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Everything posted by pope

  1. I agree. To fix that problem, I have designed a cell phone that projects a holographic image of a gorgeous man/woman (selectable) in front of you as you speak. But stop using cell phones in a grocery store? Forget it. Never gonna happen. If it wasn't for the cell phone I'd come home with the wrong items 9 times out of 10. When you get up to the checkout line, though, I think it's courtesy to the clerk to end the call--if even for only a couple minutes. pope
  2. OK--I found Jeff... Now PETER WHERE ARE YOU??? pope
  3. If anyone can put me in contact with them, or them with me, It would be most appreciated. I'm at chris AT triaxproductions DOT com. I have packages for them returned from post office and no other contact info. thanks a ton! pope
  4. less editing, more building!
  5. it's been delivered, right?
  6. no doubt. Keep them out of the sun, away from the animals, and they're archived IMHO. Not to mention, by the time you get any significant amount of tapes archived on a rack system, your walls will be chock full o' racks. The other reason (and more importantly IMO, is that you can fit all kinds of media in the cheap target boxes--DVD, CD, VHS, DigBeta, etc. Keep all the media for one project in a single container or two, clearly label it, and you're better off (if you're a ADD kid like me). attachments Pic # 1 is a bunch of my archived mini DV tapes. pic #2 is a bunch of my archived TANDEM video Mini DV tapes. pope
  7. pope

    "Stunt Junkies"

    Kick-ass motion graphics on that show. Good on ya Jeb-- pope
  8. pope

    Legal Sites

    sure--put me on that list too! cheers, pope
  9. anyone with info, please let me know! Cheers, pope
  10. Apparently Dave didn't fill you in too well on who we are and what we do. There aren't too many cliffs in Moab proper with more than 500' to impact, yet thousands of jumps are made there each year legally. Getting around cops is just part of the job for many jumps (albeit not usually in Moab!). Nice work on the commercial though. you guys did a great job--although as cool as it was, I'm not convinced I'd buy a Suzuki, unless maybe it was a motorcycle. cheers, pope PS: NO PICTURE ATTACHED
  11. Yes, I have jumped one (don't regularly) and it rocks! (DVX100a) pope
  12. I agree--it's exciting to see the direction things are going with HD/HDV. Unfortunately, What a company says their product can do and what it actually is able to do are usually completely different things when it comes to "HD" Camcorders. I'll wait until the second or third round. pope
  13. pope

    BD DVD Cover

    Yes, you guessed it correctly...that's a PShop flip. Go easy on me with the typos--English isn't my first language. cheers! pope
  14. The cell phone has become an almost "must have" safety device when BASE jumping. Which phones have the most BASE friendly features? How are people using them to help with their jumps? What are people's opinions? I'm in the market for a new one and Obviously coverage is going to be relative to each geographic location and plan, with the exception that certain plans don't cover frequently visited sites. but in terms of features? lights, accessories/attachments cameras SMS etc. I have typically liked having a bit bigger of a phone than is available, more ~the size of a motorola 3600 series in the past. But I'm thinking of "downsizing." I'd also like one that easily accepts a different SIM card when I travel abroad. What are all of you considering when you buy a new cell phone/rate plan?? Recommendations? Stay away from... not trying to make this a "XXX company sucks" thread, so please tell me WHY they suck when you post cheers, pope
  15. pope

    Jon Dragan

    Hey all: As I mentioned in this previous post, I am trying to put together a tribute edit to Jon Dragan, one of Bridge Day's greatest proponents ever, who passed away this last year to be hosted on the triaxproductions.com website. If anyone has any pictures, videos, writings, stories, etc with Jon's image/character in them, please contact me at chris AT triaxproductions DOT com. Please contact me with any questions. cheers, pope
  16. well done Gary! keep on goin' hard! pope
  17. much easier to broadcast exit shots from the plane though, isn't it? pope
  18. If the altitude wont kill it, the fact that it's JVC will. pope
  19. Thanks Tom. And for the record, anyone interested in providing feedback to Triax regarding the Bridge Day 2005 DVD production can do so by emailing me at: chris AT triaxproductions DOT com. Posting your opinions is good as well (good or bad), but if you could at least copy us on your post to let us know it's there that would be appreciated. We value all of your comments, be they criticisms or congratulations or whatever, because it helps us to make future productions better. The coordinating, filming, and editing of the Bridge Day events is a long and costly process for us, and not a very profitable one at that. We do it for the same reasons any of you make videos of any kind: because we love BASE jumping, BASE jumpers, and the good times associated with the blending of the two. We also love the challenges of creating films/videos. It's kind of like the greulling approach up to an exit point; yes, it's hard and laborious and has you cursing at times, but the reward when you summit not only makes it all worth it, but allows you to see (in hindsight) the approach for what it was--a part of a really cool journey. Here's to hoping all of you have many cool journeys in the future, and thanks for your support! cheers! pope BTW- As the editor, I'm probably my worst critic, and my list of criticisms about this DVD is too long to go into here, but I will say that the lack of the Bill Bird/Jon Dragan footage in this DVD is regrettable, FOR SURE. It was always an intention of mine to devote an entire section of the DVD to Jon and his jump with Bill, but due to some difficulties in getting required media, the footage was set aside and overlooked in the end. My apologies to EVERYONE for my oversight. I will however, put the footage I DO have into a special edit that I will do soon and host permanently on the triaxproductions.com website. If anyone has any footage, images, press clippings, poems, or stories they can contribute to this edit, Please contact me to arrange getting it to me. The more content I have for this edit, the better tribute to Jon it can be, so please help out by contributing. I'm aiming to have this available at www.triaxproductions.com/trailers by Feb. 1st, 2006 to allow a bit of time for people to get me media.
  20. pope

    Durban SA Jumpers?

    I know as a fact there's this chick there right now that was in Continuum--I don't know her # there but I'm sure a resourseful guy like you could find her...
  21. cool video specialy as its the french group doing it them self(them self acting them self). Seems to me they were russian, but I could have read the title wrong..."