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Everything posted by pierre3636

  1. thank you very much Brian - these word and advices were exactly what I was after. I will go through all the drills and practise them untill second nature - Its my intention to keep it uneventfull
  2. im going to use it for freefly and hop/pop loads - i have a pilot 134 i use for WS jumps, im happy with that for my WS - i have enough to deal with on WS openings without having to worry about a canopy that opens diff everytime ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  3. im getting 3.5k off a xaos 27 108 with 50 jumps on....so price mainly but then also i like what im hearing about the openings - but alot of other x-braces also open sweet but just heard nice things - my main reason is the discount though ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  4. soon soon ... we should however put some weights on ur ass and go fly my wingsuit relative - me and rob got 2min few weeks ago and now i have a bigger wing ok back to the thread ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  5. hi there quick question - i have done about 300 jumps on a 120 hurricane canopy and will hook up a 118 xaos 27 next . im at 850 jumps now doing between 10 and 25 a weekend (weather permitting ) and have kind of told myself that I will hook it up and start jumping it at 1000 jumps which should be soon. I'm fairly comfortable with the the 120 - in saying that i dont mean to say im a master and i can take my canopy to 100% max performance (all people are different - so i mean im proficient my ability)but i feel safe on it and the once or twice i initiated a turn 180 or 270 a little to low for my liking i could flat turn or abort safely with the canopy responding the way i wanted. going over the to Xaos 27 108 or 118 (in a few 100 jumps) and my question is what can i expected ? also in saying i would like to hook it up at 1000 i might actually wait a bit longer - i am def dont want to rush it. i am already preparing myself to start in baby steps again when i change canopies. i dont really want to shock myself with a major change in canopy size / wing loading and a change in canopy type i.e. eliptical - x-brace .... is 120 - 108 or 118 a fairly tame choice in size on average (all people are different in the way they progress Im asking on average if there is such a thing) ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  6. i have a liquidsky which is sick - very nice stuff and awsome service - also ordered a metter pro concept suit which should arrive in 3 or 4 days will let you know what that looks like too. ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  7. they are very vocal if anything ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  8. tx bro - awsome ps are you talking about 2.45 sec where the pilot (dunno if its you) slams on his back falling out of a carve? ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  9. hey CanuckInUSA - where is that movie ? what keyword can i use for a search - very keen to see that clip. i had a togggle stuck a while ago and landed my canopy on the rears and got very very close to stalling it. ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  10. ok 4 more flights - 2 solos and some 3 and 2 ways stuff with s3es and v1s. after checking some video footage i realised that i was flying my legs at the same width as my old suit which is not efficient in the m1 - i think a few people will make the mistake when they start flying the suit. im still playing around with body position for max out but its getting there - i managed an average decent rate of 43mph on one jump and find it fairly easy to get below 50mph on jumps. back flying is very different for me to my s3s because of the wide leg surface area it felt like i was headlow and obviously steep on the first few goes. barrel rolls ect came very easy - the suit is very solid and feels like it wants to correct itself very quickly. i think if its what you are after this suit will slash between 10 - 15 mph of your decent rate while going forward very fast. ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  11. gdy - a few more people with M1's after this week - hopefully we can get some more in flight diagnostics done and get some stats posted after the w/e ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  12. lack of space - but hey beggers cant be choosers ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  13. chicks dig PHI's - ive seen them around the DZs. who cares what they fly like ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  14. wait till you guys start flying them ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  15. fak and my swoop pond is shrinking 5m per post too aaaarrrrrggggggjjjjjjjjjjjhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  16. man im glad i have a girl friend ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  17. thats has got to be one of the most satisfying jobs in the world....if you get it right ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  18. here we go ...... this is an evil post ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  19. seeeeeek shots bro! you are smokin! ps who took the pics? ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  20. no really the pleasure is mine bring on the weeeeeekend ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  21. the biggest swoop pond with the smallest canopy and the thinnest lines, the dodgy-est pack job and the biggest wing suit - come on t - you know how it goes on SA ps - lets call it approx 75m depending on the moon phase ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  22. all respectable wing suit pilots try their suits on at work in approx 10 min after recieving the box ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  23. its 12 meters wide (the top edge is 13m) by 75meters perfect size ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~
  24. as if one isnt enough Pretoria skydiving club opened their new swoop pond a couple of weeks ago too. this pond (as seen in pics) looks more like a lane where the jsc pond is much larger and diamond shaped. the psc pond has a filter and lining. lucky lucky us! here is my friend Rob Kruger on a his 79 machine by parachute systems (rob is quite the machine himself ) ~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~