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Everything posted by eUrNiCc

  1. Hey everyone! I'm leaving Twin Falls soon to slowly head back east towards Bridge Day. Speaking of Bridge Day, who all is showing up?? Greg, Nick?? The wind here at the Perrine has finally slowed down a bit and I've been able to make a bunch of jumps. Here's a shot of my first rollover :) Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  2. Hehe... The winds are supposed to be nice this morning so I'm off to the bridge. Dawn, Thanks for taking good care of the Spork! The tacos here in the west are delicious! There's nothing quite like flour hard tacos Jason, I had thought that 1140 would be cool too, but I'm probably a little too early for that one. Everybody have a good Sunday! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  3. I've spoken with a helicopter service near me that flies an R44 (4 seater) and they said that according to the manufacturer you can not put a negative load on the skids (i.e. hang from them) in flight. Does anyone know anything more about this? Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  4. Sorry I can't be there to jump with you Dave, but at least you've got a spiffy new canopy to play with! I'll give 10 bucks to whoever can guess my BASE number. Limit one guess per jumper. I should get it in the mail about the time that I get back to Raleigh. I talked to a guy from Cali who just got number 1117 about 2 weeks ago. I was hoping for a palindrome (1111) & it looks like there won't be any bianary numbers any time soon either, so I'm crossing my fingers for 1122. It ought to be close. I hope that the weather in NC is cooperating better than it is here.... Then again, if the weather is crap hopefully that will keep anyone else from getting busted up It's windy as crap once again and there aren't any jumpers to be found. If anyone sees Marion, give her a hug from me! She's been sick and she just took the LSAT for the second time since I've been gone. Take care everyone! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  5. ^ I dunnow... maybe he could just change it from "Burnout" to "Burned In." *snicker* The winds at the bridge finally calmed down today! I got 2 TARD's and 2 packed jumps in today. Tomorrow looks like yet another washout... we'll see. Everybody have a good & safe weekend! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  6. Hello everyone, Matt, I hope your appointment goes well and you don't need surgery or spare parts from dead people Everyone else, keep having fun out there, but don't get busted up! Twin Falls is nice... except for the craaazy winds that is. Yesterday evening it ended up calming down to jumpable levels at about 3pm and I made four jumps, the final one being at last light with the full moon rising over the canyon
  7. Hello all! I'm glad to hear that you're doing alright Matt. It sounds like things could've been a bit worse! Right now it's 10:25 local time and I'm sitting on a park bench in front of the Twin Falls, Idaho Visitor Center, right at the top of the bridge. I left Moab at 8 this morning because the forecast for the next couple of days sucked and the weather here in TF was supposed to be pretty good. I rolled into TF at 2:30 to find the winds gusting over 20mph, even though the forecast was calling for 5. Now I'm freezing my ass off and the winds have picked up to the point where I'm worried about my computer blowing off of my lap... seriously Ohh, well, hopefully the rest of the week will be better and we'll get some jumpable weather! Last night I walked up to Tombstone (390' E) at sunset & ended up walking down due to winds. On the way back down I ran into Jay Moledski who, aparently not scared off by the winds, was hiking up for a solo jump. He asked me and the guy I was walking down with to be his ground crew since he was there alone. We got back down to the parking lot and watched Jay throw a really nice gainer followed by a pretty kickass swoop (for a 280sq.ft. canopy). We went to dinner afterwards and had a pretty cool talk about the Base and swooping scene. Here are links to some news segments from the ABC affiliate in Grand Junction Co. I shot the freefall footage and they did a kickass job of editing it together for their story. Check it out! Clicky! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  8. I'm at the airport in Moab now. I'm leaving for Twin Falls in the morning, but I'll be back in town around the 11th. If you plan on jumping be sure to give the DZ a call and let them know that you are coming. This place is gorgeous all around, especially from the air. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  9. Matt, I'm really sorry to hear about your accident. I hope that your knee is alright and I'm glad that things weren't any worse. Heal fast! On the last load of the boogie yesterday night the otter lost an engine at 3K and had to come around and land one engine. They flew the skyvan out to AZ to pick up a new engine and it got back this morning, so there has been alot of action going on in the hangar. About 2400 jumps were made during the boogie and there was only one injury that I know of. A TM sprained her ankle badly after her first jump at the high density altitude here. There was another guy who swooped right into the powerlines that supply the entire airport... it took them 3 hours to get the power back on. They did about 150 tandems and I did a dozen videos... not really as many as I'd expected. Now I'm headed to Tombstone to try to make a jump before leaving for Twin Falls in the morning. I miss you all! Kelly Green and Andy Hogenbaum say hello to those who remember them! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  10. ^ Will do man. Moab is gorgeous! I made 3 jumps this morning. I'll post some pics later. Pauly & Ruth won't be here for another week, but we're planning to make some jumps off of some new exits that Pauly checked out the last time he was here. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  11. Thanks for the tip Dawn! I actually remember seeing that exit on the way here. I've been being a little lazy today. I got up and went to Apex BASE, but Jimmy & Marta were nowhere to be found. Then I went to Tombstone and couldn't find any jumpers anywhere. I spent most of the afternoon helping the DZ get ready for the boogie & scoping out a canyon where they're going to be dropping loads in the mornings.... You land on a road between the 400 foot walls The town of Moab is REALLY nice. There're bike shops, outfitters, and jeep rental places on every corner and everyone who I talked to was exceedingly friendly. The booigie officially starts tomorrow and people are arriving from all over. One otter just landed a few hours ago from Eloy, and there are another otter and a skyvan coming tomorrow. I met up with a couple of BASE jumpers this afternoon and we're going to get up early and try to go make a jump before skydiving. Woohoo! I'll talk to you all soon! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  12. eUrNiCc

    Base 1000

    Contrats on 1111! I was hoping to get that number, as I'm in Moab and I'll be qualifying very soon. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  13. Sheesh, We should rename this thread "Busted CSS Jumper Status Anyone?" Road Trip Update: So I left Marion's house at sunrise on Monday morning... I figured that I'd try to make St. Louis by the first night, Denver by the second night, and Moab on wednesday. Well, fuck that. I arrived at the airport in Moab just a bit after sunset on tuesday... about 38 hours after leaving Marion's. It was a 2004 mile drive Needless to say, I'm pretty tired after two 16 hour days of driving. BTW, if you've never driven hwy 70 West from Denver to Utah, it's the most beautiful road that I've ever seen! I stopped in Vail and there was snow everywhere, but it was 60 degrees and I could comfortably walk around in a tshirt and sandals. Anyhow, I'm going to go set up my tent and SLEEP hard. More updates and pictures forthcoming! Seeya! Eric Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  14. eUrNiCc

    John Agnos

    ^Bingo... The one with BASE sites tattooed all over his back Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  15. Tramp night was certainly a raging success! We should make a group shutterfly gallery and have everyone upload their pictures ^ Guido, are you bringing M18's? Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  16. ^Ohh, can I get Samuel L. Jackson? "PULL MOTHER%*#%ER" Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  17. I just got my VISO about 2 weeks ago and I've put 25 or so jumps on it. Pros: It works. It seems very reliable and accurate. The time/speed functions are pretty neat tool for monitoring your swoops. I'm not sure exactly how accurate the canopy speeds are. I was able to hit 84mph SAS under a JVX 80 at 2.0... seems a bit high to me. Cons: It comes with a crappy little wrist mount, not the hand mount shown in all of the advictisiments, and even on the outside of the packaging when you buy it. It is MUCH harder to set up and use than a neptune. It took me over an hour to figure out how to set the time and date. Once you figure out how the thing works it's not so bad, but they really could've done a better job with the interfaces and menus. I put my viso in a Protektor because I need it to be waterproof and I find that it's pretty tough to read through the clear rubber screen protector. It is also much more prone to glare than the neptune. If money is not a factor I would have just bought another neptune for an audible, but for the price the VISO is worth it to me. I trust that it will be backed with the same great customer service as other L&B products and that it will hold up through many many jumps. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  18. ^ At least getting to the cab won't take long You should be able to take a pair of binoculars or a video camera and zoom in close to see if the hatch at the top of the ladder is open. Also, be very cautious when climbing out, there can be some tricky obsticals on the outside of the boom and falling (stowed) from that altitute probably wouldn't turn out very well. Be careful to keep the grease off of your PC as well! Good luck, YMMV! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  19. eUrNiCc


    I'll be there starting on Wed the 27th for at least a week. I assume that there will be alot of folks in town for the boogie. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  20. eUrNiCc

    Bridge Day Carpools

    I'm driving from the SLC area starting around monday the 16th and arriving sometime thursday the 19th. I'm thinking about making a stop in the windy city to see some friends. After BD I'm heading back to NC, so if anyone wants a one way ride from out west let me know. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  21. My Speed Cypres2 just arrived today along with my Viso. I only did one jump today & the viso logged my top speed under canopy at 72mph SAS under my JVX80 @ 2.0wl ... I'm not sure how accurate the viso is, but I'm willing to bet it's pretty close. I definately feel a bit safer now. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  22. How does the PC1000 function in low light and nightshot compared to the one chip cameras? Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  23. That's odd, there are a couple viso's sitting in the display case at my DZ's gear store. They've been there for a week or two just waiting for someone to come along and buy one. One thing to note is that they come with a wristwatch style strap as opposed to the hand mount that is shown in all of their ads. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  24. Water weighs 8lbs/gal. The maximum amount of weight allowed under the current rules is 35lbs, hence you would have to make room for about 4.5 gallons... That's alot of water! Maybe you could put on a drysuit and fill it up? Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  25. Cool! Sorry, I screwed up the CLICKY in the eariler post. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.