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Everything posted by pope

  1. please send me an email to: chris AT triaxproductions DOT com for a possible arrangement pope
  2. You know I've yet to even see the video of Jason R's mega chow. But I heard it was a nasty one. I wouldn't hold my breath as to it surfacing anytime soon. But who knows ... I guess it'll be up to Jason. I know if my mega chow a week before the CPC Championships was videoed (which it wasn't as only three people witnessed it, none of which was videoing) I wouldn't mind sharing it since I didn't suffer any serious injuries. I have multiple angles of all of those chows and 'a few' more--something could be released in the near future... pope
  3. it depends on what you're doing--factory tandem video editing or banquet edit type stuff? IMHO, I don't like the NLE for tandem videos. I have yet to see an NLE that is more efficient (has a DVD in the customer's hands) and is substantially better than a linear edit. I think the iMac you're talking about sounds like it has plenty of power for what you are describing, assuming you're using iMovie and iDVD as opposed to FCP and DVDSP. I think that if you plan on getting into more involved edits, don't fuck around and just get a G5 desktop. $0.02 USD
  4. Thanks for the hook on Sancube Paul. It looks like a good intermediate solution at first glance...Although I'm not certain that 2 TB will be enough for me in the long run... I like it though...reading on... pope
  5. Anyone out there using a Fibre Optic RAID array to store/protect their footage? I'm looking in to buying one and need some advice. So far, I've looked at Apple's XServe RAID and Medea's FCR2x. The Medea sounds a bit better but only gives me about 5TB storage to XServe's 7TB. It's near impossible for me to be running multiple projects with what I have now (Dual PowerMac G4 1.42 MDD, 2 GB RAM, 1.4 TB). Anyone who has any information or advice I'd appreciate it. cheers, pope
  6. Negativity Promotes Stalinism
  7. Here here!!! Good on ya Frank! Nice pics guys...I'll be out there soon to displace some of that H2o. pope
  8. Hey all; I'm trying to get ahold of some older Bridge Day footage/pictures. The older the better, but anything is good, even up to 2003. Please contact me. cheers! pope
  9. For DVDs with a ton of action (like skydiving), you don't really want to set the bitrate any higher than 6-7. I would recommend exporting from FCP as an uncompressed, self-contained Quicktime movie. Then, if you need help with your compressor settings, give me a buzz. As mentioned previously, Sorenson Squeeze is a good program, as is the Quicktime plugin for FCP. good luck. pope
  10. I would tend to agree with you on both of these statements Jimmy. We all know plenty of people who have learned to BASE jump without skydive experience. Some people learn quicker than others, and there ARE other sports other than skydiving that can help prepare your mindset for BASE. Throwing human dog food off the bridge is a bit much, but it doesn't sound like the folks in question fall into this category. That being said, my concern with this is not necessarily with the 16 year old's safety--that is her own resposibility whether she fully understands it or not. My concern is for the rest of us. As much as BASE is growing in popularity, it is still as marginalized as ever and becoming more restricted each day. It would be a HUGE blow to lose legal access to TF or Moab. GIGANTIC. The more people die/get injured BASE jumping, the more ammo 'the man' has against us to make laws, remove access, etc. My position is Why take that chance? No harm will come from a new jumper putting in some time out of an aircraft first. hope it gets worked out. pope
  11. I believe there are a number of jumpers with arm amputations. I can't say for sure that I've seen a jumper with the amputation all the way to the shoulder, but quite a few in the elbow areas. Try contacting the peices of eight guys--I'll see my friend Lefty in a week or two and ask him. good luck, pope
  12. I'm thinking iMovie or PC equivalent if there is one.
  13. pope

    need a photo

    higher quality is always better, but I'm not in a position to bargain...but I'll take what I can get! BTW: these pics are not for publication and will not be sold without express permission from the owner! cheers! pope
  14. pope

    need a photo

    Hey y'all... I need photos of the potato bridge--the bridge itself, not necessarily jumpers--but it's ok if there are jumpers in it too! Anyone that can help out, I would be muy appreciative! I can be reached at: chrisATtriaxproductionsDOTcom Thanks a ton in advance! pope
  15. I'm sorry but I think I may have missed hearing about any cases of the CYPRES actually being the cause of any skydiving incident EVER. That dzo would be slitting his own throat IMO. I think the Vigil has a fairly long way to go before proving itself as Airtec's CYPRES has.
  16. sounds very plausible to me...except maybe the bit about God. ...seems to me that's EXACTLY what that last scene in 'Men in Black' WAS about. pope
  17. pope


    Why is that so ridiculous? The dz has a field elevation of ~4400'. Gas costs money, so do pilots, gear, rent, leases, etc. Different dropzones are run different ways. I know Clint and Shellie, and I'm pretty sure that their coolness isn't figured into the jump prices. That's just a bonus. obviously, they do if you're complaining about prices. There are very few dropzones that could afford to operate without tandems. They are a key factor in determining a financially succesful dz. You're NOT paying for the scenery. Clint and Shellie are. By taking the [rather large] risk of starting and operating Skydive Moab, they are surely making huge personal sacrifices, 'taking one for the team' so others can enjoy jumping there. *You're* paying SM's price to get you to altitude. You no likey, you take hikey. (lucky for you Moab's a FANTASTIC place to hike!) Whatever happened to the days where a boogie was going to a cool place with cool people to enjoy a bunch of cool skydives? I was unaware that skydiving was made less fun because the jump cost an extra few bucks. I suppose if you're into 'quantity over quality,' then that's too bad for you. If it took you this long to figure out that skydiving is an expensive sport, then you only have yourself to blame. I've been to Moab countless times, and it is one of the most beautiful places on earth when you can view it the way we can. If you can't afford to go this year, save your money so you can go next year!
  18. DVX100a Rocks! can't speak accross the board though... pope
  19. lost all contact for DeBug and Evan Mortimore as well. Any help appreciated. ChrisATtriaxproductionsDOTcom or 303.449.2091 cheers, pope
  20. lost all contact for DeBug and Evan Mortimore as well. Any help appreciated. ChrisATtriaxproductionsDOTcom or 303.449.2091 cheers, pope
  21. When's Ron going to use the "astroglide" jinx on Hermione?