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Everything posted by larry

  1. A week after Sept 11th my greatest fear was that American resolve would wane over time, like it usually does. I think most American’s have short-term memory problems when it comes to matters of State. On the other hand the media coverage does get boring, but without it, I’m afraid there would not be the support from the masses that is needed to see this through. We need permanent long-term changes. “Hey, but that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.” – Dennis Miller “I’m an asshole…” – Denis Leary Larry
  2. larry


    Congrats lippy! I’m going crazy with anticipation, one more week to go, can I hold on? Local DZ open this coming weekend for Safety Day, should be 60 degrees here in PA, USA. Been five months since last jump, I feel like a virgin about to get his first… Larry
  3. How about having it in the Northeast this time so I don't have to travel far to go.
  4. Enjoy Viking! I agree that you don't have to worry about the hangover too much right now. They didn't start getting bad for me till much later. Larry
  5. John, Don’t forget about the Parachutists Over Phorty Society (POPS). I'll be joining in a very few years. Having made a tandem jump you are already eligible for membership. Sorry I could not find a link, but they are in almost every issue of Parachutist magazine. Larry
  6. Does anybody know why my homepage shows on my profile, but if you were to look me up under user list, my url is not listed? I didn’t see anything in the FAQ’s and I also verified that the web address is under both the “modify profile” and “control panel” sections. Just curious, no big deal. Also, does anyone know what bsbd stands for, I often see it as part of a posts signature. Thanks if you happen to know either of these. Larry
  7. larry


    you think any of us would actually be doing work on a Friday afternoon? (here in the states)
  8. larry


    I think at 50 you become an Enthusiast, not sure where the next cutoff is though... Larry
  9. larry


    first 33 now 34 Larry
  10. Sorry I deleted this, but after re-reading it, I was afraid I might seriously offend someone. Now I know I’ll be flamed to death, for removing it. Larry
  11. Thanks Lummy, Fortunately SOME people in my company have a sense of humor so I’m going to use this the next time I get a question they could easily research on their own. Larry
  12. He must be the King. How can you tell he's the King? 'Cause he's not covered in shit. Larry
  13. Watery tarts distributing swords is no basis for a system of governing. (or words to that effect) Larry
  14. Just watched The Holy Grail for the umpteenth time last weekend. The classics never die.
  15. larry


    See attachment... Larry
  16. larry


    Two nuns, Sister Marilyn and Sister Helen, are traveling through Europe in their car. They get to Transylvania and are stopped at a Traffic light. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a tiny little Dracula jumps onto the hood of the car and hisses through the windshield. "Quick, quick!" shouts Sister Marilyn."What shall we do?" "Turn the windshield wipers on. That will get rid of the abomination," says Sister Helen. Sister Marilyn switches them on, knocking Dracula about, but he clings on and continues hissing at the nuns. "What shall I do now?" she shouts. "Switch on the windshield washer. I filled it up with Holy Water at the Vatican," says Sister Helen. Sister Marilyn turns on the windshield washer. Dracula screams as the water burns his skin, but he clings on and continues hissing at the nuns. "Now what?" shouts Sister Marilyn? "Show him your cross," says Sister Helen. "Now you're talking," says Sister Marilyn. She opens the window and shouts, "Get the fuck off our car!" Larry
  17. larry

    Ranger Pic 3

    How many military jumps you got Clay? All static line? Anything really interesting ever happen? Larry
  18. larry

    Ranger Pic 3

    I really don't know anything about round canopies, but those things look huge, even with the 150lbs of combat gear. Thanks for the pics cap'n.
  19. larry

    discovery channel

    someone please shoot me! my wife knows that I can't handle these kinds of channels and kindly watches them in another room, even the commercials are slanted, I would rather use a do it yourself root canal kit than watch 5 minutes sorry, but this is something I definitely feel strong about
  20. I saw this guy on TV, one of the discovery channels or something. IMHO the dog did not look like it bothered him. If he was freaking out I think you would be able to tell. Larry
  21. larry


    Click here to go to FAQ section. Larry
  22. I’m sorry to hear that. (just kidding) That is pretty close to Latrobe. Personally I really don't like it around here much, but want the kids to have spent some time around relatives. I often wish we had not moved back and am sure we will move again. Guess it could be worse, though I’m not sure how. Larry
  23. remember hearing a student bring this up over beers at the end of the day, the general consensus among the skilled divers was, “if your shit don’t open, you better stay the fuck away from me!” Larry
  24. After I got out of that first tour of duty, I stayed on as a civilian. In a few of the many unskilled labor jobs I had, we too drank beer on our lunch break. Everyone really thinks a lot differently in Europe. Not to mention their views on sex, public nudity in the parks, the list goes on and on… Larry