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Everything posted by penniless

  1. That is not correct. Wheat is a case in point. Viruses have also been shown to gain genes. DOH!!! You're right!!! Why, Thank You, kind Sir!
  2. Yes, but he will get away with it....Just like always. Uh huh... Aren't we getting a bit too humor deprived around here.
  3. That is not correct. Wheat is a case in point. Viruses have also been shown to gain genes.
  4. If you don't pay your taxes you go to jail. Hence, forcibly seized. A threat is just as forcible, but perhaps I should have been more precise in my language. Since this came from a Biblical reference, what happened in Caesar's time? Jesus apparently had no serious issue with paying taxes and expected people to be charitable as well. Come to think of it, Jesus would not have been born in the right place at all had it not been for tax collection by the Roman state.
  5. Holy missing context, Batman! I think Jesus is talking about tax evasion there. I do not believe the Christian ideal of charity is manifested through taxes, siezed by force. Charity is given as the giver sees fit, not seized by the government and handed out as payoffs for votes. Besides, Ceasar's empire wasn't exactly a democracy. Or do you think we should just bend over and give the government whatever it wants? By your logic voting to reduce taxes automatically precludes someone from being a true Christian. Laughable. No-one ever seized my tax money by force. Which state do you live in?
  6. The first thought qualifies the second thought. If the FF had wanted unregulated arms, they would not have qualified the right. The first half of the sentence cannot be disregarded. Ya, the statement self-contradicts, just as is found in other amendments. How about rights to privacy; please find me the word, "privacy" in the Const? But the 4th appellate decisions are full of statements about expectations of privacy. The original writing of the Const is as useful as an old pair of shoes; they feel real comfy, but they are futile in most applications. If the only rights you have are those explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, that's a pretty sad state of affairs. Maybe privacy is one of those inalienable rights endowed by the Creator.
  7. First a high with the Maginot line and now this low. If 100 jumpers jump with cypresses and don't pull and only 90 of them work was the investment justified? Would you also say we shouldn't armor HMMWVs in Iraq because no armor is 100% effective. I cannot believe that anyone is arguing that a shield that is not 100% effective is useless. I'm risking an aneurism trying to comprehend the though process that would lead to that kind of claim and you actually try to defend it with a flawed analogy. You're actually arguing that if a missile shield can't stop all the missiles then you'd rather have no shield and let them all through. Well good luck with that thinking mate. I have no response adequate for the situation. I'm dumfounded. If we were running a huge budget surplus, had ample reserves of non-polluting energy and natural resources, had solved the problem of nuclear waste disposal, had the number of citizens below the poverty line decreasing instead of increasing, no-one without good health care, and we had secure borders, etc., I would agree that throwing money in this direction could be justified. As it is, it's a prodigious WASTE because the probability of success is tiny and we have other pressing problems that need the $100 billion.
  8. Remeber the Pinto. Engineers tested it and showed it had a problem. MANAGEMENT overrode the engineers and put it into production. Engineers said not to launch the Challenger. Overrridden by management. Boom. The spacecraft that recently crashed due to an upside down switch was properly designed and improperly built. There was a Mars spacecraft that crashed due to unit conversion problems - that was also a management failure to properly coordinate the teams working for different companies. The King's Bridge (Melbourne, Australia) fell down because the purchasing department ordered the wrong grade of steel. Management error. If you dig deep enough you find many product failures come from management and production errors.
  9. There's no "export to disk" option in the "export" menu on my Premiere 6.5. Is it a plug-in or upgrade, maybe?
  10. Is that armor going to stop the North Korean missile before it reaches San Francisco? ? No, and neither is the so-called "Missile Shield" for reasons that have already been adequately explained. Your crystal ball of pessimism is in fine working order. A development system under test on a launch pad performs an automatic shutdown for reasons not yet known and you say it'll never work. Automatic shutdowns are there to save the vehicle for future tests if something is out of kilter. All that was lost is some time and a test target. The people have spoken, they want the administration to set this as a goal.
  11. Negative No personnel attacks Not an attack, just identifying a debating tactic. I'm sure he's a charming guy. Wasn't it you that commented on his refusal to admit that troops were spread thin despite overwhelming evidence, and he did the same thing in the thread on the death penalty. Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks like a classic case of slothful induction to me
  12. "Slothful induction" - seems like a perfect description of Tunaplanet's style.
  13. You mean like this? Nope, the guys on the right are just freeflyers.
  14. Bush invokes (one) religion just about every time he opens his mouth. Last time I checked he was still head of the executive branch. And again...please show how the President or any other member of the government mentioning God is against the First Amendment. Here's the actual language, in case you need reminding: And please, something other than "he IS the government", please - the argument is invalid on it's face, as you well know. I didn't see any mention of "he is the government". I saw a statement that he is head of one branch of government, relating to an earlier post in which the insertion of religion in government in general was something to be avoided as bad for both, and unrelated to the specific language of the Bill of Rights. Just because something is permitted doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good thing. I for one would like to hear Bush, Kerry, Clinton, etc. refrain from invoking God in all their speeches.
  15. To the best of my knowledge (and I have checked) Kerry's rallies are open and Bush's are by invitation to the faithful. So Kerry is apparently open to hearing dissenting views and Bush is not. I am not aware that these schoolteachers had been disruptive in any way, just wearing tee-shirts who's message is pretty hard to disagree with unless you support a "1984" style government. It's interesting to see who immediately jumped in to defend Bush. Is there no limit to how much you will apologize for? Kennedy, what part of "Protect our civil rights" do you disagree with?
  16. Kallend isn't very good with commas. I guess it should read "he picked up the syphilis, from which he died, in jail".
  17. If you choose to invade another country, there are some things you should think about ahead of time. However, thinking ahead is not this administration's strong suit Nice little cache for Al Qaeda, though. Bush is now their best recruiter AND their quartermaster. Funny, it seems like a story with "legs" to me. I now gets better. In 1995 the UN inspectors had found these high explosive powders. They asked the UN to destroy these supplies. (Newsmax has found reports from CBS and NBC on this very topic) The UN said it was not necessary to destroy these powders at that time. In Feb. 2003 CBS and NBC report, based on the inspectors information, that these same powders are being moved....... Now, add to that fact that the US has intelligence that show the head of the UN IAEA has been helping Iran with information that will help them avoid UN sanctions in regards to thier atomic program so the US and the Bush Admin want him out! He is the one that supposedly released this "new" information See the trend? Any your man Kerry wants to get into bed with the UN crooks Would this be the same US Intelligence that got it's "bad intel" from an Ahmed Chalabi, the guy with strong ties to Iranian intelligence? Funny how you blame Bush's mistakes on "bad intel" but then trust the intel when it suits you.
  18. Like Tom Cruise in "Minority Report".
  19. Yeah....well that too.... I imagine that there were far more women burned than men "quartered." So I don't suppose they were being nice to women.... linz Lots of men got burned too, especially during the Tudor period (corresponding with the Inquisition in Italy, France and Spain). Burning was for heretics of both genders.
  20. Give me an example of a conflict where the US military is/would be unable to achieve the desired results. Vietnam. Give me an example of a situation where the US has gone in WITH full international support and a broad coalition** of allies and it has not been successful. ** that's a real coalition, not like the present Iraq situation where 1 nation provides 95% of the forces.
  21. What was that commentary? Did you actually hear it or are you just going by how the RNC spun it? You should've watched the debates -- they were pretty enlightening. That when Kerry mentioned a the US needing to pass a "global test" before defending itself. You interpreted it differently than I did, then. I understood it to mean that before the US acted unilaterally it should ask itself if its behavior was appropriate under international norms. Nothing about seeking permission from the UN. That all came from the Repbulican spinners.
  22. Wasn't it also to catch OBL (Sept 2001), before it became no priority at all (March 2002) which he then denied (last week's debate). And it was also to reform Social Security (August 2000), which he then didn't do in four years of having a friendly Congress. But now it's his priority again. I think it's called "flip flopping".
  23. You must have missed the beginning of Tuna's post: "These are the 5 bills Kerry authored that passed the Senate, the House, were signed by the president, and became law.. Here's the URL from