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Everything posted by larry

  1. I’ve got 9 and 10 year old daughters. There is no way in hell I would admit some of the stupid ass movies I have been forced to watch and (shamefully) sometimes enjoyed! -Larry
  2. Thanks all for the great advice. Although I better understand and am not afraid to use the bungee now, think I’m still going to go with the kill line pilot chute. Out of curiosity, will definitely try the inflation speed test with a car on the bungee. -Larry
  3. The (used) gear I got at the end of last season and unfortunately have not been able to jump yet came with a bungee collapsible pilot chute. I have heard that you have to cock some of these before each jump, but mine is not this type. I am going to go to Para-Gear and get a new PC. Before I do this I wanted to make sure I’m not being too hasty. I know that it will not work well unless you are moving a bit, so it is dangerous for a hop -n- pop right? If you whip it out before you are going fast enough, will it inflate after you pick up more speed or are you basically screwed and will have to go to emergency procedures? Last, any advice on a good “standard” size for the PC and bridal length for regular belly flying? By the way, my system is BOC throw out, I guess that is obvious to the more experienced jumpers, but not to me. This is the only system I ever used so I don’t know much about the others. Thanks a lot for the advice. -Larry
  4. larry

    Another site?

    I also like this idea. -Larry
  5. When I decided to start jumping I just chose the DZ closest, thought they were all pretty much the same. Lucky for me I later learned my DZ is: · Owned and operated by world class (record holding) skydivers · Staff has a great attitude · Safety really is first (from what I’ve read many say that but not all really live up to this) · Used new(er) state of the art equipment while learning to jump (of course now I have settled for used stuff that I could afford but is still in good shape) -Larry
  6. larry

    mopp 4

    My very first tour, fresh out of AIT, stationed in Germany, this girl, who was also a GI in our company took a real shinning to my friend who was still wet behind the ears. They had a lot of fun each night in the barracks. John could never figure out though why her best friend (who was also a girl) was always so rude and moody toward him. After she got pregnant she admitted she was gay (the lover of the other girl) and only used him as a sperm donor so they (the two girls) could have a child together. John took it pretty well. Was a real eye opener for him! LOL To each there own, personally I love bi-women, but don't most men? -Larry
  7. Stanley Kubrick films (all) Monty Python films (all) National Lampoon films (most) Funny nobody here has mentioned any skydiving movies. I think that most are pretty lame. They either get the technical stuff all wrong or the plot is shit. Even so, if I’m board I will watch Dropzone or Terminal Velocity if it is on one of the premium channels I get. -Larry
  8. Good Job E150! I have never had one, but only hope to react as well as you did. BTW: The last thing I’m going to worry about is the cost of the cut-away pad and reserve handle. I’m sure I wont even think about them till I’m on the ground. -Larry
  9. larry

    New VIRUS

    Thanks Phree! I just downloaded the patch and warned all our users. Unfortunately we don’t have the virus detection running at the exchange server level yet (where it should be) so I have to rely on each of the users (many of whom are idiots) to update at the machine level. Thanks for the heads up. -Larry
  10. larry


    I have 855 data units completed. ([email protected]) I love the stuff, study of the cosmos, astrophysics; have read Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time” about 5 times. Each time I understand it a little more. Reality is much stranger than fiction. Hate the tabloid shit. I’m 100% sure there is life elsewhere. Would like to see what lies beneath the ice of Europa, down near the volcanic vents. -Larry
  11. maybe a little guts too (or insanity, either will do)… -Larry
  12. I hear that! I’d give anything to go back to when I was a full time student. Had much less money but it did not seem to matter as much then. Always found ways to have a blast… -Larry
  13. LMAO Though I never researched it, I thought you were not allowed to take a parachute rig on a commercial flight (carry on) even before September 11. Also just saw a learning channel special on Dan Copper and would have thought rigs were banned after that. -Larry
  14. My two cents… All students at my DZ start on BOC, the idea being that it is better to use it from the start since it is what you would ultimately be doing anyway, don’t have to relearn anything so less chance of a brain fart. The more you change things (while a student) the more chances for a screw up. Also, it is not as dangerous going the other way, but I have a friend who threw away a ripcord after using BOC for a long time. He was originally taught on ripcord then went to BOC for a long time then used the ripcord system one time on rented gear. I’m sure he is not the only one who has ever done that, then a split second after letting go screamed “oh shit!” For me BOC from the start. -Larry
  15. larry

    Blond Vs. Lawers

    lol, no, just something that's getting passed around my company -Larry
  16. larry

    Blond Vs. Lawers

    "What do I know about sex? I'm a married man." Tom Clancy "I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy." Steve Martin "You know that look women get when they want sex? Me neither." Drew Carey "Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as meaningless experiences go, it's pretty damned good." Woody Allen "If it weren't for pickpockets I'd have no sex life at all." Rodney Dangerfield "Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist." Camille Paglia My favorite: "There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 500SL convertible." Unknown "My kid had sex with your honor student." Bumper Sticker "My sexual preference is not you." T-shirt "Programming is like sex. One mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life." Michael Sinz "Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope." George Burns "Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation. The other eight are unimportant." Henry Miller -Larry
  17. "i (personal view/opinion) don't think that beverages of this type and nature should be banned from dz's" Clay, I think he is saying they should not be banned. Do you think they should? Skydiving with no beer in the evening is like going to a dry New Years party. Sure you can do it, but why? -Larry
  18. Congratulations, I too know how bad it sucks when you have to take a few months off. -Larry
  19. I'd give my left nut to be able to. Work, family, and most of all $$$ prevent it. Can't wait to jump in the Philippines. That is where the wife is from but we have not been there since I started jumping (over a year ago). -Larry
  20. Thanks Phree, Believe it or not I did look there, but did not realize it was just a tag. -Larry
  21. What the…? False advertising! When I was overseas I did get perishable items that were highly preserved. Smoked salmon, pepperoni or sausage sticks, that kind of thing so long as it had about a 20-year shelf life and was tightly sealed in plastic or whatnot. If I got it while I was in the middle of nowhere (which is the case here) it was really appreciated by myself and the people I was in the field with. Who said no perishable items? Because of the possible environmental contamination or something? -Larry
  22. I too got my used gear online. I got it from a known drop zone's rigger, so I was not too worried about sending the money to him and having him send me the gear. If you are not comfortable with that I know many local DZ’s will contact the seller for you and have them send the gear to the DZ. This way they act as a go-between for the buyer and seller. The down side is they will get a fee and you will have to pay the shipping regardless if you buy the gear or not. -Larry
  23. Congratulations and my condolences as well! -Larry
  24. I have noticed when most people are replying to a post they have a nice “in reply to:” note with two bars that encapsulate the text they are responding/referring to. My question is how are they able to do this? I have looked and could not find any settings while replying to a post nor could I find anything in the control panel, which would turn this function on. I wonder if it is something obvious I am missing. Thanks for the info, -Larry
  25. That looked very cool though I don't have enough experience to know how close to killing himself he was. Like I said though, it looked great... -Larry