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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. Those damn horseless carriages were a danger to all, too, for a while.
  2. Good for the mood. But I have to say that, based on what seems to be real as the Russians are moving back in the north, I hope Biden is asking General Milley and whomever runs USSOCOM just what we can do to make life miserable for the Russians without getting caught.
  3. Brother, you need an intervention. Now, back in the real world Ketanji Brown Jackson is now Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson by a vote of 53 to 47. Now, I'll let you rant about Kavanaugh some more but when you're done please tell me why I shouldn't consider each and everyone of those 47 no voting Republican US Senators to be racist, sexist assholes.
  4. Weren't you told umpteen times to stop just posting urls? Seriously man, you need something else to do besides us.
  5. Absolutely. And seeing as how it's all passed to the consumer anyway maybe we should just cut out the middleman and fine the users directly. It worked with hookers, right? Maybe if we start seeing pictures of offenders on the nightly news power usage will decline and the numbers of eagles would increase.
  6. 3.6% of your posts are acclaimed so you're an Honor Student? Your mom must be so proud.
  7. Seems to me we should start teaching Critical Gender Theory around the 3rd grade to end all of the confusion. Surely everyone would agree to that.
  8. Hers is still above yours I think.
  9. Could be he does have a different definition of a woman in a shower. Hey, no skin off my nose but you definitely have me curious.
  10. Nice try, sugar doodle. That was nothing short of a grade 10 bitch slap of a complete asshole. Until that, and her wonderfully awesome clap back, I was way done with her. Not after.
  11. I am. I am also not blaming Canada alone, or in concert for that matter, for our indefensible defense budget. Rather, it seems to me that removing in some degree the hard right perception that only America can defend democracy might be a step toward arguing that we should start spending a lot less on things military.
  12. And U-Crane is a tool rental yard.
  13. I thought to post this, too, but didn't want the push back. $15 an hour they paid Fox watchers to watch CNN instead. Amazingly, they were smarter after only 3 hours. Flossing takes longer for a noticeable change.
  14. This is interesting: It's tangential to our conversation, for sure, and I in no way propose it supports positions either of us has taken. But it is interesting to note how the comings and goings of war materials between nations goes on.
  15. No surprise there, I always thought there was a bit of meatball in you.
  16. Absolutely I am able to see what is wrong with that. I don't, as you apparently do, consider VP Harris to be a "giggling, insincere buffoon". Whereas I do, and you apparently do not, consider Trump to be traitorous, grifting, lying, narcissistic, conniving crook. Hence my thinly veiled assertion that those who would choose Trump over Harris are at the minimum racists and probably sexists, too.
  17. And you were following your own lead----to nowhere, again.
  18. Southern Border. You mean the brown people border whether or not you are self aware enough to admit that fact. So, the US birthrate is currently 1.7 per couple including all of our not sufficiently white Americans. When will you be open to allowing more customers into the country? When they bleach out like coral reefs?
  19. Unless yours is triple, swanchwise, double entendre I think I'm good.
  20. 2014? I won't spend much time with it. But what is the point and how does it make a point? Unless you deep dive into what each persons increase in wealth is derived from it's a useless exercise. Unless your presumption is fraud only.
  21. Are you able to shoehorn Biden or Harris into that description? If you can, are you arguing it would be to the same degree as Trump?
  22. You couldn't have selected a better example, I'll grant you that.
  23. It's like you start every day by pecking through your shell.
  24. Is that right? It's true that a disturbing number of Americans would choose a traitorous, grifting, lying, narcissistic, conniving crook over a black women as our President? Wowser. How does your black friend feel about that?
  25. I agree! But not his yacht for christ's sake. There must be limits in a civilized world.