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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. He'll go dark on the subject but post otherwise to continue to spread the word. He can't admit he was wrong because it would be admitting a firmly held belief was wrong. Belief in Trump, Q, Jesus etc. all come from seeking the truth instead of looking at facts and then seeing the truth. There he can never go.
  2. So what are you saying here? That the talented young jumper and the room mate that loaned the car should have been criminally charged? Are you saying you knew the story was BS but just kept mum? Not your problem? Bill, DACA isn't new from yesterday. "needs to be examined and addressed... difficult situation.." are cop out comments. By now you should have enough understanding about a policy that started in 2012 to have a firm opinion. How much more time do you need to study the issue?
  3. Not really. How about answering some questions you're avoiding. Where's the fraud comes to mind.
  4. I may have over dumbed it. I meant that if no electoral fraud is proven and Trump is reinstalled through State Legislature action then he will be an illegitimate President. Not that Ron gives a rats ass, I'm sure.
  5. The Georgia Republican Party is aggressively telling R voters to get their mail in ballot requests ASAP and to vote absentee. Trump is saying mail in ballots are fraught with fraud. So what is a conspiracy theorist to believe? Are you voting absentee?
  6. Until it becomes personal many will never believe there is an opioid crisis. But there totally is an opioid crisis. I know I'm out!
  7. Nope, it illustrates the capricious way a con man can use the 58% Republican support for the death penalty to good economic use.
  8. Is there an 18 year old set to be executed? I thought it took 18 years after conviction.
  9. The problem is that there isn't enough volume to make a profit or allow for innovation so no ones happy. Like obsolete motherboards, we should just send them to China for recycling.
  10. Setting aside your hopes and prayers for just a minute, thus far, Trump's lawyers have yet to offer a scintilla of evidence of any fraud whatsoever. Trump lost fair and square, Ron. There is no evidence otherwise. Judge after judge has rejected Trump's false and unsubstantiated claims of widespread fraud. That's reality. In the absence of any fraud found, much less widespread fraud affecting millions of votes, do you really want the will of American voters rejected and overturned so as to reinstall an illegitimate Trump as President? No fraud equals illegitimate. You get that, right?
  11. Did you know that your number of "likes", 31, is the exact number of court cases Trumps team of loonies has lost in humiliating fashion? Coincidence? Q? Makes you wonder.
  12. JoeWeber


    Uh-oh. Are you sure this is the correct list?
  13. ".and no, it would only involve the three of us: Messrs Sturm, Ruger, and myself." Damn right it was a threat. We aren't allowed to say what he is without getting dinged, deleted and maybe a day off. It's time.
  14. I'll own the poorly phrased comment and the confusion caused. When I wrote "The idea that having a fancy firearm as a defense weapon you are likely to use is a fantasy" I wasn't thinking pearl handled revolver. I was thinking military style assault weapons, glocks etc. being used for defense. When I wrote, "I have no problem with you or anyone like you having access to advanced firearms" I meant military style assault weapons in the possession of people who have been highly trained by the military and stay current in or out of the military. For everyone else, if you need to, buy a shotgun.
  15. What's that now, 31 cases thrown out of court? Now he's claiming it's up to Biden to prove he received 80 Million votes. What a national embarrassment. Thanks Trump voters.
  16. Could be there's no other place to train for the White Nationals.
  17. That's what reasonable regulation laws are for. I'm not afraid of those laws. I can definitely see where someone like you might be. But it's a greater good thing in my view. I also believe that it's possible to write laws that provide safe harbor if we can all just be a bit less hysterical.
  18. No. What I said is true. I have no problem with you or anyone like you having access to advanced firearms. But you are not like the rest of us. Fact.
  19. Dude, he is right on all of his points and your response is mumbo jumbo. Enough with the "competently trained people" argument. Outside of the military no one is competently trained or current. The idea that having a fancy firearm as a defense weapon you are likely to use is a fantasy. And to clarify things for you, parachutes are not used in defense.
  20. JoeWeber


    You're a DZ.commer for sure and you just ad hominened yourself and probably a packer too, DZO's being what they are, and a Mod liked it! The times they are a changin'.
  21. JoeWeber


    I can help you seek what you believe. First go here: Then click the big American blue Donate button to go here: Then to make it as easy as patriot pie you can send your Social Security income directly to the Kraken bypassing any silly PAC's here: If you prefer to send a check, please make payable to: Sidney Powell, PC. Address: 10130 Northlake Blvd. #214342, West Palm Beach, Florida 33412 They sure do make it easy.
  22. JoeWeber


    Not true. He told me I was a perfect something or other once.