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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. QuoteI voted not since I started skydiving, but actually it's been 11 years since I quit wearing watches... /reply] I voted that too and put my watch in drawer years before I started to skydive. At first I used to take it of while I was working but then I realised I don't need it at all. Last sunday when I was about to start a marathon, I tried my watch on first time in some years, but didn't like the feeling and thought I just run the speed I feel comfortable (if anyone's interrested, my time was 5:27:42).
  2. Actually there's no proof of that we are here 'cos of evolution. You can't prove it. In all science, except math, you can only prove theories wrong, but you can't prove 'em right. God created us -theory will last as long as mankind, 'cos it's impossible to prove it wrong. Even if we could create life and would be able to humans by evolution in lab, that wouldn't prove that some god didn't create us. Of course I agree that evolution theory supports the evidence quite well, and it's the best theory we have now. But it's still only theory.
  3. I'm individualist. The ending should be "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". It's taken from Aleister Crowley's The Book Of The Law and it's one of the most misused lines ever. However I don't believe there's a True Will, so "do what you want" is my way to go.
  4. I'm not sure if you are serious about winning the war on terrorism, but I'll give my opinion as there are some people in this thread that support it just like the war on drugs. Only way to "win" war on terrorism or war on drugs is to kill every human on this planet. And like some have already pointed out, should be make skydiving illegal? We do skydive for the same reason we use different substances: to feel better/worse. With right drugs it would (atleast likely) be possible to create exactly same feeling you get from skydiving. Anything you do just mix the adrenalin/serotonin/dopamine/endorphin/etc balance on your body and that makes you feel different.
  5. You and the mouse in your pocket might feel that way, but I doubt strongly any European with an IQ over 85 sees average Americans like that. You are wrong. Many do. The Europeans tend to view Americans as isolationists and that they look down on the rest of the world. Of course, they are, wuite often correct. The deal in that picture (think I've already said it before) is that most Europeans laugh at that picture 'cos we know what nation has most overweight people per capita and what nation has most guns per capita. I have to disagree on that. I think Europeans are more openminded about collecting global information than Americans. Of course there are many Americans that know what's up in this planet, but average is again the key. I personally have thought about relocating in US to work, but after I started to think it seriously, I wasn't up to it. I like my freetime more than I like money (making more of it). In US I'd get paid 2-3 times more than I get in Finland, plus they tax me more over here. But we have 5 weeks annual holiday (I believe you have only 2), and I don't want to work more than 37,5 hours weekly (what I've understood it's more like 60 hours/week for IT-geek like me) And about the gun issue. I know many people think the problem is availability and the amount of guns, but like Michael Moore noticed in Bowling, the issue is the attitude of the gun owners. I think in Finland it's too much hassle to get a legal gun, and like the American way better (2-3 day for background check would be ok for me). However I think Europeans are more responsible as gun owners. We keep guns locked away from kids and don't carry 'em all the time. My cousin who lives in US is brilliant example of the reckless gun attitude Europeans think you have. After my father visited his place, he told this cousin keeps his loaded .357 on the kitchen table. And he has two small kids. Doesn't sound that clever. And when you say you need guns for self protection, 'cos the criminals have guns. But why does a criminal have a gun? He has to have it 'cos the person he/she is about to rob might have a hidden piece. And criminal has to have bigger gun to be more powerful than his/her victim. In Finland armed robberies are very rare and usually they are made with a knife and there's no real threat for victims health. I personally don't want to die for few euros I'm having with me, so if somebody threats me, I won't play hero and give my money. I don't remember who said this, but it's very good advice. "Never start a fight unless you are 100% sure that you'll win" Another example from US. Few years ago my cousin's cousin got shot during a robbery. Don't know if he tried to do something or not, but he got killed for less than 10$. I'm not a big fan of wellfare, but I guess that makes sure nobody's that desperate. It's not that black&white. We don't think there's everything wrong in US, but we see that there's something wrong and many Americans refuse to see their problems. Good example is freedom of speech. You say you have freedom of speech, but Europeans think you have quite alot censorship going on over there and you really are not that free most think. Also the arrogant foreign policy of Bush administration have made many people angry. I think the common man in Europe thinks that there are some things that are made right in America and some things that are made right in Europe, but nobody's doing everything right. I don't see myself as a common man, but that's the way I see it.
  6. Everything anybody says has to be questioned and examined.
  7. Bill, if that's an honest reporting of how "europeans" see us (and I don't think it is...), then yes, of course I don't care how they think of us. If someone honestly thinks that is the average american, then there is not a damned thing I can do to change their mind. I mean, really, Bill. Ciels- Michele You can't do anything alone, but as a nation there are ways to change that image. And anyone who isn't in coma should realize that picture isn't how we really see average American, but he/she should also understand it's based on certain facts (what Bill said).
  8. because you believe everything you read? because you haven't visited the US? because you are so good at stereotyping? Let me know when I'm getting warmer. It's so cold I'll help you. Because we have sense of humour? I find messing with stereotypes very funny. I can laugh at myself and quite often overdo stereotypes of metalheads just to amuse myself and those who got it.
  9. Saying that Michael Moore hates America doesn't make much sense to me. I think Michael Moore loves his country. He tries to show there's something wrong with America. First step to fix something is to see if it's broken. Some of you think that there's nothing wrong with the land of the free, but if you'd really look, you'd see. There's a reason we Europeans see average American like this:
  10. "The land of the free" I think that's ridicilous. I wonder what kind of trouble I would've had if we'd have dress codes in Finland.
  11. That is not a fact. It's only estimation that's close to the truth.
  12. Krav Maga: How to Defend Yourself Against Armed Assault Lots of pictures that make it easy fo figure out movements. Now I need someone to train with.
  13. Can I join? Give me enough money to spend rest of my life to scuba diving around the world and I'd be sold.
  14. Most people "mature" and loose their interrest in almighty death metal when they are 20-25. Meaning that their wives/girlfriends won't let 'em listen to music anymore. I know guys that ended up selling their metal collection, 'cos the boss said so. About the gigs. I usually go on my own, but Finnish metal scene is so small there's always people I know at the place.
  15. Metal (death, thrash, heavy, speed, grind, industrial, black...) Rock/Blues (Motörhead, JJ Cale, George Thorogood, Mötley Crüe, WASP...) Classical (Shostakovich, Sibelius, Beethoven... anything that has power, don't like the men-in-thights-baroque-stuff) 70's disco (best bass lines ever written)
  16. #48 (#26 current year) My graduation jump (now I'm happy Finnish C-license holder), first 2-way sitfly and first time being videoed in freefall. Learned that my arms were too relaxed and up and I was going very fast. I can keep stable sitfly position, but speed is probably one reason I can only keep stand up position for 1-2 seconds before I loose stability.
  17. I just saw it few weeks ago. Excellent movie. It's based on true story (supposed to be) of a ghetto near Rio. It's violent movie, but violence is what I've heard/read about living in Brazilian ghetto. More great non-American movies: Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma Pasolini's movie based on 120 Days of Sodom by Marquis de Sade. I really loved these two early Peter Jackson movies: Bad Taste & Meet The Feebles John Woo was the man before Hollywood spoiled him. The Killer is his best movie. Takashi Miike: Audition & Visitor Q
  18. Preachers have been repeating that mantra for thousands of years. Maybe this time they really are right... About the issue: Same sex marriage - Bad 12 hour heterosexual marriage - Good
  19. Now, that's not so much an "invention" a natural wonder of the world, don't you think? Somebody invented that you can eat that candy
  20. I think King is one of the best storytellers in the world. He can really use an idea and make it work. Dark Tower is brilliant. Barker has IMO better ideas, but he can't write that well or take his ideas to the max. Mix Barker's and King's DNA and we have a winner. Hellbound Heart (originally excellent idea, but overall just ok book) would be 2000 page masterpiece.
  21. This is from Kitee (Finland) Karhu bar's backstage before Viikate (Finnish band) played. I was on tour with the band for few days and wrote a story for Finnish rock/metal magazine. Band's drummer Simeoni Viikate on the front. Inside the tour bus.
  22. Carcass: Necroticism - Descanting The Insalubrious
  23. You guys have numbers for everything Can't do that on our DZ though. Our C-206 is grounded if it's -12C or colder.