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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. Seems to me that we've unlocked most of the energy from a barrel of oil with vastly greater improvements to come from batteries. So there's that, too.
  2. Yes. It's a social function; that is to say it's a belief system. For a lot of people it's no less a starting and stopping point than their religions. They believe they're engaging fairly but fairly means no serious push back allowed, as an understood courtesy. Outside of their local system things get more difficult. Attempts are made to apply rules they're accustomed to and friction happens, then a return to gentlemanly behavior is expected. But mainly the things you say are never tied to the things you actually believe: that's rude.
  3. What I said several posts after what you said isn't relevant. You said: "Agree. I sure hope that he gets out of the way. It seems that his level of involvement is more than but similar to Obama. Both should step away like other Presidents have done." Now, you say that saying seems is like sayin' just sayin', seems to me. It further seems to me that's similar to a crock of spit tobaccy juice. My point, and were this more personal than the internet I'd lube it for gentlemanly gentleness, is that you up and akin'ed Trumps horrendous, traitorous, illegal and, worse rude, behavior to Obama getting in the way giving paid speeches like every other past President and having personal opinions like he was posting on, the cheeky bastard! So, it seems to me that you took a long paddle up the creek to not say nothin'.
  4. What is weird is that any time I doubled or filled a tag I never thought it was the gun, it's so enjoyable. Anyway, as fun as this is let's circle back to the Biden thread where inquiring minds are waiting to be enlightened in the many ways that Obama has been an equal pain in the nations collective ass to Donald J. Trump. You made the assertion so let's have some 'splainin' please.
  5. That's plain weird. I get it that a guy might enjoy duck hunting (actually waiting in ambush with a few tricks handy to out smart them) or tracking an Elk (usually along the tracks they'd been making for years). I've done plenty of each but once in the field I didn't give the gun I was toting any more thought than my boots; it's just another tool. Maybe a good start would be to start stopping the belief it's a nice thing to hold and stroke for your personal entertainment.
  6. Why not ask for just one proud South Carolinian to put one in the back of his head? Hey, I know! We could tie him to the front of a Demolition Derby car like the Greeks used to do Romans on their Galley's.
  7. They aren't working? Really? Damn, that's odd, you'd think that a few words on a sheet of paper could overwhelm an onslaught of guns, ammo, and jackasses. Maybe we should try something else or just give up and wear targets. What's your constructive suggestion?
  8. Unless they changed, or do change, the protocol it will be three volunteers and all will shoot live rounds. Bill, in all things get your head into the why of it. Figuring out why did someone played a certain card, for example, might give you the game. If naught else you'll better understand how they play. Here, why, when civilian firing squads customarily used one blank round did the game change? Could they only find room for three shooters and it's an act of humanity worth not providing the possibility of doubt for a regretful participant? Or did the jerks who designed it just naturally assume that anyone with a pair would want to know the put a hole in the bastard?
  9. F-Squad like F-Troop? Say it out loud: Firing Squad. And each of the three volunteers, how'll they'll select the lucky winners from the horde sure to offer their services is anyones guess, will be firing a live round. They'll get to know they shot the bastard. The why of that little change is the real issue.
  10. What people think isn't particularly interesting, why they think as they do is the important thing. Too bad that's such a hard thing to explain.
  11. I am certain of that. At the end of February in the Covid thread I said "You have fully nailed the reality of Billeisele. He believes what he believes because it where he is at socially." It was simply an observation. Of course, that was as well received as a turd in the punch bowl but I have no doubt it is true. Not just for conservatives, although at least here they seem bound by the shackles more so, but for all of us. Every go at it we all like to point out the obvious bias in our correspondents news sources to make our points. But I think the bigger problem is the filter of our own biases supported by constant reaffirmations in our social circles. Again, and I concede the bias, I think the liberals here are a bit more free of those constraints. Surely there will be divergent views.
  12. What facts about Obama's level of "involvement" being similar to Trumps? Please get specific.
  13. Bill, how can you say that? I'm sorry, but if you aren't including anything other than waking up and putting ones pants on in the morning you are gravely mistaken. Trumps level of interference with our national, state and local politics goes beyond any previous measures. That is plainly obvious.
  14. Not. Unless, obviously, one is the final authority and has complete control of the askers intentions one is always wise, factual in fact, to assume one has incomplete information. Sort of it's like being pulled over by some true believer cop and thinking that by being completely honest, as you understand honesty, you'll be fine. Your lawyer would likely have a different opinion.
  15. Bill, please consider my post above, (2290), Trump is not playing by the usual rules.
  16. To Bills point, you'd be suing over the definition, naught else. Mr. Metalslug, while it may be true that Black and White are words it is not absolutely true that the definition of Black or White are finally known. White and Black, as colors, are being constantly refined. Same with a meter. You'd think a meter was a meter but conditions, new information, and perspective matter. Of course, it's your'e prerogative to look backwards to any originalist meaning you hold dear and argue from that position. Back doing so does not make you right.
  17. We have a terminal case on our hands, you've got that right. Yes, Trump is no longer President but have you noticed that he does no longer President somewhat differently than previous no longer Presidents? That's no trivial point. Surely you can see that his actions and, in no small degree, the actions of those in power who yet fear him are both damaging and weakening our current President. For a bonus, are you able to see that your bored efforts at self entertainment contribute to that?
  18. Absolutely. Isn't it remarkable how the anti-Biden/Kamala's a bonehead crowd here doesn't seem to be much bothered by Blackburn, Hawley, Graham etc. etc.?
  19. Nonsense. She was simply smart enough not to get sucked in by morons.
  20. In your glee you probably didn't notice that your hero has long hair and bangs. But maybe it just makes him feel a little better. Nothing wrong with that, seems to me.
  21. Just like they teach at MIT. Alrighty, then.
  22. You are too cheap to buy a whistle? They make electric whistles: You can sort out wiring it to your lighter, yes?