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Everything posted by larry

  1. When I first got to Germany I was only 19. The drinking age was (still is) 21 here. It was like being released from prison early. Of course I spent every weekend for the next two years in the bar district of Frankfurt (Sachsenhausen, probably spelled wrong). We all thought it was so cool you could get beer from a McDonalds, better yet you could buy it from a vending machine in our barracks. Those were some great years ! Larry
  2. Pennsylvania is not much better. Hard liquor and wine can only be purchased at a State Store (government run). And beer only from a licensed distributor or a bar (which is of course more expensive). The distributors and State Stores close early. Every time I’m out of state (most other states) it is like being in heaven, can walk into a groceries store at midnight to get what I need. Larry
  3. I still drink it, but since I grew up on it, I’m not that crazy about it anymore. Larry
  4. Born in Latrobe, PA. (Yes, the home of Rolling Rock beer if you like the stuff) Currently (temporarily I hope) living back near Latrobe, PA Home DZ and first jump at Pittsburgh Skydiving Center Lived overseas for about 10 years, some as civilian some in Army Larry
  5. It is taking every bit of will power I have to stay away from making a joke about this. >>>cool, you beat me to it!
  6. larry


    "...a mind stretched with new idea's will never regain its shape" What about an asshole stretched with an apple? That is some really crazy shit! Larry
  7. larry


    LOL It would be hard to find statistics about how often someone is castrated or dies because of this but I bet it is really common. I bet it is so common that there would probably be a public service announcement about it if it weren’t such a touchy matter. Try to imagine a surgeon general television ad about this. How the hell could you be serious when telling the public about it? Larry
  8. Now that I think about it, I hardly ever see any Asian lesbian dwarves who were abducted by aliens around my DZ. What’s up with that? I sincerely apologize to anyone who may be in this social group for my cultural slur. Larry
  9. larry


    I never jumped while in the military, but did meet a retired army jumpmaster who said that every once in a while one of the students get a nut crushed on opening and they have to remove it afterward. I guess this could happen in sport jumping as well, but I’ve never heard of it. In any case, after hearing that I have always taken extra care to make sure both of my leg straps are routed correctly around my package, if you know what I mean. Larry
  10. larry

    More Friday Fun

    Thanks Nick! Had to stop reading several times because I was trying so hard to stifle a laugh. People I work with have no sense of humor. I would love to do some of this to shake them up a bit, but I need the jump money. -Larry
  11. larry

    skydiving patches

    I was thinking about that but it has probably been in there so long you would still see the logo because the fabric that was covered will look like new. I would go to a gear store but for the time being I only frequent one DZ, and there is not much of a selection there (also they are closed for the winter). -Larry
  12. larry

    skydiving patches

    My used rig came with a dz logo on one ring cover and a rig number on the other. Does anyone know of any online sites where I could get a skydiving patch or two to cover these up? I did not see anything at para-gear where I usually buy my stuff. Thanks -Larry
  13. I never realized how much my wife loved me until the other day when I was sick and stayed home from work. She was so happy to have me home, that every time someone came to the door, like the mailman or deliveryman, she'd shout, 'My husbands home! My husband's home!' I feel for you Clay, been there. -Larry
  14. a good heavy object to throw would be the person that is causing your stress -Larry
  15. don't forget boobies! I bet that's what you tell your wife/girlfriend too. (j/k) -Larry
  16. larry

    DZ in Korea?

    Pretty much only knew Army personnel. Besides, all the Soju erased most of my memories from that year. For some strange reason though I do remember the phrase “you buy me drinkie?” Think it was the number of times I heard it that caused it to stick. -Larry
  17. larry

    DZ in Korea?

    Camp Casey (Tong Du Chon, North of Seoul) had a DZ while I was there from 90-91. Don’t know if it is still there or if it was USPA (I was a whuffo at the time). I do know all their jumps were from helicopters. Sounds interesting to learn on a chopper. -Larry
  18. I went straight AFF, but my DZ has recently (last year) started getting jumpers to do 3 tandems then move to a modified AFF. Think they go to level 3 or 4. I’m glad I did a straight AFF, though I did experience a little sensory overload at first. -Larry
  19. click here for the old thread on cleaning your container -Larry
  20. Weren’t there laws passed to phase out the gift and inheritance taxes completely over the next 10 years? -Larry
  21. I have seen this at my work with very large Word documents, what is really happening is that the printer itself does not have enough memory to buffer the entire document. To get around this we download and use PCL drivers as opposed to PS ones. Go to the printer manufactures web page and see if there are any PCL drivers available. Hope that helped. (I’m assuming the documents look ok when reading them on the computer, but are messed up when trying to print them. If this is not the case then this is not your problem, something else must be going on.) Larry
  22. congratulations LOL! -Larry
  23. This is a good one, and it is basically how my family felt at first. (see attachment) -Larry
  24. Thanks, I'll check it out. -Larry