps. Time for water training!
  19. Just got mine. fits like a glove, and looks better in real life than what this lousy picture quality is showing. Fits a 210 main and 218 reserve. Thanks Wings!
  20. It seems the entry fee for a single vehicle and 2 man teams is almost $3000, almost all the teams entering are factory sponsored teams. We should find one that is free to enter, or just make the run ourselves.
  21. Hey I was pretty excited about the idea of a long distance race, so I looked up more info. Its actually called the Alcan 5000! google should turn up some good info. I believe this is the main page: http://www.alcan5000.com/
  22. Fuck. After the game finished last night I wandered the streets in a drunken haze. Oh well, at least it was an amazing game to go out on.
  23. Naw dude, thats what this does! It returns the title of the thread only, not the individual posts within it. I'm pretty sure you can still specify to search in just the body, title, or both.
  24. I found this on Skydance's website. Talks about pricing, and also that they will have a BALLOON!!!!!! WOOO http://www.skydivecalifornia.org/americanboogie