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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. How about this instead: remove the tip of your tail from your mouth, replace it with your thumb, type that you're sorry for posting smack you haven't read or thought through, disconnect your router and get some sleep.
  2. I am in full agreement with Alexey and applaud you for posting this Jerry. But, of course, that's an easy thing as I don't do business directly with Russia. We aren't like the space program, we're just skydivers and all we do is truly short term. Still, we have organizations and a moral obligation, it seems to me. USPA should stop any collaboration with and licensing, and training of skydivers in Russia. Maybe Chuck Akers will chime in on that notion. PIA should come out against it members collaborating with Russia. It's always easy to want others to carry the load but no US company should be selling anything that even remotely could be said to benefit the Russian Military. If we all need to pay a bit more for our kit as a consequence we should be well pleased that we're only be asked to pay with money.
  3. Of course, there are no circumstances where gloating over the loss of human life is warranted. That said, do you reckon there was an Admiral aboard?
  4. Apparently, no drum roll required, the winds were howling at around 14km/h with a few clouds and intermittent light rain at the time. Must have been terrifying.
  5. Not pointless, it's wonderful.
  6. We don't need a few more. We need one more: Medicare for all.
  7. Heres a chart for you. It's one you'll love because you only need to skim to the end for the answer. Use this to do the math:
  8. I don't doubt this was an amazing coup by the Ukrainians. Now, they'll be able to have beers with our special forces who on a lucky day might have been able to offer advice.
  9. Too bad you couldn't have stopped without the Will Smith nonsense and left the field with some credibility.
  10. Well, that's a Russian bummer. Now the Russians are conceding a problem with their Black Sea Flag Ship. Next they'll be explaining it was a scheduled dive team training exercise. Good on the Ukrainians.
  11. Unverified reports are that the Russian Guided Missile Cruiser Moskva (the one that was told, Russia, Go Fuck Yourself) has been hit by two Ukrainian Anti-ship missiles, is on fire, and is possibly sinking. 500 sailors aboard. Even if it's B.S. it was fun to type.
  12. Maybe we need some input from our most experienced goalie. Yo, Brent! Are you getting much sleep knowing that your pilgrimage to Disney in support of DeSantis and his right wing policies is now tainted? After all, the park is receiving government subsidies in the form of a special district and now needs to be cancelled, too?
  13. To be a sport I read the article for you. There were actually a couple of interesting ideas that might not be visible in the conservative light spectrum. For example, the idea that you might feel your race shift in reaction to wrongs done to a loved one of another race. Well, obviously that's not happening. What is happening is called sympathy and empathy, the essence of simpatico. So, for some folks it might indeed cause them to feel somewhat more aligned with another humans circumstance. Seems to me that's a good thing. The other bit was how someone might feel if they were discriminated against because they had a name that sounded African American, or perhaps, just happened to live in Cabrini-Green or Harlem. Maybe it wouldn't bother you because it didn't count because you aren't African American but I do believe it would leave me damn angry and feeling as if I were discriminated against racially even though I'm Caucasian. Hmm..
  14. From 2015 but updated in 2016? Got anything newer on a floppy you can slip into your Commodore?
  15. Got me, brother. Maybe it's just that some of us aren't just looking down the street but are also wondering what's around the corner.
  16. Yep. And that's where we aren't supposed to go if we're gentle persons. We're supposed to be chill and only kind of address the real problem.
  17. As ever, erring on the side of greatness and close enough is as good as a fact for Brent Hutchings. You're close to 6 weeks short of 19 years, love.
  18. I'd like to know just what they hope society gains if their confounding exercise comes to fruition. I get fully what their own narrow, tight assed world view gains but what betterment for all can they see ahead? That simply mystifies me.
  19. You haven't missed much. All we are now is better prepared to argue with our drunk uncles at next holiday gathering.
  20. “With New York’s strict gun control laws, how many innocent people were carrying a gun when the bad guy with a gun broke the existing laws and started shooting people?” -Marjory Taylor Greene That, gun enjoyers, is the problem in a nutshell. To it's ultimate conclusion a certifiable nut out of her shell will argue that a subway car filled with smoke and full of people would have been the perfect venue for good guy's, girls, and kiddee's to open up with their guns to defend themselves. Not much else to say, really.
  21. I should have said so. Apparently, Russian Regiments are supposed to have 3-4 BTG's but really don't owing to corruption etc. This is an interesting analysis of Russian strategy thus far: Here's a neat place to follow Russian Battle formations: and
  22. Might be. These guy's are said to be three lieutenants who were commanding a BMP. None are from combat arms and one is a meteorologist, so we are told. Apparently none of the conscripts in the back survived, either. The argument, if true, is that the Russians are running out of contract soldiers qualified to operate even a BMP so they're feeding in whatever they have. That might have worked at Stalingrad but in Ukraine where they seem unable to field more than one or two BTG's at a time, can not defend supply lines, and conscripts, apparently, are able to decline deployment to Ukraine they might be in a bit of a borscht pickle. On top of that, yesterday came the spring rains.
  23. I disagree. We've given him 100% here as often as not.
  24. You think an 18 year old dude will be stopped by fear of getting the clap? Maybe in Canada.