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Everything posted by lifewithoutanet

  1. Hey, Michele. Give this a go. Enter Model Number. -C.
  2. Do you mean the Turkish phenomenon Mahir? Edited to add: "I kiss you!" -C.
  3. I've got a PISA Tempest 200, F111, 9-cell. She ain't pretty, but she flies alright and you can probably get her into Wingnut's spare container. You're welcome to try. I'll be at Perris on Sun (maybe Sat afternoon, too) and will bring it if you'd like. -C.
  4. Here ya go, Lew. Saved as a .gif ... 6kb. I tried as a jpeg first, but no love. Wierd that it wouldn't go smaller than 11k as a jpeg. -C.
  5. Haven't seen a chart like you mention, and I'm not sure how well you could really draft it out, given so many variables, but do a search of the forums on 'air density'. You'll get 'a few' posts, but it should direct you to the more appropriate threads. From personal experience, I was back in CO this past weekend. My canopy (Sabre 150) was fast as fcuk up there w/o me trying to speed it up. -C.
  6. All due respect, man...I'm gonna stand w/ PilotDave and Frency68 (Nick, you jump w/ Mike B, right?) on this one. Frenchy68: Sorry, dude, but you sound like me...and at 50 jumps... That outright scares the shit out of me and I'm certain a few other people around here. Now, I don't want to read this out of context, but "progressively lower w/ my 90 degree riser landings"...well, that just sounds to me like you're lowering your set-up point. Care to guess that that's probably not the way you should be going about it? I'm not going to tell you what is the way to go about it, because frankly, I'm not qualified to do that. I'll just tell you that there are other, more efficient and safe ways to do it. I can also tell you that if you continue on the path that you're on, you're likely to end up in the corner like I did. You might not be as lucky to make it back to the DZ on crutches that night to fill out your own incident report, talking to friends who are eyeing you in disbelief when you tell them that you didn't break anything. You know how experience comes from bad judgement? Well, use mine instead of searching for your own. Now for the advice I will offer, should you choose to continue down this path so early on in your skydiving internship (you haven't begun your 'career', yet): 1.) Get Brian Germain's book: The Parachute and Its Pilot, available at 2.) Get proper, qualified coaching. 2a.) When they say wait a while and won't coach you until 'X' jumps. Listen to them, back off the HPLs for a while and go back when you really are ready. Learn from others' experience, it's a lot less painful. -C.
  7. Glad you had a great time, Peej. Hope to see you back here soon, or make a pilgrimage to SA, whichever. CD w/ pics from the trip is on its way. Take care and keep in touch, man. -C.
  8. Cause I'll be jumping tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday. Need to spend some time home with the pups for a bit since I've been travelling a bit, recently. Sorry to all of you w/ the shitty weather. -C.
  9. And the winner is... Canon Digital Rebel 6.3MegaPixel Just picked it up w/ a 512MB Compact Flash card, 18-55mm lens (standard). 75-300mm Canon lens is on order. Bravo to "The Little Guy". Shopped around online and then went out to see what I could find for instant gratification. Got a great deal on the camera itself (less than anything I found online or in the larger chain stores), plus the guy I dealt with threw in a 25% discount on memory, camera bag, wireless remote, a few miscellaneous accessories and then topped it off w/ a UV filter and PCMCIA CompactFlash adapter, both FREE. Oh, and for any SoCal people in the Orange County area, "The Little Guy" is Tustin Camera: 516 E. First Street Tustin, CA 714.544.0523 Thanks to everybody else for their recommendations, as well, but this seemed to be the best bang for my buck for now. -C.
  10. Damn, yeah... I'd looked at some of the pro combo digital/SLR cameras. Hot damn, can you say 'expensive'? I was prepared to spend that kind of dinero on the new Sony PC350 MiniDV, but not on a still image camera. Might end up reconsidering...we'll see. -C.
  11. Hey, all. I'm about to go shopping for a new camera. I'm not looking for one to fly, just looking for a good, overall camera. I had a 1971 Nikkormat 35mm SLR that I absolutely loved, but a few years back, the airlines took care of that for me. Can't beat the quality/convenience of digital these days, except for one thing... I'd like to be able to snap rapidly in order to get quick, sequential action shots. I don't know of a single digital camera out there that doesn't take too long between snaps. Seems everyone of them has too long of a delay for what I'm looking for. That being the case, I'm leaning towards an SLR. Are there any digital cameras that will give you the quality of 35mm and will also be able to take pictures as rapidly? Recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, -C.
  12. { { { { { V I B E S } } } } }
  13. Hope you feel better soon. That kind of injury sucks. Don't watch any comedy. Laughing makes it suck worse. -C.
  14. Well, the first part couldn't be further from the truth. -C.
  15. And the guy 29 years her senior told her, "Yeup. Feed it to your little brother." -C.
  16. That's great, man. Congratulations! -C.
  17. It's pretty geeky, but therefore damn cool, as far as I'm concerned. You will not find anything about it in the brochures at the monument, either. Enjoy, but don't ask me to reimburse your Metro fare if somehow you defy physics. -C.
  18. As Anvil said further up, the Brickskellar is not to be missed. Otherwise, a little-known-about monument on the north side of Constitution, between 21st and 19th (other side of Constitution from the Vietnam Memorial) is the Einstein Monument. It's a big, bronze statue of the man, himself, with the night sky spread out on the ground in front of him. Stand at the center, with your big toes on either side of the North Star and say something to Einstein. Then step even just an inch or two to either side of the North Star and say it again. You'll know why once you've been there and done it...that's all I'll say. -C.
  19. Envisioning your commercial... "But I thought you said there was good news?" "There is good news. I just saved $5500 a year by switching to 'Uninsured'." -C.
  20. And you're gonna FLY! Congrats, bro'. Have fun, be safe. -C.
  21. I know this is completely out of context, but the combination of the above response and sig line just about killed me. -C.