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Everything posted by pope

  1. Dude--you gotta go with LouDiamond's advice. Fuck the IR light on the camera--Just get a LARGE second IR source to wear on the outside of the helmet. Talk to the folks that make the filter. The'll have some good ideas about the light options. Personally, a friend and I have designed one that's pretty damn cool, but am waiting for the right application to get into the shop. Think IR flood(s). pope
  2. pope

    John Agnos Discussion

    If anyone knows how to extract that (long) audio clip from that website, please PM me or send me an email to chris AT triaxproductions DOT com. cheers, pope
  3. on the triax web page. As always, some sphincter-puckering close calls, crazy stunts, but mostly a lot of BASE folk having a blast! Check it out at http://www.triaxproductions.com/trailers.htm adios, pope
  4. Alright--I just goota ask... I've been editing the Bridge Day DVD for a few weeks now, and I seem to be seeing a lot of folks with cameras on their heads going for a swim. Not a little 'land by the shore and wade in' kind of swim, I mean full on water in the nose & doggie paddle kind of swim. So fess up people--how many of your cameras were given their last rites after going in the drink at Bridge Day 2005? Any other items ruined in the New River this year? pope [edit's looking good by the way...]
  5. pope

    BASE tools

    I heard the same thing, only it was for CHP Motorcycle Patrolmen only--and it stands up in court. pope
  6. pope

    BASE tools

    I agree, only that I think it's better to learn the former before implementing the latter. In the end, it's the human making the jump, not the tool. pope
  7. pope

    BASE tools

    I have it on good authority that the T-stake does work as a wind gauge of sorts--Basically, hold it up to the wind, and if the bottle opener whistles, don't jump. And remember--it's never the wrong decision to walk down. If you're not comfortable, winds or not--save your packjob and ground crew. No shame in keeping yourself alive. pope
  8. I got my first on a receiving A. pope
  9. 48" PC *stowed* for low stuff? How low are you talking about, and how are you packicg your 48" PC into the BOC? just out of curiosity. cheers, pope
  10. much faster than a SL... at least in what I have seen. From video : I PCAd 3 jumpers from 230ft, and they had 10sec canopy ride. I then did a TARD, and had a 15 sec ride. Were all 4 of the canopies the same (particularly vented v. unvented) and under the same loading conditions?
  11. pope

    day blazin in NC

    My bad...I was actually talking about the last pic--that's what I get for not -re-checking the pics before I post...
  12. pope

    day blazin in NC

    ...and some of the un-natural ones that make your balls hum--That explains a lot Ray. I've always wondered how you got to be such a kook. ;^) pope PS: Racer: what type of transmitter are you laying next to there?
  13. pope

    BASE Soft Links?

    Except that I'm almost positive that a Reserve soft link is quite a bit stronger than a Rapide Link. Soft links don't take that much longer to put on/off...it's just a matter of doing it a lot. pope
  14. pope

    KC crew

    Donk n bonez boys; I need JJ's [mailing] address via email-not posted. help a brotha out. pope
  15. pls get me at chris AT triaxproductions DOT com or AIM: triaxproductions any info appreciated. cheers. pope
  16. If it's from the shovels/Douggs you have to have it. That's all there is to it. pope
  17. I need to make an "easy" 3D graphic (wireframe) from an existing solidworks/CAD file. Does anyone here know anything about it? Even better, is anyone here a 3D animator? any suggestions or emails to chris AT triaxproductions DOT com are more than welcomed! cheers, pope
  18. pope

    First Aerial?

    There is an instructor in your area. I forgot his name, but you can find him here good luck. pope
  19. pope

    Pin Rigs Suck!

    I know I've had an issue before when inside a caged ladder with a velcro rig. Thankfully, the side-effect of velcro is the distinct noise when the shrivel flap starts to peel. I was able to stop climbing and deal with it before it came open. pope
  20. pope

    Pin Rigs Suck!

    I think you're being a bit presumptious here...not only do you not hear about the vast majority of BASE jumps made, but if the pin rig is working as it's designed there's no reason you'd ever notice if there was a benefit or not, right? IMHO, *most* jumps benefit from pinned rigs. Personally, I'd rather have a pinned rig over velcro on my back for most every jump I do, lower or higher, especially: terminal wingsuit antenna/tight space among others. I will admit though, that there is something much more comforting in hearing that velcro peel on those