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Everything posted by Casurf1978

  1. Casurf1978


    Yeah I saw a trailer and it mentioned QT, I was like no he hasnt worked on this. Donnie Yen is also in this movie too. You have two of the best, I would say in the top 5, martial artists in the World in this flick.
  2. Casurf1978


    Aug 27th. Cant wait. I really want to see this movie.
  3. Casurf1978


    Anyone here a Jet Li fan? Just saw the trailer for this movie and it looks awesome. Very rarely do I get this excited about a movie but this one looks insane. Check out a few of the trailers.
  4. I'll be there on Friday. These 5 day work weeks are killing me.
  5. It's a good movie and I hope you like it. Just go in knowing its not a Scream, Halloween, Alien (if you consider it horror), or The Exorcist.
  6. Very good movie and I agree with Quade it's not political and it doesnt bash a political belief system nor does it bash any party. The message M. Night delivers is subtle and some people will walk away pissed. The more I think about the movie a week later the more disturbing it is on a psychological level. That's all I will say for now. Go see it its a good movie.
  7. I'm with you on that one. A study I came across had length of stay in a hospital, 4 days, and the mean for 12K patients was around $17K. The first day of admission was close to $2k. If I ever get seriously hurt in this sport or wherever I dont want to be a financial burden on my family.
  8. Man you got to see the Dead. Well two friends and I heard them from the outside of a parking lot here in LA. We got screwed with a scalper and some tickets. Guy took our money said he would be right back and never saw him again. I know stupid, but we were dumb naive teenagers.
  9. eat, work, sleep, eat, work, sleep, eat, work, sleep, breed, die.... and never know how much they miss living in that cycle... eat, work, sleep, eat, work, sleep, eat, work, sleep, breed, die....Now that sounds boring. I think it's all about finding that happy medium. Some people at my work all they think about is work. Their lives revovle around work. I think theres nothing wrong with living for today, but planning ahead. Next year I wanna go to the south pacific, so I start saving up today. I'm not gonna finance that trip with credit cards and then spend god knows how many months paying it off. Credit Cards are good and all, not bashing them, but when used wisely. Look at consumer debt for 2003 1.98trillion USD. This only includes credit cards and auto loans. Only people we're making rich with that much debt is Visa, Mastercard, Discover and Am Express.
  10. Just curious why 2 health insurance. Is it like regular health and dental? Or is there like more coverage, if so could you tell me about it. The whole debt issue, yeah I agree. Credit cards can suck you dry. Been there done that, never again. Thats why I'm buying my gear sans credit card help. Just one more thing I need, Spectre 170.
  11. Tyson, in his prime, was the greatest boxer to ever step into the ring. You know what would be an awesom fight to see if ever possible. Tyson v Ali. Take both fighter in their prime.
  12. When was the fight Tuna? Maybe HBO or some other network will rebroadcast it. You have to admit though that at one point, way back when, Tyson was a great boxer. Now I just look at him and actually feel pity for for the POS.
  13. I've also seen estimates as high as 220. Da Vinci estimates are all over the place, but in my mind, given everything he accomplished is probably the smartest person to walk the earth. YMMV Hell yeah, that man was insanely smart. Did anyone catch that IMAX film in which some skydivers built his pyramid canopy and it freaking worked. I think it was called Into the Extreme. They had that on the Discovery Channel a while back I believe - I missed it but I did hear that the rig they built worked quite well - amazing, ain't it? Yeah it is. It was a pyramid, when I saw it on IMAX I was blown away that it freaking worked. Kindof makes me want to start a poll. Smartet human being that ever lived. I'd say its a close call between Archemides and DaVinci.
  14. I've also seen estimates as high as 220. Da Vinci estimates are all over the place, but in my mind, given everything he accomplished is probably the smartest person to walk the earth. YMMV Hell yeah, that man was insanely smart. Did anyone catch that IMAX film in which some skydivers built his pyramid canopy and it freaking worked. I think it was called Into the Extreme.
  15. Here's the article really insightful. Kindof sad what's being done to the rainforest though. Only 6% of this little guys natural habitat is left.
  16. They're working on new painkillers with no side effects. The most current one is derived from the poison of the tree dart frog. I think thats what the little critter is called. Anyway this new drug is at least three time more potent than morphine with none of the side effects. I would be for this vacine under certain cases, i.e., babies born to drug addicted mothers etc.
  17. That one looks like a blast. I wanna try it this weekend. I did a sweet exit with Mel at her excels basic camp. She was holding the gripper on my right leg, it was a lot of fun. Forgot the name.
  18. Amen to a good hefe on a summer day. When I was in Austria at the beer gardens they would add a little bit of some liquid called Limonade, man did that bring out the flavor in the beer. Ah the good ole days.
  19. Why is that? I saw a special on sub school, man that looks tough.
  20. Why dont you call your local vet? I'm sure they've dealt with this many times. It must itch or burn poor Fred. Also the odor must be even worse for him since their sense of smell is much more sensative than ours. Anyway good luck.
  21. They sell Skunk-Away at some pet stores and garden stores. I'm sorry about Fred he must be in a world of misery, poor dog.
  22. Man I'm right there with you bro. Some BITCH hits my car on sat night, freaking just went into my lane and WHAM the drivers side door, and half of that side it totaled. Car is drivable. Ok so Ms.Bitch pulls to the side, after one witness in a car pointed for her to pull over. My bud and I go to talk to her and do the accident BS and shes ON THE F-ING phone. I was like ok shes calling the cops, good. No freaking girl was talking to her friend. I was like put the phone down and lets exchange info she was like OK. Luckily I snapped a pic or her license plate and wrote it down. Ok she gets out of the car while still on the phone, I kept my cool and went over to my car. She followed looked at the damage and said she would be right back. Freaking girls gets in her car and takes OFF. Then I called the cops and reported a hit and run. I have full coverage and all, plus unisured motorist. OK so I call the insurance comp and give the whole statement BS. I was like ok since she left it falls under unisured motorist correct. If it falls under that no detuctible..woohooo. Nope since I got her license plate they're going to trace her. So now I gotta dish out 500 for the detuctible and pay rental car fees event though I have that rental car rental insurance BS. So far my cars gonna take at least two weeks and the insurance comp says it will take aprox 4-12 weeks to settle this since its a hit and run and they have to wait for the police report. Which will take aprox 4 weeks. WTF. Now I'm outof at least 500 plus at least 2 weeks rental car fees. And I was saving up for my first canopy. I know in CA max jail time for a non felony hit and run is 6 months. Right now I dont care about money I just want this chick in jail even if its for 2 days.
  23. Sometimes its hard for me to understand how dumb and f-ing irresponsible people can be. Long story short some lady hit my car last night. After she hit my car she tried to leave but one other car kindof signaled for her to pull over, she did on a different street. Then my bud and I went to see if she was ok and do the general accident BS. First this b*&^h was on her cell phone and still talking when we went up. For some reason I decided to use my pic phone and snap a shot of her license plate and write it down on my hand. OK then she gets out of her car, while still on the phone, comes and takes a look at mine and says she'll be right back. It sounded fine to me, then she gets in her car and takes off. WTF!!! All this while my bud, three other witnesses and myself are just standing there. Never in my life have I wanted to literaly beat the crap out of someone like that bitch. I just dont understand some people sometimes. It's a hit and run thats what the cops said, but how bad is it. I mean is it just a slap on the hand or will she lose her license. Also since its a hit and run by default does that make it her fault.
  24. $3000USD DAM. I'd rather go here Kindof confused though they say USPA "D", but also state 200 jumps. I thought "D" was 500. Oh well still have a long way to go till I get 200, 500 is unthinkable right now. It seems like a lot of fun though.
  25. Dow is only 30 stocks not really an indicator of the economy or the health of it. I would look at the DJ/Wilshire 5000, an index which trys to capture all the publicly traded securities incorporated in the USA, with a few exceptions, and its down -0.56YTD. Ones you migh take a look at are REITS and REOCS, most of these have posted healty double digit returns the last two years.