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Everything posted by NtheSeaOrSky

  1. Yeah, sometimes they can get blocked and can't urinate or sometimes kidney issues (infection, etc) can cause vomiting/heaving. Not to mention his prey items may have been poisoned. I would probably err on the side of caution and take him to the vet if it were me. Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  2. What is 'gipping'? Is he indoors where you have a litterbox and when was the last time you saw him urinate? Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  3. Whine, whine, whine This is where the last half-dead mouse ended up at my place. Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  4. Or.... maybe they do like them and are uncomfortable discussing them Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  5. Thats all I do. As I once told my brother "fat chicks dig me". Hotties have no interest in this. *draws circle around face with finger* Given the number of shallow remarks/attitudes so far...I don't feel a bit guilty for this: If there is a pattern in your life....there is a reason for it. Confused? Lemme help: "hotties" have no need to 'go ugly early'
  6. pssst scroll down to the bottom of the page for the 'beer belly' Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  7. HA! Those of you who opened this just to rant on about having an unfair advantage, etc etc...sorry to spoil your fun! I am not sharing which ones I submitted. Please just take a look at the entries and vote for your favorite.
  8. it left its own chalk outline! edited to add info: usually the window strikes just stun them and they are ok to fly off after a while...or...it became lunch for a passing cat or other opportunistic feeder. Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  9. Today... it is this: Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  10. no, but I have an amazing parrot .gif but it is too large to attach edit: here it is http://www.skunksoup.com/funstuff/3parrots.htm watch it all the way until they start talking to each other sorry J, as you can see I am a bit loopy...but in my defense I have been looking at penises for a week....in cross section even Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  11. Mine dance Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  12. Did you see the pictures on the article?? The landing one is just hilarious to me on so many levels Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  13. Oh, now see? You just had to go and make me jealous. Do you already have your jesses, lure and hood? I can lend you my copy of "North American Falconry and Hunting Hawks", signed by Frank Beebe himself. Edited to get the book name correct. Please do lend me the book - I have never even handled a raptor - well one that was not anesthetized anyway I figured when my required service time had elapsed I would be put with the psycho squirrel (who really is psycho but for whatever reason never tries her crap with me), the birds or maybe even the groundhog. Everyone always wants to work with the raptors, so I never really thought they would pick me to train him - especially since I have 6 more months before I am supposed to be allowed to handle them. Apparently since he is skittish and high strung they wanted someone calm, who is capable of slow deliberate movements and very patient to earn his trust and train him - apparently I can learn all the 'details' along the way They haven't even been able to get the jesses on him - he has been there almost 2 years now. Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  14. critter attacks=0 people attacks=several attempts surprise serenade=1 finding out I get to train a red shouldered hawk from the wild = priceless
  15. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3244660#3244660 Apparently happythoughts has a lead on a business to handle this for you. Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  16. Welcome to the real world. The real world? Hate to break it to you but in the real world there are women that can be both. and just because I couldn't let this one go: maybe because the more intelligent women know better edited to add: ba dum bump *ching* since if people didn't get divots corny humor they probably didn't get that one either Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  17. strikingly, the nutcases have not seen a decline in the pool of potential 'applicants' Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  18. I am not a parent, and this is obviously an emotionally charged issue between them, but I agree with this wholeheartedly. I think the area where it gets muddled is in the 'being taught how to behave' because that inherently is subjective to the parent's ideas of what acceptable behavior is. Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  19. Um, don't they use electric shock collars to train dogs? The trainers who take short cuts do...some do amazing training with just their voice/praise or a clicker.
  20. Yeah, I knew I should have taken more time typing that out but I can see a timing where some jumpers would be down already - seeing from the hangar someone is off - how many people immediately call 911 for an off landing they don't see (ie disappeared behind trees) before sending people out to that location? This is also taking into account our visual acuity while in the air and without any visible movement from the person on the ground, it might be hard to tell whether they were broken/sprained/unconscious. I'm not nitpicking, but as you know in life *anything* is possible.... I know where my comfort level is (and its WAY below john wayne ) but just food for thought. A good friend of mine is a respiratory therapist, she witnessed a vehicle accident, called 911 then went to driver to assess him while gloving up - she got there - he was a beligerent drunk driver - who spit in her face...yup, you guessed it...blood Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  21. Agreed. ...devils advocate... do you carry PPE in your jumpsuit? (fellow jumper lands off and frumps, you land off with them and are only person to start CPR,etc) no equipment=don't bother landing with them and assisting or roll those dice??? Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...