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Everything posted by pierre3636

  1. Then you'd better get some nice footage and pics on Sunday when we jump! ill make sure of that buddy ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  2. It’s an interesting point and something we discussed on the weekend - on (leading edge) wing deflectors ARE wider bigger deflectors (both intakes and outlets) better than big inlets with small thin air outlets? I have a s3s which has big hard deflectors which i assume push a wide scoop of air over the top skin of my arm wings.... on my MACH1 the intakes are quite big too but the out flow is quite narrow and small and alot denser i.e. for every one big deflector on my s3s the M1 has 3 or 4 smaller outflows. In the state that we use the deflectors in my mind it makes sense that bigger air intakes that pressure the more air into smaller out lets puts that air under more pressure which makes it move faster and and thus ‘harder’ (a visible example of the physics would be if you open a tap connected toa hosepipe, if you squeeze your index finger over the end of the pipe it puts the water under pressure and a stronger (narrower) jet of water squirts out the front of the pipe.) Does the higher pressurised and thus higher speed of air be better or worse for wing efficiency ? ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  3. niiiice one dude - wing suits at the office is the snizzel come join us at wonderboom on sat or sunday - we have been building some nice shapes in the sky ! an di promise we wont make you base again we should be around 6 people flockin ps time for a new avatiare ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  4. from looking at the footage the suit does look like it has great inflation especially on its back...i think the bigger rear wing deflector also makes sense, ps - is this the new highest tier suit in the BM stable? ie the mach1 and v2 competitor? it does look ideal for flocking and acro ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  5. ooooh this is getting gd ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  6. that sucks man - hope you get it sorted. ps by inflation problems you mean your arm wing doesnt inflate 100% causing a vibration ? ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  7. The guy with the red one (Hans aka Gadget) is selling his... why ? beacuse of that or does the suit not suit his flying style? ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  8. thats a great idea - suits and pilots are becoming specialists - they dont simply progress from smallest to biggest suit anymore ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  9. determined slot in my experience - helps with exit, approach and least amount of burble being eaten ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  10. i own a liquid sky and a matter - both are really nice ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  11. amazing ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  12. I have done quite a few flocking and student dives now in the suit and also a lot of solo max flying dives. when you fly with smaller suits or faster decent rates you can almost only use your arm wings to keep up, flying dirty or inefficiently does let the big tail flap but that’s the price you pay for not tensioning the tail and flying slow, this suit is made to FLY - give and take is the way i see it - i use my arm wings more and tension the legs side ways and point my toes inward, that keeps the tail in idle. On max flying or flying in 'faster' flocks in the 50s range (what this suits loves) the tail behaves because its being used efficiently or the way it should. When i max fly below 45mph i lock my knees, have my legs as wide apart as the suit allows and i point my toes outwards - that gives me the best wing profile obviously there is zero flutter then. ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  13. for those people that own Mach1 one suits - machine washed my suit witha soft soap on a cool cycle. i drip dried it the suit spreading it out flat. it came out perfect
  14. sounds good - might just have to goto london that week to see some clients ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  15. damn i wish i knew about it earlier ! i would have made the trip - aaaawsome !!!! ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  16. if they zoom they get axed FF style beautifull formations guys
  17. cool lemme know when you there and ill introduce you to the right people ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  18. hard housing in risers the only way to go - i learned that the hard way like you on my first spinning mal on wing suit jump number 9 ! its such a basic thing that can really make your life so much simpler at the exact time that you need it most ! ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  19. i also saw on their website that they have changed their production process and should now produce suits in 2 weeks ! that would rock ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  20. hey ! like i said it was third hand knowledge - i havent seen or flown with it. in saying that he is an incredible pilot and can do in lesser suits more than most. its kinda cool seems like there is a revoluition of new suits on the horizon and with it new records will come hopefully ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  21. from what i hear it was being flow in south africa a few weeks ago while shooting a new video - rumour has it its big and floaty and not too fast forward - then again this is now 3rd hand knowledge ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  22. pilot 134 - loaded around 1.6ish my previous canopy was a zp exe 9 cell square which i cut away under line twists - i have had 2 or 3 proper line twists events with my pilot (due to bad body position) and it flew dead straight - i cant see myself flying anything else in the near future when jumping my WS ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  23. PASA the South African parachute association actually have a wings suit instructor rating seperate from anything BM does. The course outline and legalities are pretty much the same but through the course not one specific brand or type of suits is propagated. Our first two chief instructors were Tonto and Taya Weiss whom are both instructors and BMI's. They have now trained up 6 PASA wing suit instructors of which some will become wingsuit chief instructors in the future to move the whole development forward by one generation. Thats how we dealt with the issue. ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  24. comfortable like in you are at the same performance level as your previous suit and now that you mention it pulltime its with the same ease - my mach 1 i found i had to concentrate at pulltime to get the hacky with the same ease as my s3s and closing the legwing took a bit of forcefullnes like the v1 i jumped. i generally found the transition from one BM suit to the next quite easy or quick but i suppose the suits were also much less high performance i.e. GTI/PHI and s3s (top end but wings not in the way) ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  25. Curious to know how long does it take you to feel comfortable in your new wing suit and how do you define being comfortable? for me it is when i better or match my times on my old wingsuit and openings are as uneventful. yes i know there is a similiar post on canopies out there ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~