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Everything posted by Calvin19

  1. Calvin19

    Canopy size?

    Blackjack 260 with ZP
  2. hey jimmy! Suksi vittuun ! you Vittupää
  3. i found your post super smart, inteligent, and you totaly had won me over, and then i read this part "jcbhuakbdv" and i realised it was totaly sarcastic or whatever, and now im just saying that i cant agree with you or care what you write for its grammatical errors or is in a different tone, that shows weekness.
  4. thanks a fukin lot jimmy. thank you. seriously.
  5. i do whine to much... I think its good not shelter your kids from anything. I was just speaking for me. I just have no desire at all to raise children of my own, and thats a good thing.
  6. reason number 923 to not have kids.
  7. Calvin19

    gear advice??

    it sure is swoopy. i agree with that. but its good and fun to do some swooping from time to time. fast wing it is.
  8. Calvin19

    gear advice??

    I have a 222, and after chritmas i can be 160. never had problems. i know a jedi who used the same 222 for 100 jumps in norway, france, etc. worked perfectly and he was 165 dry. if its a good price i would go for it. unless its ugly. colors is the most important part.
  9. ok, so i have elements and a macbook pro, i cant export files. any help? ideas? i found online, but all it says is something like 'cannot export in billion color mode' or some nerd shite like that.
  10. I was Paragliding with a fellow pilot in a unknown leeside rotor, i launched first, 800,000 USD medical bill, but the insurance picked it up. my buddy, didnt have any insurance at the time, he almost launched first.
  11. Full Auto17mmlargest jpg im thinking to much about what im doing! edit-add jpg, i can take 33 frames at 3.2/sec in raw its about 7 frames.
  12. and you also have a good point. it is obvious that paragliding is much safer than BASE, and always will have the reputaion of being safer. i guess it depends on how you define commercial, here in boulder there is a local PG site that is run by the city. i dont know if that would be commercial, as it seems that the city gains nothing from PG there, and they act that way. they might know that PG pilots give money to city parks, specificaly. on top of tax.
  13. sorry i still bring up paragliding, but there was a time when PG was considered super dangerous and a death sport, as well as HG, now there is a governing body in all countries, and legal sites everywhere. of course, its not the SUPER DOOPER dangerous sport of BASE
  14. didnt even read the message, saw the title and voted.
  15. i was mistaken, my vertigo gear came with the nice clear bug hard bumpers, and i just replaced them, i thought i had done it myself, but vertigo sent the nice ones (big hard clear) bumpers with the gear. sorry about that.
  16. I use hard clear plastic tube, (NOT the stupid soft shite the manufacturers put on there) have about 400 jumps on it and no squaks. (I KNOW the soft tube is for kids who leave their slider on all the time.)
  17. He finally graduated from medical school, huh?? Congrats! Dave its just like a mr bill, but with connections between the jumpers in the form pf PG 4 ring tow releases. full-airspeed and terminal openings are possible.
  18. Calvin19


    what was ur exit airspeed?
  19. pay no attention to the blasphemous heathans in the peanut gallery... you want a blackjack,....
  20. you guys bitch more than us BASE jumpers!!! I have a 400D (XTI) and a nice 17-85 chunk of glass, and it works really well. i just started jumping it last weekend, before that i was just doing ground based photography. I let my freind jump it for a dr bill jump, and the bitch hit the lense on the door, zooming it in. so, zoom lenses are bad. im also to lazy to tape. the pics i get from mine compared to my freinds XT are nicer, at least i think. thats just for ground based photos.
  21. Aye, well then. )does anyone know if the full zp topskin is better than the foreskin? As i understand (from knowing about aerodynamics) that 80% of lift is produced in the first half of the cord. it seems that pack volume/ ease would be much better with only the first 30% ZP
  22. Calvin19


    There is a regular poster on this forum who famously did a terminal slider down jump off a big cliff in California. The resulting injury, rescue and arrest are also quite legendary. moron didnt roll his nose, he would have been fine.
  23. someone said earlier that they will never be able to think of BASE as lumped with other sports, and thats understandable, because that is all they have ever seen. but BASE is not the sole super-dangerous sport that it used to be. However, BASE opened my eyes to possibilities that NO other sport could have, thats for sure -SPACE-
  24. the woofs would never buy it. ever. if they dont have that feeling that is so fucking beautiful to almost cry the first time they see a BASE jump, then they are hopeless and will never understand the beauty behind BASE. I saw BASE the first time on tv when i was 13 with my best freind and now BASE jumper, we said then, it was "so beautiful and amazing, i cant wait to grow up. " his brother saw and said it was so stupid and dangerous, he still does not approve of his brother jumping. I think it will always be like this. So, not only does 'extreme near death' sell, its the only thing the woofs can understand. even the paraglider pilots i fly with say that saying BASE is beautiful is delusional and idealistic. like is said... Hopeless.... -SPACE-
  25. does the flik have the ZP option? i f so, i agree with tom a. if not, ZP is sexy, makes you glide farther, flare nicer, and still lets you sink it no sweat. the packing is slightly more difficult in dry conditions, but i think its worth it.