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Everything posted by pope

  1. I just wear it. It freaks people out, but you get some priceless video. pope
  2. I guess I didn't get my point across with the section on Jimmy P. in Continuum II. In it, he described in pretty good detail (with some pretty grim, non-trancey music in the background I might add) about how dangerous Moab is/can be, and pretty much supported what I was saying in my previous post with regards to jumpers coming to Moab with too little experience. We made a concerted effort in Continuum II to keep the groms in check by making sure that it wasn't the happy-go-hucky kind of BASE movie that you describe above. And besides that, (and this goes for both Continuum AND Continuum II) I don't see what would give someone the impression that it is a place to "just have to go and DO" at all. I vaguely remember two scenes in the movie (C1) that showed a group of people carrying out an injured jumper, another hitting a tree... (BTW--if you want to see someone 'sweating it out' on the exit point, check out the Bridge Day 2004 and 2005 DVDs! Not Moab, I know, but good sweaties. Anyhow, I know your post wasn't specifically aimed at the Continuum Series, but I just have a little bit of extra knowledge about these productions because I've seen them a couple of times. There are a shit ton of kick ass BASE videos on the market, and more coming out every month, and each of them shows a different view on BASE. My suggestion (not meant in a sarcastic or derogatory way at all) is to put a DVD on the market that shows BASE the way you see it, and present it as you think it needs to be presented, and see how it does... I for one would buy it to see your vision. And point taken on the "reap what you sow" comment, but I think it's an inevitable, and necessary part of the sport's evolution. I see where your coming from, and agree up to a certain degree, but this point could only be argued on a case-by-case basis, IMHO. Me neither, but I'd love it if BASE jumpers could stand together enough to get it into the over-ambitious grom's head that just because they survived their last jump doesn't mean they'll survive their next one. Stack the odds in your favor by making the right choices in learning, gear, and object choice (as a start), and you have a better chance of survival. Welcome to the wonderful world of film/video. Isn't it cool?? Utmost respect back atcha Ian, cheers, pope
  3. that's freakin' hilarious. I love that show.
  4. this is the shit that will have the blm or whatever other "powers that be" (read: 'the man') taking a closer look at making what is almost certainly the greatest concentration of amazing, kick-ass BASE exit points on the planet, illegal. Ironically, this is the same argument the 10-20-30-40-50+ jump wonders will use when they want to come to Moab and jump cliffs that are (literally and figuratively) over their head. When will these people realize that it's not just about their life? Every BASE death effects ALL of us, whether it was our brother/sister or not, whether we recognize its repercussions right now or not. THE JUMP NUMBER REQUIREMENTS ARE GUIDELINES, NOT ABSOLUTES! This applies to those getting into BASE as well as it does those BASE jumpers wanting to come to Moab. I feel silly feeling the need to explain this, but these GUIDELINES were established assuming that your 30-50 jumps weren't jumps that were hammered out in a week at the Idaho S or equivalent! Cliff Strike is a very real possibility in Moab--as evidenced by the many over the last few months! Cliffs are not soft. They hurt you. They break you. They can easily kill you, period. I seem to see/hear about more and more people who get into the sport too soon, throw themselves from a bridge a few times and decide to try their hand off the walls in Moab. After one gets lucky enough to "walk" away from their wall strike/rescue/hospitalization in Moab, they go back to their home, probably far from Moab, not even realizing how their actions in the town might effect the locals, who are VESTED in the town. This doesn't apply to only wall strikes/injuries either. When you're in Moab, like it or not you represent BASE jumpers/jumping in general. Moab is one of the greatest places on earth, as most people who have been there would probably agree--respect it. Don't be a Dick. Sorry for the rant. pope
  5. pope

    yo! Bridge Day DVDs

    I dunno, but what a friggin' LOSER! After that, he should have not been allowed to BASE jump until DECEMBER!!! (BTW--That clip can be found here for the bigger version or here for the itty bitty version)
  6. Yup. Done. See website for details or check my other post about it. pope
  7. What--did the guy owe him money?
  8. pope

    BASE in a Hoody

    I thought you were the "extra warm" guy? ;^) I've jumped a ton in hoodies, as has my friend. If your not gonna roll it inside itself or your collar, safest to have it up. Of course if it fits under your HELMET, problem solved. cheers pope
  9. Good suggestion. Do you think this will work??? pope
  10. pope

    yo! Bridge Day DVDs

    True to our word, Triax Productions has managed to get the Bridge Day 2005 DVD finished and delivered by Christmas! Those of you who have already ordered your DVD, it should be arriving by mid-week next week. For those of you who haven’t purchased your BD ’05 DVD yet, you have a bit of time still to pick one up in time to stuff a stocking on Xmas day with it. Place your order by Saturday morning at 10, and we’ll be able to deliver it in time for Christmas! Please visit the Triax web page to order and find out a bit more about it. This year’s DVD gives you about two and a half hours of edited footage, complete with bonus sections! If you made your first jump at Bridge Day this year, this DVD is a must have! A separate section with all the first timer jumps, [roughly] categorized by jump time catches your exit, freefall, opening, and canopy ride/landing. A great way to keep your first ever BASE jump in your memory forever! Of course, there is the “boogie edit” as well, covering the highlights, lowlights ;^) beauty, daring, and ahem…[I]Carnage[/I]. We made sure that the boogie edit doesn’t exclude the flat n’ stable or run-of the-mill gainers, but believe me, it doesn’t exclude some of the crazy stuff that went on there either, from the Mr. Bert to the double Lundy to some idiot collapsing his canopy into the water from about 100’, we got it all. Thanks everyone for making this year’s Bridge Day one to remember!! Cheers, pope
  11. True to our word, Triax Productions has managed to get the Bridge Day 2005 DVD finished and delivered by Christmas! Those of you who have already ordered your DVD, it should be arriving by mid-week next week. For those of you who haven’t purchased your BD ’05 DVD yet, you have a bit of time still to pick one up in time to stuff a stocking on Xmas day with it. Place your order by Saturday morning at 10, and we’ll be able to deliver it in time for Christmas! Please visit the Triax web page to order and find out a bit more about it. This year’s DVD gives you about two and a half hours of edited footage, complete with bonus sections! If you made your first jump at Bridge Day this year, this DVD is a must have! A separate section with all the first timer jumps, [roughly] categorized by jump time catches your exit, freefall, opening, and canopy ride/landing. A great way to keep your first ever BASE jump in your memory forever! Of course, there is the “boogie edit” as well, covering the highlights, lowlights ;^) beauty, daring, and ahem…[I]Carnage[/I]. We made sure that the boogie edit doesn’t exclude the flat n’ stable or run-of the-mill gainers, but believe me, it doesn’t exclude some of the crazy stuff that went on there either, from the Mr. Bert to the double Lundy to some idiot collapsing his canopy into the water from about 100’, we got it all. Thanks everyone for making this year’s Bridge Day one to remember!! Cheers, pope
  12. CYA for snetimental reasons. RIP Clint & Earl pope
  13. Is the Patriot Act even enforceable on a local level?? pope
  14. I've had enough bad experiences with JVC to teach me the lesson to never give them a dime again. pope
  15. In my experience the best (and usually fastest) way to do this (or the reverse, in my case), is to run out to a local post-house and have them do the conversion for you. If you have less than 5-10 tapes, they'll usually charge a reasonable fee. The other way is to get an ntsc camcorder. You can pick one up from ebay for ULTRA cheap, since technically the screen doessn't need to be working, etc...or spend a few more dollars and get a fully functional ntsc camcorder for 100-300 USD. Problem solved. If you're a die-hard DIY person, there is some decent conversion software out there, but I can't help you with the windoze thing-- good luck, pope
  16. I don't ride rollercoasters.
  17. get the mac ones lonnie--I know they're more $, but worth it in the long run... pope
  18. So were the authorities back when Alcatraz was still a prison. I think they gave up--but then again, they didn't have the internet back then--so maybe you're on to something here... good luck. pope
  19. It's not the tricks that are hard. it's the wall. I think you're right Tom--False confidence is a killer. Knowledge and experience our our saviours. I've said it before and I'll say it again; See Dick jump. See DIck hit the wall See Dick die. Don't be a Dick. Everyone makes mistakes. In BASE survival depends on how you deal with them. Here's hoping we all survive our mistakes. cheers, pope
  20. Keep in mind some of the other possible ramifications of jumping a federally owned tower--as in if you get busted by local cops. Local cops might not have the jurisdiction to bust you-- but once you're caught, shut up and let your lawyer know, not the cops/persecutors.
  21. Not conclusive, of course, but judging by the tree below [him], it doesn't really matter... It'd be nice to move that exit up about 6-7oo meters though! pope
  22. I'd be happy to come over and discuss it over tea--say around midnughtish or so? Just PM me your address and we'll figure it out. I'll even bring some gear (packed) so you can check it out! pope
  23. You're missing out on a lot of great stories--I know many, MANY people with 50-400 BASE jumps with stories that will top most you've got! good luck, pope