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Everything posted by Casurf1978

  1. Read a book called "Fast Food Nation" and the part on slaughter houses. It boils down to saving money, yeah they werent required to do those things, but the owners dont give a shit nor does the supervisor, its all about saving money. It's all about processing so many animals per hour, if they dont meet that quota heads roll. Yeah I eat meat, but only buy from organic farmers and pref kosher too. I refuse to buy foster farms or regular brands from chain supermarkets.
  2. In one study of impotence JAMA reported that a group of impotent men 50yo+ and found that over 50% of those had arteriosclerosis of arteries in the penis (main cause of their problem). One of many factors the found was many of these men had diets high in sat fats, mainly red meat. I'm not saying that it is the sole cause, but a diet high in sat fat is bad for your health and has several documented adverse effects. Although PETA might strectching their claim, to say it is BS is well BS.
  3. Thanks! Goliath is the male on the left. He never realized that he out grew my lap. He weighed 120 lbs. Angela is the little girl on the right. Again, she always thought your lap was where she belonged. She weighed 85 lbs. They were the most loveable little ones. And, protective as well. As soon as I can, I'm going to get another Akita.
  4. Great post Andy. Personally when I cook steak Kosher salt, a bit of pepper, sear it both sides and I like it bloody rare. Ate at Outback once, steak came back medium after I said rare several times. Hey also what's the whole process of ageing and salting entail. Someone said it's like "rotting." All this talk about steak is making me hungry.
  5. DId you see my post about the "switch in time saves nine?" Of course, that's debateable. In my view, he bullied the Supreme Court into getting his way, which started the whole, "Living, breathing document, except for the rights I hold dear" line of thinking. And how the hell can you defend the internment? I guess on September 12, 2004, we should have interred all "mud colors" since they were the ones who hijacked, eh? (Actually, it's what we are doing in Gitmo now). How the hell can you actually defend that???? Where am I defending it. I said it was a horrible part of our history. It happened OK, just like when our Gov gave small pox infected blankets to the indians, just like the USA was the last civilized countyry to abolish slavery, just like we were the last civilized country to give suffrage to women. History aint pretty and its full of horrible mistakes. Yes I read your part about "court packing". Also look at the court of his three predacessors. Didnt the Supreme Court say that Standard Oil was not a monoply, just like when the supreme court turned down minimun wage and child labor laws. I'm just saying step back to that era and try as hard as it might seem to look at it the way they did. Hell look at how many people in this forum want to turn the middle east into a "glass parking lot", emotions run high during times of crisis and human beings sometimes are guided by their emotions and not logic. And please dont take what I say out of context, I never defended Japanese interment.
  6. Mustve been the same two who voted for FDR. Not picking on those two, but how could anyone think FDR was a bad Pres. I wouldn't care if everything else had gone well during his presidency (which it didn't): the fact that he took a huge shit on the Constitution and had people of Japanese descent (even with American citizenship) imprisoned without cause or charge, (while they lost their homes, businesses, lives) means that I hope he is rotting in the deepest recess of hell in eternal pain. That course of action can never be forgiven. I wonder if liberals forgive him this abomination even as they bitch and moan about suspected islamic terrorists being held in Guantanamo... Yeah, probably. - Ok where did he crap on the constitution? Yes his order to inter the Japanese is a blemish on our history, EVERY COUNTRY has done similiar things and much worse. ALso what was the climate in this country on Dec 8 1941 and the following months. Its so easy to sit back 60+ years later and critize, admonish and say whatever you want, but try to put yourself in the shoes of an average Joe citizen in that era and tell me what it was like. Japan had just attacked, Japan controlled god knows how much of Asia and seemed unstopable, Europe was on the brink of falling except for Britain. I would be scared shitless as I'm sure many were. But its so easy to sit back 60+ years and point fingers and say that was bad and horrible. If you feel that way about what we did to the Japanese how do you feel what we did to the native american and african americans? FYI. Reagan voted for FDR four times (and idolized him), Newt said he was one of the top three pres and Dole would say the same. Pretty impressive for some hard core reps huh.
  7. Mustve been the same two who voted for FDR. Not picking on those two, but how could anyone think FDR was a bad Pres.
  8. I read this as I was about to take my multi vitamin. Made me look at it in an entirely different way.
  9. HAHAHA...happened to me too with Wells. Luckily I had a Washington Mututal account too. Basically wrote myself a check from my WF account for my entire balance to WAMU and then when the check cleared closed the WF account.
  10. That's just plain wrong. There must be a market for it though, I cant see a giant cosmetics firm spending huge amounts of money on a new venture. Only thing I wear on a daily basis is sun screen and double it up when I'm outside playing sports. Dont want to end up with one of these later on in life: WARNING. Its pretty graphic.
  11. In nature the weak die off and dont survive. In nature most young animals do not survive, yet we as a race dont allow nature to take its course. Do you think a premi chimp would survive or any premi animal. What's natural about a kid growing up in an abusive home with abusive hetero or gay parents. If a couple ANY couple, interacial, intercultural, gay, straight can provide a loving home for a kid so be it. What people perceive as "normal" changes. In the 50s a single parent was not "normal", 50 years later it is normal to be raised by a single mom or dad. Are the kids any different?
  12. Sorry if I joked, and I do see your point. But to bring up interacial marriage again and this was HUGE back then and more violently opposed that gay marriage. Also laws were written to oppuse interracial marriage. But did interracial marriage open up the flood gates? Did any negatives come out of it? One Alabama rep still opposed this back in 1999, he even implied that the kids would be screwed up in these unions.
  13. No I dont support it. I guess your right, if we allow gay unions it will open up the flood gates and pretty soon fathers will marry daughters, sons/mother, etc. Just like they said in the 50s with interracial marriage and the downfall of western civilization.
  14. Quade he has a vaild point...At what level do we no longer allow people to get married? Can a father marry his daughter or son? Can a brother marry a sister? I mean if you REALLY want freedom to choose...Then you would have to support these situations also. So do you support the right of a father to marry his son? Serious question and I'd like a serious response. The issue boils down to rights. As a son I have "rights" with my father, ie rights to visit him in the hospital, rights of inheritance etc. A married couple have certain rights too. If you purchase property with your wife, she and you have certain rights to that property. Health insurance benefits to being married too, right to social security in case one of you buys the farm, some homeowners insurance comps will treat one of you as a renter if you are not married. Hell even car insurance rates are lower for married couples. This list goes on. Some people would say "get a lawyer and file a will etc" you dont need to be married for that. If that were the case then why doesnt everyone do that? I agree the word "married" should not be used. Hell I could care less what word they want to use. It boils down to denying a group, a small group, rights that they should be entitled too if they want to get hitched, civil unionized hell whatever you want to call it. Of course if they break up they will also get the flip side to this, e.g., alimony, child support, property being split in 1/2, etc.
  15. Are you OK with polygamy? How about brother/sister, father/daughter, etc? Same argument was used with interracial marriage. If we allow it pretty soon fathers will marry daughters, sons/mother, brothers/sisters. Some even quoted the Bible and said "race mixing" was going to be the end of modern civilization. It was going to open up pandoras box. Others said that the kids wont know what race they belong to and they would grow up in a racial limbo. I mean look at Tiger Woods, the guy is so f-ed up. Black father Thai mother. Damn thats a recipe for disaster.
  16. You can't compare WWII to with whats going on right now in Iraq. We were attacked in 1941 and shortly thereafter Germany declared war on us, Dec 11 1941. To say Germany was a threat only to European Jews, French, and English is BS to say the least.
  17. 1. Coach freefly jump tracked straight up the LOF at breakoff. Lessons learned: chill out more and dont rush things. I wanted to get away to deploy and shouldve taken the extra second or two to establish which way to go. Rather just go. 2. Broken arm/elbow when I "reached" on a landing. Lesson learned, PLF PLF PLF and dont mix Vicodin with beer.
  18. You could also say a huge portion of the population did not support inter racial marriages back in the day. Didn't Alabama have a law banning interracial marriages, even though it was not enforced it was still in the books.
  19. Does that zero tolerance apply to amnesty for terrorist too? Look at what the Saudis did with Abu Suleiman. Then again they let Idi Amin stay in SA. I could care less what a small third world country does. But when SA starts handing out pardons to guys like this that is of more importance than a small country pulling out 50 workers.
  20. Ya know, a friend of mine quite a while back cynically commented that he wouldn't put it past this Administration to indefinitely hold onto power through some "state of emergency"/"national security" rationale. You read stuff like this and wonder if he was being more prophetic than cynical. A friend of mine said the same thing. I was like never, it could never happen in the United States. But in all honesty, could they really postpone the election if something happened, for how long and what would the repercussions be?
  21. Check this out Done it a few times this last winter, not with skydiving canopys, but with kites specifically designed for this. It's a freaking blast. I dont know if a canopy would be fast enough though, I know squat about canopys, but been kiteboarding for 4+ years now and know enough that manuvrability is key. Also you'll notice that these kites have 4 lines, two to trim the kite and two to control it. All attached to a bar.
  22. Isn't it the DHS thats doing this not the TSA? Still dress code for air marshals is utterly stupid. I thought they were supposed to blend in.
  23. Less I forget it was Kruschev who blinked. Or was it Kennedy? What should've Kennedy done. He had several options: invade, air strikes or blockade. A stupid leader would've launched an attack and you and I would not be here right now. Yes, Kruschev viewed him as young and weak after their meeting in 1961, but who ended up backing down.
  24. SH did almost have the super cannon you're refferring to. I think it was called "Project Babylon", Dr.Gerald Bull was working on it and built a Baby Babylon. SH did want to have a super gun and was working with Dr.Bull from mid 1981 till 1990. The scary part was that the US and Britain turned a blind eye to SH and Dr. Bull. Britain even helped supply the parts to the main super gun which could orbit a 2,000kg projectile. The only ones who I think did something about were the Israelis, cuz Bull was assinated in 1990. My moneys on them. They were also the only ones who knocked out the Nuclear reactor SH was working on and the only nation that actually planned to assinate SH post Gulf War 1.