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Everything posted by Kimblair13

  1. Does anyone know if there are actualy statistics on how many people have done AFF, Tandem or SL for their first jump? I'm sure Tandem is number one as far as numbers...but am curious as to what those numbers are...
  2. Where's design 6, an Infinity!!!
  3. Haha that's freakin hilarious. Nice shot.
  4. The Strong reserves are rolled(fold)....the mains are pro packed or flat packed. At least dated back to the 9/98 manual, which is the oldest I've seen. I've seen SET's flat packed and PRO packed. I've seen Icarus canopies PRO packed and flat packed. I can't say I've noticed either one working better than the other.
  5. Nice one! I'll play again cuz I'm bored...of course not great quality, anyway.
  6. Haha that's funny... Here's one...not totally great quality and just an exit. But looks kinda funny to me.
  7. I jumped a Katana 97 with spect and pretty much thought it sucked. Very cruddy openings. Got a Katana 107 w/ HMA and it's soooo much better. If even PD is saying to have HMA...then you know it must be better.
  8. They are jumping as usual...just landing at a different spot then taking a van back to the DZ.
  9. Holy Fuck Nuts!! That seems pretty crazy. I think my home DZ still charges $5 a rental. If you don't want to pack it, it's $5 more.
  10. When I was a student I know I wanted something with a RSL, Cypress AND had a good fit. If it's too big...there's lots of stuff out there that will fit!
  11. Kimblair13


    Hmmm...I heard there was lots of drinking and skydiving.
  12. Yeah go Toby! Thank goodness Storm is gone, I didn't like her at all.
  13. STUART!!! Quit photo-shopping your face into my sweet swoop pics, bitch!
  14. So yeah, I'll be living there Sept 16th-March14th. Don't really know what to it nice there? Good weather? Anything I should know?
  15. Contact Mirage.
  16. Hehe. No way! The way it is now, it's 5 min. from my house! ESD was jumping today. Landing at a Farm. It was actually really neat!!
  17. EVAN!!! Bastard! Did he know at the time that without it the record wouldn't count? Those Wright Bro's Jumpers are a little sketch.