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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. Were they collaborating to suppress the story?
  2. JoeWeber


    I guess you didn't enjoy the Republican bloviating today, especially Blackburn, during Jacksons confirmation hearing. Pathetic, racist, moronic, bullshit grandstanding. Yes, them's be your peeps.
  3. Do you seriously believe that Joe Biden was taking a cut, you know getting his "beak wet", like any mobster? The other thing that is seriously odd is the gleefulness you project at the prospect of one of Biden's two remaining children, three others having died tragically, being prosecuted and jailed before any charges have been filed. Maybe I'm just not in sync but if I did that I'd expect my friends to feel quite embarrassed on my behalf.
  4. Ahh, are we feeling all put upon by smart people again?
  5. An article in the Guardian suggests that Russia may be forcing deportations of Ukrainian citizens to Russia. It's a long way from being confirmed and smacks of a wound reopening dog whistle. But, it caused my inner snowflake to think that were it true it might be a bright line crossed that would demand more involvement.
  6. It's what we can get away with at the time, that's all. Maybe it's that MIG's are offensive in nature can hit any Russian forces in Ukraine and Air Defense Batteries are inherently defensive weapons. Got me, we'll just have to wait and see.
  7. Patriot systems are arriving in Slovakia now. I guess we'll soon learn what Russia will risk once the S-300's start transferring to Ukraine.
  8. Apparently, they're also knocking off some Colonels and Majors. I wonder who has the capability to identify the location of these senior officers and pass it off to the Ukrainians in real time? Slovakia? And you have to love those guys. They're happy to send all of their S-300 Air Defense systems to Ukraine just as soon as someone can promise equal or better replacements. Great way to upgrade while the getting is good.
  9. Against the arbiters of truth here, even someone of John's caliber is prey.
  10. Jeez, John, are you new? We don't argue about what we said, we argue about our clarifications and explanations.
  11. They say a man is best judged by his friends.
  12. Is it only me or does anyone else see the irony in Brent starting a thread titled: "Try to spot the trend"?
  13. After Luke's last stunt into the net I was fearful next up would be a naked jump from 25K into a splash pool filled with jello. Sure the skydiving skills needed aren't completely rare but the ability to control yourself and focus in the face of unknowns is not so common. Also, they'll have worked hard to be sure the aircraft are where they're supposed to be for re-boarding. Rig or no rig it'll be a bit tricky, no doubt.
  14. Because it's not about their guns, it's about their identity.
  15. I know both Luke and Andy personally. I don't doubt for a minute that they have the abilities to pull off the stunt.
  16. Of course the obvious solution is to leave the cold northern climes in the fall for warmer southern locations until the situation improves more to your liking.
  17. There was no attack. The list of things to do meant everyone.
  18. It would be inconvenient and add to the cost, that's why. Not to mention that some lower income folks wouldn't be able to afford more than a few guns.
  19. In the Covid thread I posited "You have fully nailed the reality of Billeisele. He believes what he believes because it where he is at socially". You didn't much care for that analysis leading me to apologize for the conjecture. But then here again, in my opinion, you validate the conjecture. A child kills a parent with a loaded gun in a car and you find causation in, to wit "Moral upbringing, culture and the "societal eye." Something seems to be missing in America." Well, I couldn't agree more. Notably, there seems to be strong correlation between gun deaths in America and states with lax gun laws and a high percentage of gun ownership. So whether it be that folks naturally gravitate to societal clusters with like beliefs, naturally adopt local beliefs, or were taught to believe what they believe on momma's knee social environs do seem to matter. Obviously there is nothing cut and dried about it but gun deaths do seem to be strongly associated with strong gun culture states that have also have lax gun laws and high gun ownership. If you believe that gun violence in the barrio's and ghetto's is a function of those societies then you're already half way home. What to do? Stop believing that you need to have a loaded gun ready for self defense at all times would be a good start. Oppose all open carry laws. Oppose all concealed carry laws that aren't limited to real need and serious training and have consequences for misuse. Quit pretending that military styled weapons are good hunting and self defense guns. Also, stop sayin AR-15 platform as if it's a seed from which pretty plants grow. Teach the truth about gun violence in schools early on. Stop believing tropes like our gun problems are all imported from Mexico. Quit pretending without evidence that there is nothing that can be done now because too many guns are already out there. And hate it with all of your heart when you hear about things like kid sized assault weapons and bullet proof back packs for school books. In other words don't just hold our hands in the air and give up.
  20. No. It's always with the lives of other peoples children. Importantly it's also, invariably, people you don't know. Like cigarette packs, maybe guns should be sold with photographs of gunshot people affixed to the sides.
  21. I often wonder if the idea of society that made it possible for us to progress to where we are was less a marriage than an uneasy peace. Maybe it's just our nature to fight each other like too many rats in a cage.
  22. Sure Bill, it was smart phones. How about given how unlikely it is to ever need a loaded gun for self defense in your home that you don't have readily available loaded guns in homes, much less your damn car, with kids. And if you do and your kid kills you (best case scenario) or themselves then you get to go to jail? It's a choice, right? And, while the article didn't mention it, I'll guess it wasn't a Barrett .50 but maybe a pistol. And before a revolver that might have too hard a trigger pull for a 3 year old I'd guess a Glock without a safety. And no, I don't consider trigger safeties to be safeties. Too many easily available guns and too many dipshits is the problem.
  23. Oh, he's just Brentivating again, as ever. He's a flock shooter and we're a flock of ducks. This time he missed jakee and got you. Maybe I'm next, who knows?
  24. Maybe if we could convince NOAA, instead of Brent because the lifting would be easier, to change their name to the American National Atmosphere League he might reel and move on.
  25. Let me guess, you have a gay friend who just laughs, laughs and laughs when you make that joke.