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Everything posted by JerryBaumchen

  1. Hi Chuck, The craziest 'chop job' that I ever saw was sometime in the late '80's. About 5-6 yrs earlier I had built this rig for this young jumper (maybe 100 jumps or so). Soon after he got married and quit jumping. Then about the 5-6 yrs later his wife funds the $$$ for him to go jumping. After he comes down from about his 3rd jump that day he calls me over to see if 'this' was right. Someone (we never did find out who or under what circumstances) had taken a pair of sidecutters (at least the evidence looked like sidecutters had been used) and had cut one of his 3-rings cables about 1/2 inch from the loop. This thing was ready to release with just a slight bump/stretch/whatever. I grabbed the rig, took it home and built him a new release handle. He quit jumping. IMO, people do not need to be riggers but they do need/should know how to and inspect their gear before they go jumping.
  2. Hi Neil, Try Para-Gear (1-800-323-0437) as they have Item # M6945 at $65.00. It appears to be the same thing that I use; I think mine was made in Sweden or something like that and mine is fantastic. I consider Para-Gear & DJ Associates the absolute best as far as companies that I have dealt with. Any jumper who wants to do what you are wanting to do should have a catalog from both of them. However, DJ's catalog is rather poor; you have to know how to find what you want. Both have websites.
  3. Hi Sparky, That is exactly what I am talking about. Now, do not misunderstand, I think the snap-shackle and its options are a great idea. However, the thought that you can do it easily in the air under a HP malfunction because you want to get away from the crowd is simply wrong. And people are only fooling themselves if they believe it.
  4. Hi Larry, I've been gone for a week so just now getting to things. I DO APPRECIATE YOUR POSTS. They bring info to people and (IMO) that is what this whole thing is about. Make that 'good' info.
  5. Hi Mark, Some thoughts: 1. I think this is the zig-zag that Kelly F at Velocity uses and likes. 2. Not a lot of parts still available; at least so I've been told by those in the business. 3. The 438 is a better later version. But hard to find; I spent months looking and ended up with a Bernina 217.
  6. Hi Scratch, That is exactly what I did. I took a length of 550 cord (lots of bridles on 1.1's where made of 550 cord in those days), died it red, tied an overhand knot in the 'pull' end and had that sticking out of one flap of my chest/belly mount. People would always ask about the little red thing and I'd have to explain. I always wondered if I would be calm enough to do things right if a malfunction came along; never had to find out. Kind of how I feel about the idea of disconnecting the RSL shackle under extreme conditions because you want to take a delay. Anyone think they'll really be cool and collected to do it? Anyone done it to prove me wrong? I'm Ok with being wrong, been wrong lots in life.
  7. From what I've heard it a triangular shaped canopy. I do not know if it a Rogallo-type; Riggerrob??????
  8. A little trivia for you: The Rogallo wing built by Irvin actually was TSO'd by Irvin.
  9. Back in the '80's a local jumper (who also happened to be a single-parent of two young kids) decided he wanted a new PD170. So he got out the coloring pattern (on paper in those days) and let his kids color it. He told them they could make it anything that they wanted. Well, when the local dealer sent the order in to PD they responded that they wanted 100% of the sale up front; it was so damn ugly.
  10. The primary difference in the ParaCommander and the CrossBow was that the X-BO had only flat panels in it, whereas the PC had louvered panels; longer at the rear than at the front giving it the forward drive. This because Pioneer had a license from the frenchman, M. Lemoigne, who designed a canopy with these type of panels in it. Interestingly, his early/original work was for a lifting canopy, not something to jump. Just like the late Mr. Jalbert and his Para-Foil (also originally designed as a lifting canopy), from which all of our modern canopies have descended. Just a little trivia for late nights in the bar.
  11. Last that I heard, he was in the airplane buying/selling business; hanging around the Kapowsin area; got married; adopted a youngster; and was considering moving to Wyoming. Anything else?
  12. For the Skydiver Discount at the Holiday Inn you have to contact them directly (386-738-5200) and not thru the Holiday Inn 800 number. $49/nite with skydiver ID.
  13. Wendy, How much they paying someone to take it?
  14. Hi Ripcord4, Now the very 'original' Altimaster was a very thick altimeter, as thick as actual aircraft altimeters. Is yours this; or is yours a 2nd gen that was the thin version?
  15. Homer, Weren't those call ZEEK BROS as in the anti-geek bros?
  16. Hi there, Try looking at Performance Designs' website, they have some 210-ish used Spectre's there. Look at their Stock List then go to Used Canopies. HTH.
  17. Hi Sparky, Actually Ted goes to great lengths these days to stay out of jail. Ben there, done that too many times. Last year he was elected to the Sheridan, OR City Council. Who says you cannot be rehabilitated? He also got married again last year, at 68. Man is a true optimist.
  18. Hi Andy, It WAS made by AirTime Designs, the jumpsuit people. They no longer make or support it. It was a 9-cell semi-elliptical canopy. I still have one. I think Brian Germain was the original designer, you might contact him. (I think).
  19. The majority of sport rigs are built of 1000 denier Cordura. RWS tries to use 500 denier whenever they can (almost 100%) depending on what color is required. The 500 d is smoother, lighter, etc, etc. IMO, you're just not used to seeing it. BTW, the 1000 d does wear better when being abused.
  20. Now Peckerhead, You know Ralph would never use words like "...going to confiscate the stolen property.... ' I'm sure your memory is slightly wrong.
  21. Strato, Send me an email; your PM ME bounced back. Jerry
  22. Just a shot in the dark: Anyone out there have a Strong StyleMaster rig?
  24. Hi Wildjump, I use #22 needles when sewing 'E' thread and found that doing this made a lot of problems go away. Give it a try.