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    United States

Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. Let's not pretend it's for any reason other than Canadians are smarter than Americans. Yep, in fact picking when it comes to up the dinner check Canada is smarter than everyone except Slovenia and Portugal. In all seriousness, Canadians should be embarrassed. Moreover, some Canadians should be a little more understanding of attitudes held by the likes of myself, Keith, Brent and anyone else that would care to join in.
  2. I agree. Canada goes cheap because it has strong friends. If the US were Mexico Canada would for sure be pulling it's weight.
  3. And that diatribe has to do with sacrificing on a shared basis for the mutual defense of western democracy how? 1.4% of GDP is all you spend as a contribution. Both you and SkyDekker have every right to point out our flaws and make suggestions but for Christ's sake please grasp that what advantages you enjoy socially are paid for in part by not keeping up your end of the mutual defense deal.
  4. Thanks. So it's not what I said and you were just projecting. Not sending troops and spending less money isn't the same as no engagement or winning in a smarter way. Maybe you can just be honest and agree that the only reason Canada goes so cheap on their military is because there is no fear of attack from the North Pole or Greenland.
  5. Is that what I said or are you just tossing out a straw man for giggles? Also, take as much time as you need to fix the toxic culture in the Canadian military, we'll be here if you need us.
  6. That's lame. It's not a game when you are the payers. The numbers don't lie and the truth is that Canada, even more so than many of our allies, has gone on the cheap when it comes to defense spending. Let's not pretend it's for any reason other than Canadians have selfishly allowed American taxpayers to foot their security bill knowing that our presence next door makes it possible.
  7. Early reports are that burner phones were being used. Now wouldn't that be something if true?
  8. We may not ever be needed on the ground in Ukraine. Reports are building that the Ukrainians just whacked the Russian elite 4th Guards Tank Division taking out up to 77 of their first line T80U tanks and sending the rest of the unit back to Russia licking their wounds.
  9. FIFY Okay, I get it, we suck and aren't truly doing our part but once you get over your national fascination with chest thumping and loud bleating perhaps you will change your spending priorities to be more in line with the rest of the civilized world. In the meantime I would advise you not to hold your breath waiting for us to follow you down the path of letting weapons manufacturers buy your government. And we will try our best not to openly laugh in your faces for your folly.
  10. Poor Ken, coming up on 1100 Luv U's only to be fairly compared to Sarah Palin. I do think it would be reasonable if the clan to our north withheld any comments about our social system or military except when beginning the sentence with: Okay, I get it, we suck and aren't truly doing our part but...........
  11. We very well might have a desire to spend a few hundred billion on things you consider basic human rights if we were only spending $500 Billion a year because our allies were spending a lot more than spending the de minimus amount they've enjoyed thus far.
  12. Not yet. Your reply was elliptical but I accept your intention was to agree more of less. One thing you might consider is that the American taxpayer, all of whom are Americans, have been guaranteeing your freedoms for quite some time. Now, at least for me, I'd be appreciative if Canada doubled their defense spending for awhile even at the expense of some of those "perks". Then maybe we could have some perks. That would be nice.
  13. That's some weak shit, brother. Instead you might have simply conceded that Canada spends a smaller portion of GDP on the defense of Democracy than Albania.
  14. You are very welcome. In fact, I find your appreciation and gratitude worth far more than Canada's 1.4% of GDP defense spending. I'll include a note to that effect when I send my check to the IRS this year.
  15. Yep, but we can hardly ask our allies to up their spending to the ignored but previously agreed 2% of GDP if we don't bump ours up to 4.5%. We're getting off cheap.
  16. Same thing only different. I am not super disappointed by the remark but it wasn't necessary. Biden has done an amazing job of coalescing NATO after Trumps blunders. There was no need to cause our European partners to wonder about our Presidents diplomatic capacities.
  17. Come on, man, a hearing for a Supreme Court Justice isn't about getting the job it's about not getting the job. I'll bet even I could avoid saying fuck or PA-ing Brent for two days under those circumstances.
  18. Agreed, but I think it was a misstep for Biden to effectively call for regime change today. Then again he'd already called him a war criminal and a butcher so there's that.
  19. I am. Now medaling in competition against women who spent their lives training hard and sacrificing much for the opportunity, and what it might confer, is a different thing. We're dancing around Lia Thomas here so let's just put a name to it. It seems to me that if we are going to have sex specific sports and competitions then a persons biologic sex should be the only determinant at this juncture. But that is only because we haven't truly faced the issues and thought through the ways to ensure fairness to all participants without discriminating against others. We have work to do there, no doubt.
  20. Sure, and that's perfectly cool with me, too. As I think about it, I believe I was on a women's way of some kind back when and it was not a problem. Good thing the memory is failing, I reckon.
  21. I count six. No surprise you don't have a female dog.
  22. We should be both proud and grateful that our sport allows all sexes and genders to compete against each other on an equal basis. How cool is that?
  23. I sincerely hope they win. I'm even O.K. if the win includes the rest of us being forced to participate in morning prayers, by Zoom if necessary. No amount of logic or reason has worked to convince the religious to leave the rest of us alone so lets up the ante by forcing a completely ridiculous accommodation on everyone.
  24. According to the Hindu Times, I'm sure you read it cover to cover and already know, another Russian General got whacked.
  25. Have you considered branching out to writing soap operas? You'd be great, for sure.