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Everything posted by piisfish

  1. Then try to PM Eric Fradet here on the forum, he might have an idea
  2. This is what happens when president Shitforbrains starts brainstorming
  3. Would a violet wand do the trick? Asking for a friend
  4. Send me pictures of your wife in the tub, and I’ll tell you what I would do
  5. piisfish


    Baksteen, it would achieve a more precise cartography of the spread of the virus and allow for more selective confinement.
  6. piisfish


    Don’t overestimate other western countries either. I believe we are all very weak in this particular domain. Testing capacity should be increased massively worldwide. If I had my word to say, I would like to have everyone tested weekly for a month.
  7. Try to get in touch with Sean McCormack of Red Bull Air Force. He might be able to get you an answer.
  8. Well they could always be taught responsible gun manipulation
  9. naaah, they are not overweight.. Maybe undertall...
  10. from European experience, you just start to "feel the heat" after 3 weeks... Don't hold your breath on that deadline...
  11. Just read that Carnival will do just that https://yachtharbour.com/news/cruise-ships-by-carnival-corp--will-help-with-the-covid-19-3772?src=home_page_latest_list_pos_2
  12. I would be ok to help cruise lines if their ships were requisitioned as hospital ships
  13. never had the chance to shoot with one. Maybe some day...
  14. it seems to me that he is mistaken pretty often, as I wouldn't dare call a president a liar.
  15. piisfish


    that article says the Swiss are disciplined and whatever good people who do whatever they are told ... Illusion. We are as stupid as the rest. In my family we are distancing, shopping if possible for the week for necessary stuff, but we see lots of products missing in the shops (toilet paper for one, but we already had enough prior to the outbreak... must have a 2-3 weeks stock for a family of 5) as some people do a lot of panic buying. Luckily the shops re-stock regularly, but if you are late shopping, what you want will be missing. In my area, lots of small shops/butchers/vegetable shops etc have developed a pre/order+pre/pay system, so you go and pickup your order without contact, which is good, because you have better quality, often at a better price than in a supermarket. And we are mobilising parts of the army to help out, for now only/mostly medical troops. Waiting for the government to allow "older" guys like me to join again. In the meantime, lots of people do not want to play by the recommendations and still go out, travel, hike and stuff.. I love the nature, I love to have fun in the "great wide open", reason why I limit myself to be able to enjoy the "Full Size Life" as soon as possible.
  16. This is a MAJOR NO-NO. You might not be aware yet on how the situation is degrading in Europe. Nobody is going to visit you at home. But you could maybe find someone who would do a video course....
  17. Hey you, out there in the cold getting lonely, getting old, Can you feel me ?
  18. piisfish


    I believe that whatever action we are trying to take is good, but not enough. Most "democracies" are trying first and foremost to try and not crash the economy too much. This will kill LOTS more rather than HARD decisions. I really wish some stronger orders would be pushed on us here in Switzerland. This is a total mindfuck. Difficult to push wartime decisions on people who do not understand they are under siege. We need strict confinement, regular testing, and federal feeding for those who cannot grow their own food. This will be the only way (I believe) to calm down the progression of the virus and help the medical system cope with the full hands they already have until someone finds a cure for this shit. We are seeing our neighbour Italy having each day a new record of deaths per 24Hours, and all others for the moment ramping up on contamination cases. Brace for impact, the wave is huge. Love you all